I know the first number means the identification number of the RAV but what does the second number mean?
115 is then just ambulance identification number? Does it mean anything special? Why does it have 3 numbers in it? Does that mean that RAV already had 122 ambulances before it?
Maybe this one wil help to

a more simpel version but this time with al the RAV regions
R.A.V. algemeen
Opbouw roepnummers hulpverleningsvoertuigen
First two numbers:
01 RAV Groningen
02 RAV Friesland
03 RAV Drenthe
04 RAV IJssel Vecht
05 RAV Twente
06 RAV Noord-Oost Gelderland
07 RAV Gelderland Midden
08 RAV Gelderland-Zuid
09 RAV Utrecht
10 RAV Noord-Holland Noord
11 RAV Amsterdam
12 RAV Kennemerland
13 RAV Gooi-en Vechtstreek
14 RAV Haaglanden
15 RAV Hollands Midden
16 RAV Rijnmond
17 RAV Rijnmond
18 RAV Zuid-Holland Zuid
19 RAV Zeeland
20 RAV Midden en West Brabant
21 RAV Brabant Noord
22 RAV Brabant Zuid
23 RAV Noord-en Midden Limburg
24 RAV Zuid-Limburg
25 RAV Flevoland
The 3rd number is the type of vehicle1 = Ambulance
2 = Piketvoertuig
3 = Spec.ambulance of motor
4 = Hulpambulance
5 = Staf, directie & logistiek
6 = Internationale ambulance
7 = Huisartsen
8 = GHOR
9 = MMT
And the last two numbers are vehicle numbersDe vorige uitleg had ik overigens nog nooit gezien, ik wist niet dat er nog zoveel verschillende functies in de derde categorie waren.