Several questions concerning Water Management / Informatie over Water Management in Nederland

Auteur Topic: Several questions concerning Water Management / Informatie over Water Management in Nederland  (gelezen 26109 keer)

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Citaat van: robbey91 link=msg=1186022 date=1374752849
Yes this are also useful informations :) Thank you...

I remember to sea these yellow Pick ups with the stripes driving on the Beach in Zeeland when I was a child.
What is the function of these cars ? Do they control the Beach and Dunes ?
yes they inspect the dunes if it still safety.. they also inspect the highway's and roads.
Hoofdagent Eenheid Rotterdam. mag ik je pasfoto? ik spaar natuurrampen.


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Citaat van: MisterQ link=msg=1186028 date=1374753557
yes they inspect the dunes if it still safety.. they also inspect the highway's and roads.

Here is a link also with information about the education for water management. There are several educations in this field.
Hoofdagent Eenheid Rotterdam. mag ik je pasfoto? ik spaar natuurrampen.

Lt. Col. Me

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Münster, a familiar place :) Many German students from the Münster area are studying at the University of Twente, especially since the train connection is quite okay. Anyway, you should pick the study you are excited about, I'm not willing to persuade you in any way. :)

Good luck with your study, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!  O0
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -- Winston Churchill


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The car is from Waterschap Zeeuwse Eilanden.
You can check the photo's on their Hyves.


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Citaat van: Sylvester link=msg=1186034 date=1374754327
The car is from Waterschap Zeeuwse Eilanden.
You can check the photo's on their Hyves.

Jemig Sylvester ik hard nadenk waar die auto van kan zijn slapeloze nacht gehad... want ik wou het ook weten. En kom je nu mee :D nee hoor. Gelukkig is het antwoord daar 98uiye
Hoofdagent Eenheid Rotterdam. mag ik je pasfoto? ik spaar natuurrampen.


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Rewind schreef:
Citaat van: Rewind link=msg=1185879 date=1374700734
For the Dutch vehicle-enthousiasts: Is it possible that the shown vehicle is a Nissan Terrano II from "Waterschap Zeeuwse Eilanden"? I recall the striping being seen in Zeeland a few years back.
Waarop ik dacht, eens googlen op afbeeldingen :P


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Ik wilde het ook per sé weten: >1 uur gegoogeld op allerlei waterschappen/Isuzu/Nissan.
@Sylvester: thanks for the confirmation on the vehicle, now I will have a better night sleep!

@Lt. Col. Me: very nice summaries on Waterschap and Rijkswaterstaat, also for a Dutch person nice to read.

Citaat van: robbey91 link=msg=1186013 date=1374751454
...Seems like the Netherland are a very structured and well organiced Country in the field of Water and Coastal Managemend.
But like you say I think they have to be :) ...
@robbey91: Even our King made "Watermanagement" his specialty, see German wiki , scroll to "Tätigkeit und offizielle Pflichten als Thronfolger"


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Citaat van: Sylvester link=msg=1186034 date=1374754327
The car is from Waterschap Zeeuwse Eilanden.
You can check the photo's on their Hyves.

tegenwoordig waterschap Scheldestromen en op twitter: @waterschap
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