Terreurdreiging Nederland en Europa

Auteur Topic: Terreurdreiging Nederland en Europa  (gelezen 328762 keer)

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Reactie #610 Gepost op: 1 augustus 2016, 10:40:17
,,Dit houden we niet heel lang meer vol", zegt Ton de Zeeuw, voorzitter van de Marechausseevereniging. ,,De werkdruk is enorm en er is te weinig personeel. De grote operatie op Schiphol gaat ten koste van beveiligingstaken elders."



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Reactie #611 Gepost op: 1 augustus 2016, 11:59:01
Ik snap dat gedoe met die Nederlandse familie echt niet. Alsof die ene foto aangeeft dat alleen blanke Nederlanders worden gecontroleerd en de eventuele moslim extremist zo kan doorrijden. Men maakt er een karikatuur van.
Het is juist een sterk signaal binnen onze maatschappij. De foto zorgt ervoor dat iedere discussie over racisme of discriminatie al de kop wordt ingedrukt alvorens deze begonnen is. Iedereen die de racismekaart trekt kan je direct deze foto onder de neus schuiven.
Zou het anders moeten? Ja. Maar je staat ook als KMar midden in de samenleving en je zal moeten dealen met de zaken die in die samenleving spelen. Natuurlijk zou je ook alleen de doelgroep kunnen controleren en op opmerkingen over discriminatie heel stoer roepen dat mensen niet moeten zeiken, maar zo werkt het niet in het socialistische Nederland.


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Reactie #612 Gepost op: 1 augustus 2016, 13:07:44
Citaat van: oma link=msg=1439922 date=1470040817

We moeten in Nederland snel wennen aan de situatie dat overkill niet meer haalbaar is en ook niet wenselijk.Het kan allemaal niet op,echter binnen een paar dagen is de rek er al snel uit,als er ooit een grote ramp zou komen is Leiden op verschillende fronten in last.


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Reactie #613 Gepost op: 1 augustus 2016, 17:45:53
A paranoid schizophrenic knifeman who tried to behead a commuter in a London Underground station in an Islamic State-inspired attack was sentenced to life behind bars on Monday.

Somali-born Muhaydin Mire, 30, said during the rampage that he was doing it "for my Syrian brothers", while a bystander shouted at him "You ain't no Muslim, bruv" -- a phrase that went viral online.



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Reactie #614 Gepost op: 1 augustus 2016, 20:02:14
Citaat van: Sven82 link=msg=1439942 date=1470045541
Ik snap dat gedoe met die Nederlandse familie echt niet. Alsof die ene foto aangeeft dat alleen blanke Nederlanders worden gecontroleerd en de eventuele moslim extremist zo kan doorrijden. Men maakt er een karikatuur van.
Het is juist een sterk signaal binnen onze maatschappij. De foto zorgt ervoor dat iedere discussie over racisme of discriminatie al de kop wordt ingedrukt alvorens deze begonnen is. Iedereen die de racismekaart trekt kan je direct deze foto onder de neus schuiven.
Zou het anders moeten? Ja. Maar je staat ook als KMar midden in de samenleving en je zal moeten dealen met de zaken die in die samenleving spelen. Natuurlijk zou je ook alleen de doelgroep kunnen controleren en op opmerkingen over discriminatie heel stoer roepen dat mensen niet moeten zeiken, maar zo werkt het niet in het socialistische Nederland.

Dankjewel! Helemaal mee eens


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Reactie #615 Gepost op: 1 augustus 2016, 22:25:52
'Begrip voor extra maatregelen Schiphol neemt snel af'

Lees verder op: http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nederland/begrip-voor-extra-maatregelen-schiphol-neemt-snel-af

Om je een lange leestijd te besparen: Men heeft een of andere deskundige een microfoon onder de neus geschoven en die doet een aantal uitspraken.

Dit is naar mijn mening eerder stemmingmakerij en "schrijven om te schrijven" in plaats van echt nieuws te verkondigen.


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Reactie #616 Gepost op: 3 augustus 2016, 12:50:08
BBC Radio London  @BBCRadioLondon
"I hope the public are reassured": @metpoliceuk Commissioner on the 600 additional armed officers now being deployed

These are the new heavily armed police officers who will keep London's streets safe from terror attacks.

The heavily armed officers are part of a new wave of 600 highly trained marksmen deployed onto the streets of the capital today.


More armed police on London streets, say Met chief and mayor

More armed police will be seen on London's streets from now on, Metropolitan Police commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe and Mayor of London Sadiq Khan have said.

Sir Bernard said there would be more armed officers at well-known landmarks following terrorist attacks in Europe.

He said the aim was to reassure the public and deter would-be attackers.

The Met has already announced it will increase the number of armed officers by 600, bringing the total to 2,800.



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Reactie #617 Gepost op: 3 augustus 2016, 14:34:14
Commander Matt Twist  @MattTwistMPS
Have been explaining how our CTSFO response can get anywhere quickly in London in cars, boats or bikes!  

Metropolitan Police  @metpoliceuk
Our CT Specialist Firearms Officers are trained to the highest level to keep #London safe and confront threats


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Reactie #618 Gepost op: 3 augustus 2016, 14:38:06

The Commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe and the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan have today announced the start of Operation Hercules in which additional firearms officers will be deployed in visible roles in the capital.

Hercules is part of the Met’s commitment to delivering extra armed officers to protect London against the threat of terrorism. The Mayor has welcomed the Commissioner's increase of 600 additional firearms officers to protect London against any attack. The first are now fully trained and operationally ready.

The public will see more armed officers, working alongside their neighbourhood and specialist colleagues, on proactive operations and targeted patrols, both on foot and in vehicles, across London.

Commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, said:

“Anyone who's been following events in Europe over the past few weeks will understand why we want to show our determination to protect the public. We are deadly serious about the protection that we are offering the people of London and we will never be complacent.

“That's why I’m increasing the visibility and the number of armed officers on London's streets, and demonstrating some of the range of tactics we already have to protect the public from all manner of threats.

“I want the public to know that we have substantial resources and a range of tactics that we can call on to protect them.

“The reality of having to deal with armed and deadly attackers is that you need firearms officers who will use force to stop those attackers in their aim. Our firearms officers are the ones who will run towards the danger. They are our heroes.

“Despite the fact they are carrying guns they are still police officers and I want the public to approach and talk to them, they are out on our streets to reassure and help the public.

“Equally important in how we protect our capital is the relationship that our mainly unarmed officers have built with communities over many years. Our communities are a vital source of information and if you have fears or concerns then we want to know.”

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: "The safety and security of all Londoners is my first priority, and our police and security services are working incredibly hard every day on our behalf.

"‎The threat level here in London has not changed, but it does remain at severe and especially in light of recent deadly attacks in Europe it is important we are prepared should the unthinkable happen.

"We will see more armed officers on our streets, but there is no reason to be alarmed. All of our police officers are playing their part and working closely with all of our communities to prevent the possibility of an attack.

"That is why we are returning to real neighbourhood policing with a second dedicated PC in every London ward by the end of next year, to be the eyes and ears of our security services and build trust in our communities.

‎"Our armed response teams do a very difficult job. They put their own lives at risk every day and are at the front line of protection for Londoners across our city."

The Met will continue to do everything possible to protect the capital not just through the use of armed officers but the ongoing work by specialist detectives in the counter terrorism command; working with partner agencies and gathering community intelligence.

The operation is not based on any specific intelligence but is a long term response to best use the increasing number of armed officers the Met has to make London as hostile an environment as possible for any would-be attacker. That means the locations, types of tactics and the numbers of officers deployed at once will continually change to be most effective and avoid predictability.



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Reactie #619 Gepost op: 3 augustus 2016, 17:52:35
Motorrijders kun je in de City wel gebruiken.