Acute zorg nieuwtjes

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Reactie #290 Gepost op: 26 januari 2016, 11:47:12
A 24/7 burden

No matter what time of day, or day of the week, NEAS receives alcohol-related call outs. The survey revealed that:

o One in 10 paramedics stated that at least 50% of their workload on weekdays is alcohol-related.
o A quarter of paramedics stated that at least 50% of their workload on weekday night times is alcohol related.
o Two-thirds of paramedics stated that alcohol-related incidences account for at least 50% of their workload during weekend evening shifts.

Frustration sets in when intoxicated patients are given the same priority as those suffering from serious life threatening conditions such as a heart attack or stroke.

“An incident that stands out for me was being called to an emergency in Newcastle for a male who had chest pain at home in the city centre. We were almost on scene when we were diverted to another call of someone collapsed on the other side of the town. This patient was lying in the middle of the road, drunk and abusive. We took him up to hospital to sober up and saw another crew coming in with a patient in cardiac arrest. I realised this was the patient we were sent to originally. The patient had arrested in the ambulance and did not survive.”

Female paramedic, more than 10 years of service

When callouts are broken down into incident types, it is clear that alcohol plays a huge part in cases of violence. The survey revealed that:
o 88% of paramedics stated that at least half of assault callouts were alcohol related.
o 64% of paramedics said at least 75% of assault callouts are alcohol-related.
o 73% of paramedics stated that at least half of domestic violence callouts were alcohol related.

The majority of paramedics feel that they should not be responsible for dealing with drunken patients. Alcohol adds to the daily workload, placing stress and strain on resources and the paramedics themselves. The survey revealed that:
o 59% of paramedics said they shouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption.
o Only 12% agreed that dealing with excessive alcohol consumption should be part of their role.
o 92% of the paramedics surveyed 'strongly agreed' or ‘agreed’ that dealing with alcohol related callouts places an unnecessary burden on their time and resources.

Paramedics regularly face the threat of injury and physical assault from drunken patients and the public. The threat of assault often turns into a reality, with paramedics feeling at greatest risk in private residences, town and city centres and inside their own ambulances. The survey revealed that:
o 94% of paramedics have received at least one threat during their career from an intoxicated person.
o 46% have been threatened six or more times by an intoxicated person.
o 54% of males and 33% of females have been threatened six or more times by an intoxicated person.
o 47% of paramedics have been physically assaulted while on duty by an intoxicated person.
o 42% of paramedics have been sexually assaulted/harassed by an intoxicated person.
o 30% of male and 63% of female paramedics have been sexually assaulted/harassed while on duty.
o 44% of paramedics stated private homes to be the most risky location for them whilst on duty.

Bron: Paying the price: North East Ambulance Service Paramedic Survey 2015


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #291 Gepost op: 3 februari 2016, 21:55:55
Het Erasmus MC in Rotterdam heeft deze week twee operaties moeten uitstellen omdat er veel mensen met zware griep zijn opgenomen. Sommige grieppatiënten zijn er zo slecht aan toe dat ze aangesloten moeten worden op hart-longmachines op de Intensive Care. Die afdeling loopt daarom snel vol.


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #292 Gepost op: 5 februari 2016, 08:24:27


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Reactie #293 Gepost op: 9 februari 2016, 05:33:04
Background: Tracheal intubation is a procedure that is often performed in the ED on patients in critical condition. Because of this, there is the potential for complications such as hypoxemia, hypotension, dysrhythmias, aspiration, and cardiac arrest. Apneic Oxygenation (ApOx) is a concept first explored decades ago in the anesthesia literature and more recently, has gained acceptance in the ED.

Joffry Ambu-Vpk

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  • Ambulanceverpleegkundige
Reactie #294 Gepost op: 9 februari 2016, 13:26:11
Citaat van: oma link=msg=1405166 date=1454992384

Ik ken geen SEH of traumacentrum waar dit wordt gepractiseerd...
HBO-V, ACLS, IC, SOSA, PHTLS, PALS, LOV. PO AMLS en nog wat andere semi-interessante afkortingen. Ambulanceverpleegkundige instructeur (P)BLS AED, rod


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Reactie #295 Gepost op: 9 februari 2016, 13:47:53
Citaat van: Joffry Ambu-Vpk link=msg=1405213 date=1455020771
Ik ken geen SEH of traumacentrum waar dit wordt gepractiseerd...

Ken je ze wel waar sat onder de 90 dondert als de dokter er een tube in schuift?


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Reactie #296 Gepost op: 8 april 2016, 05:45:35
WILLEMSTAD - Een deel van het Cathlab op het terrein van Sehos is gistermiddag ingestort. Dat gebeurde bij graafwerkzaamheden net naast het gebouw.


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #297 Gepost op: 16 april 2016, 17:37:26
Het Parool @parool
Het OLVG luidt de noodklok over de overlast van alcoholgebruikers op de Spoedeisende Hulp
7:19am · 16 Apr 2016


  • docent Zorg & Welzijn
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Reactie #298 Gepost op: 24 april 2016, 11:41:01
"Plassen in de wachtkamer, braken in de behandelkamer en agressie tegen zorgverleners. Artsen zijn klaar met dronken patiënten die 's nachts op de eerste hulp in ziekenhuizen belanden en daar voor overlast zorgen."

lees verder:
Al mijn bijdragen zijn op persoonlijke titel.


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
  • Senior gebruiker
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Nieuwe Kwaliteitsstandaard Organisatie van Intensive Care richt zich op kwaliteitsverbetering door samenwerking


Door intensiever regionaal samen te werken zal de nieuwe kwaliteitsstandaard voor de organisatie van intensive care (IC) de kwaliteit voor de patiënt verder verbeteren. De Adviescommissie Kwaliteit (ACK) van het Zorginstituut heeft de regie op de ontwikkeling van deze kwaliteitsstandaard overgenomen toen de betrokken veldpartijen er vorig jaar niet uitkwamen. Na vaststelling door de ACK wordt de standaard in het wettelijk Register van het Zorginstituut geplaatst.