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The Netherlands
J. In or about June 200 i, BISTRONG and Products Consultant B, using a
third-part intermediary (the "Dutch Agent"), caused the Products Group to bid on a tender
issued by the National Police Services Agency of the Netherlands ("KLPD") for the supply to the
KLPD of pepper spray.
k. Prior to the tender of the pepper spray contract, a City of Rotterdam police
officer working on procurement matters for the KLPD (the "Dutch Procurement Officer")
provided the Dutch Agent, Products Consultant ß, and mSTRONG with confidential, non-public
KLPD information regarding the specifications of the pepper spray tender.
i. At the request of Products Consultant B and the Dutch Agent, the
Dutch Procurement Officer used his infuence within the KLPD to cause the KLPD to issue a
tender specifying a specific type of pepper spray manufactured by Company A and no other
bidder, as opposed to an alternate tye the KLPD was considering, which was manufactured by a
competitor but not by Company A
m. In or about February 2002, the KLPD awarded Company A the pepper
spray contract, resulting in approximately $2.4 nullon in revenue for Company A and a total net
profit for Company A of approximately $480,000.
n. In or about 2003, BISTRONG and Products Consultant R agreed with the
Dutch Agent that the Dutch Agent, in order to pay the Dutch Procurement Offcer for his
assistance in tailoring the specifications on the pepper spray tender to tàvor Company A, would
issue an invoice to Company A for marketing services allegedly, but not actually, performed by
the Dutch Agent. At the time, BISTRONG, Products Consultant B, and the Dutch Agent knew
that Company A would pay the invoiced amount to the Dutch Agent a
nd that the Dutch Agentwould then
pass some or all of that money to the Dutch Procurement Officer.
o. In or about 2003, BISTRONG and Products Consultant B caused
Company A to pay the Dutch Agent approximately $15,000 based on an invoice for marketing
services knowing that the Dutch agent would then pass some or all of that money to the Dutch
Procurement Officer.