WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie

Auteur Topic: WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie  (gelezen 65285 keer)

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  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #90 Gepost op: 18 augustus 2016, 13:25:16
Tijgermuggen ontdekt in woonwijk Veenendaal
In een woonwijk in Veenendaal zijn een aantal Aziatische tijgermuggen, die ziekten als het zikavirus kunnen overdragen, aangetroffen. lees verder


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #91 Gepost op: 18 augustus 2016, 21:43:02
Rode Kruis @RodeKruis
Let op! In ons land zijn nu ook #tijgermuggen, die  het zika-virus kunnen verspreiden. Lees wat te doen tegen #zika rodekru.is/1K144ud
7:57pm · 18 Aug 2016


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Reactie #92 Gepost op: 29 augustus 2016, 08:48:06
Singapore has confirmed 41 cases of locally-transmitted Zika virus, mostly among foreign construction workers, and says it expects more incidents to be identified.

All but seven of those infected had fully recovered, the country's health ministry and the National Environment Agency (NEA) said in a joint statement on Sunday.

The seven patients remained in hospital, the statement added.



  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #93 Gepost op: 1 september 2016, 22:29:17
Key updates
Countries and territories reporting mosquito-borne Zika virus infections for the first time in the past week:
British Virgin Islands and Singapore
Countries and territories reporting microcephaly and other central nervous system (CNS) malformations potentially associated with Zika virus infection for the first time in the past week: None
Countries and territories reporting Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) cases associated with Zika virus infection for the first time in the past week: None
Operational updates from the WHO Regional Office for the Americas:
WHO provided technical advice on the detection of and response to congenital syndromes, and the care of pregnant women and newborn children in the Dominican Republic.
The 2016 Summer Paralympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 7 to 18 September. WHO continues to provide technical support to the Ministry of Health to ensure the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games are as safe as possible for all athletes, volunteers, visitors and residents.
Genetic sequencing of Zika virus isolates from four samples collected in Guinea-Bissau has preliminarily identified that these are related to the African lineage of the virus.

72 countries and territories (Fig. 1, Table 1) have reported evidence of mosquito-borne Zika virus transmission since 2007 (69 with reports from 2015):
55 with a first reported outbreak from 2015 onward (Fig. 2, Table 1).
4 with having possible endemic transmission or evidence of local mosquito-borne Zika infections in 2016.
13 with evidence of local mosquito-borne Zika infections in or before 2015, but without documentation of cases in 2016, or with the outbreak terminated.
Since February 2016, 11 countries have reported evidence of person-to-person transmission of Zika virus (Table 2).
20 countries or territories have reported microcephaly and other CNS malformations potentially associated with Zika virus infection or suggestive of congenital infection (Table 3). 4 of the 20 countries reported microcephalic babies born from mothers in countries with no endemic Zika virus transmission but who reported recent travel history to Zika-affected countries.
Outcomes of pregnancies with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus in the United States of America:
16 total liveborn infants with birth defects
5 total pregnancy losses with birth defects
Outcomes of pregnancies with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus in territories of the United States of America:
1 total liveborn infant with birth defects
1 total pregnancy loss with birth defects
18 countries and territories have reported an increased incidence of GBS and/or laboratory confirmation of a Zika virus infection among GBS cases (Table 4).
In Guinea-Bissau, the gene sequencing results of the four confirmed Zika cases sent in July have preliminarily confirmed that the cases are of the African lineage, i.e., not the predominant global outbreak Asian lineage. The investigation of five reported cases of microcephaly is ongoing.
The 2016 Summer Paralympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 7 to 18 September. WHO, particularly through the Regional Office for the Americas, continues to provide technical support to the Ministry of Health to ensure the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games are as safe as possible for all athletes, volunteers, visitors and residents.

Zika virus, Microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome
Read the full situation report


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Reactie #94 Gepost op: 2 september 2016, 15:28:03
Reuters Health
BREAKING: WHO Emergency Committee has concerns about two Zika clusters in Florida, says U.S. is no exception to risk of spreading


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Reactie #95 Gepost op: 3 september 2016, 17:43:12
Malaysia reported its first locally transmitted Zika case on Saturday, a 61-year-old man who has died of heart-related complications, the government said.



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Reactie #96 Gepost op: 11 september 2016, 10:25:53
Twenty-one new cases of locally-transmitted Zika virus have been confirmed in central Bangkok, including a pregnant woman who later gave birth with no complications, Thailand's public health ministry said on Sunday.



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Reactie #97 Gepost op: 31 december 2016, 14:38:00
Zika-virus nog steeds ernstig gevaar

Gepubliceerd op 31 dec. 2016
Begin 2016 brak in Brazilië het Zika-virus uit. Een jaar later lijkt de aandacht voor de ziekte afgenomen. Toch maken artsen zich zorgen.
Samen sterk in de hulpverlening!


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Reactie #98 Gepost op: 11 januari 2017, 10:22:36
Lecture title: Zika Virus – An emerging challenge
Speaker: Dr Bruce Hamilton,
Director of Performance Health, High Performance Sport NZ
