Mercedes-Benz Sprinter A-ambulances

Auteur Topic: Mercedes-Benz Sprinter A-ambulances  (gelezen 910522 keer)

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Sam Wedel

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Reactie #2320 Gepost op: 16 april 2014, 19:01:35

Dienst: GGD Flevoland
Post: Almere
Roepnummer: 25-123
Soort voertuig: Ambulance
Merk & type: Mercedes-Benz Sprinter [Otaris]
Kenteken: 81-ZDG-6
Bijzonderheden: Dashboardflitser

Dienst: GGD Flevoland
Post: Almere
Roepnummer: 25-115
Soort voertuig: Ambulance
Merk & type: Mercedes-Benz Sprinter [Otaris]
Kenteken: 25-ZDH-5
Bijzonderheden: Dashboardflitser


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Reactie #2321 Gepost op: 16 april 2014, 19:50:40
I know the first number means the identification number of the RAV but what does the second number mean?

Like in example from the ambulance above: 25-115

25 is RAV

115 is then just ambulance identification number? Does it mean anything special? Why does it have 3 numbers in it? Does that mean that RAV already had 122 ambulances before it?


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  • Foto- en videograaf Den Haag, PPK-houder.
    • Haageneesch
Reactie #2322 Gepost op: 16 april 2014, 20:04:41
Negative: The "1xx" means that it is an ambulance (for medical help and transport), the x25 is the number (that means that there might be 24 other). Let me search the whole list of meanings.



The numbers 1 and 2 (12) means Regio 12, so Kennemerland.

3rd number means: (3rd, 4th and 5th between brackets)
1 - (101-199) Ambulances
2 - (201-299) Piket vehicles (vehicles in use by people in free-time, who can be called for duty, I don't know how to explain it right.)
3 - (301-309) Intensive Care
3 - (310-319) Babylance
3 - (320-329) Motorbike-ambulance
3 - (330-339) Militairy Ambulances
3 - (340-359) Rapid Response vehicles
3 - (380-389) Multiple-use vehicles: Vehicles for Rapid Response and OvD-G (Officer in charge-medical)
4 - (401-449) Basic Life Support (b-ambu's) Ambulances
5 - (501-599) Management, Logistics
6 - (601-649) International Ambulances
7 - (701-799) Practitioner (huisarts?)
8 - (801-819) GHOR OvD-G & CvD-G (Officer in charge-medical and Commander in charge-medical)
8 - (820-829) GHOR Ambulance-team (in situations of large ambulance employment, like crisis-situations)
8 - (830-839) GHOR SIGMA-team (in situations of large ambulance employment, like crisis-situations)
8 - (840-849) GHOR HS-GHOR (Management)
8 - (850-859) GHOR RGF (Regional Medical Functionaris)
8 - (860-869) GHOR Haakarmbak (vehicle)
8 - (870-879) GHOR Logistics
8 - (890-899) GHOR Connections-unit / Field-hospital-manager
9 - (901-989) MMT Ground-unit (Helicopter-medical team by vehicle)
9 - (990-999) MMT Helicopter (Helicopter-medical team by helicopter)


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Reactie #2323 Gepost op: 16 april 2014, 20:14:40
25-*** = region number (there are 25 ambulance region's in The Netherlands)
**-1** = its an emergency ambulance (A-ambulance)
**-*15 = is a follow up number

The radio name is ussualy 115 or 15.


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Reactie #2324 Gepost op: 16 april 2014, 21:33:51
Ah, I understand now. Thank you! :)

Could I get the link where you got the information, Haageneesch?


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  • Foto- en videograaf Den Haag, PPK-houder.
    • Haageneesch
Reactie #2325 Gepost op: 16 april 2014, 23:10:40
Citaat van: Moshi link=msg=1259045 date=1397676831
Ah, I understand now. Thank you! :)

Could I get the link where you got the information, Haageneesch?

Unfortunately.. it is in Dutch only. But I hope my "krakkemikkige" translation is understandable for you.

mark hes

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Reactie #2326 Gepost op: 16 april 2014, 23:18:36
Citaat van: Moshi link=msg=1259005 date=1397670640
I know the first number means the identification number of the RAV but what does the second number mean?
115 is then just ambulance identification number? Does it mean anything special? Why does it have 3 numbers in it? Does that mean that RAV already had 122 ambulances before it?
Maybe this one wil help to  ;) a more simpel version but this time with al the RAV regions

R.A.V. algemeen
Opbouw roepnummers hulpverleningsvoertuigen
First two numbers:
01  RAV Groningen
02  RAV Friesland
03  RAV Drenthe
04  RAV IJssel Vecht
05  RAV Twente
06  RAV Noord-Oost Gelderland
07  RAV Gelderland Midden
08  RAV Gelderland-Zuid
09  RAV Utrecht
10  RAV Noord-Holland Noord
11  RAV Amsterdam
12  RAV Kennemerland
13  RAV Gooi-en Vechtstreek   
14  RAV Haaglanden
15  RAV Hollands Midden
16  RAV Rijnmond
17  RAV Rijnmond
18  RAV Zuid-Holland Zuid
19  RAV Zeeland
20  RAV Midden en West Brabant
21  RAV Brabant Noord
22  RAV Brabant Zuid
23  RAV Noord-en Midden Limburg
24  RAV Zuid-Limburg
25  RAV Flevoland

The 3rd number is the type of vehicle
1 = Ambulance
2 = Piketvoertuig
3 = Spec.ambulance of motor
4 = Hulpambulance
5 = Staf, directie & logistiek
6 = Internationale ambulance
7 = Huisartsen
8 = GHOR
9 = MMT
And the last two numbers are vehicle numbers

De vorige uitleg had ik overigens nog nooit gezien, ik wist niet dat er nog zoveel verschillende functies in de derde categorie waren.


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Reactie #2327 Gepost op: 16 april 2014, 23:46:21
Thanks both of you!!!!  8)

It's a lot more clearer now.

I do not understand when a Piketvoertuig would be used. I googled it, it's a normal car like a rapid responder/huisarts car. So what's the point of it? Haageneesch said pick up vehicles, so for example if an urgent need for more drivers and ambulance nurses arises and and instead of them driving with their own cars someone comes to pick them up with flashing lights and sirens? Is that correct?


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  • Foto- en videograaf Den Haag, PPK-houder.
    • Haageneesch
Reactie #2328 Gepost op: 17 april 2014, 00:34:06
Citaat van: Moshi link=msg=1259087 date=1397684781
I do not understand when a Piketvoertuig would be used. I googled it, it's a normal car like a rapid responder/huisarts car. So what's the point of it? Haageneesch said pick up vehicles, so for example if an urgent need for more drivers and ambulance nurses arises and and instead of them driving with their own cars someone comes to pick them up with flashing lights and sirens? Is that correct?
You are testing my english... here it comes.

Some people working at the Firebrigade, Ambulance-services or Police-station have more functions than desk-work, or might be called away from home for not-planned duty. Those people have a 'piketvoertuig'. So when ever the need arises they can use a vehicle equipped with lights and siren (blues and two's :)) to go to the incident-scene or the 999-station.

Yes, it can be like a Rapid Responder or Huisarts car; but most of al it is a common vehicle in the colors and striping of the emergency-organisation (white for police, red for fire and yellow for medics). Some (police) piket vehicles are unmarked, because (you might imagine) those cars are a liked target for some civilians with rocks, knives or sticks. Those vehicles are equipped with sirens, but have a blue light on magnet, so people don't recognise the car as being police property.


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Reactie #2329 Gepost op: 17 april 2014, 00:49:11
I see! Thanks for the explanation! Love ya!  :-*

Nothing wrong with your english by the way.  O0