De ERC zegt er ondermeer dit over:
CPR before defibrillationImmediate defibrillation, as soon as an AED becomes available, has always been a key element in guidelines and teaching, and considered of paramount importance for survival from ventricular fibrillation. This concept has been challenged because evidence suggests that a period of chest compression before defibrillation may improve survival when the time between calling for the ambulance and its arrival exceeds 5 min.
One study did not confirm this benefit, but the weight of evidence supports a period of CPR for victims of prolonged cardiac arrest before defibrillation.
Consensus on science. In a before—after study (LOE 4) and a randomised trial (LOE 2),1.5—3 min of CPR by paramedics or EMS physicians before attempted defibrillation improved return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and survival rates for adults with out-of-hospital VF or VT when the response interval (ambulance dispatch to arrival) and time to defibrillation was ≥4—5 min.
This contrasts with the results of another trial in adults with out-of-hospital VF or VT, in which 1.5 min of paramedic CPR before defibrillation did not improve ROSC or survival to hospital discharge (LOE 2).16 In animal studies of VF lasting ≥5 min, CPR (often with administration of adrenaline (epinephrine)) before defibrillation improved haemodynamics and survival rates (LOE 6).
Treatment recommendation. A 1.5- to 3-min period of CPR before attempting defibrillation may be considered in adults with out-of-hospital VF or pulseless VT and EMS response (call to arrival) intervals
>4—5 min. There is no evidence to support or refute the use of CPR before defibrillation for inhospital cardiac arrest.
Stiell IG, Wells GA, Field BJ, et al.
Improved out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival through the inexpensive optimization of an existing defibrillation program:
OPALS study phase II. Ontario Prehospital Advanced Life Support. JAMA
Wik L, Hansen TB, Fylling F, et al.
Delaying defibrillation to give basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation to patients with out-of-hospital ventricular fibrillation: a randomized trial.
JAMA 2003;289:1389—95.
Eftestol T, Wik L, Sunde K, Steen PA.
Effects of cardiopulmonary resuscitation on predictors of ventricular fibrillation defibrillation success during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Circulation 2004;110:10—5.