Terreurdreiging Nederland en Europa

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Reactie #730 Gepost op: 21 november 2016, 23:59:44
Aanslag in Frankrijk voorkomen, zeven mensen opgepakt
21 november 2016 12:02

Met de arrestatie van zeven personen afgelopen weekend hebben de Franse autoriteiten een terreuraanslag verijdeld.

Vier mensen werden aangehouden in Straatsburg, twee in Marseille en één in een ander land, maakte de Franse minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Bernard Cazeneuve bekend.

Lees verder op: http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/buitenland/aanslag-in-frankrijk-voorkomen-zeven-mensen-opgepakt
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Reactie #731 Gepost op: 24 november 2016, 15:42:54
'Terreurverdachten Frankrijk planden aanslagen in Parijs'

Gepubliceerd: 24 november 2016 13:41
Laatste update: 24 november 2016 14:23
Vijf terreurverdachten die vorig weekeinde in Frankrijk werden opgepakt, hadden plannen om op 1 december aanslagen te plegen in en rond Parijs.
Ze hadden onder meer het hoofdkantoor van de Franse binnenlandse veiligheidsdienst in Levallois-Perret, het hoofdbureau van de recherche, een gerechtsgebouw en de Champs-Elysées in Parijs en Disneyland in Marne-la-Vallée op het oog, meldden bronnen bij de politie.

De doelwitten en de geplande datum werden achterhaald op basis van informatie die werd aangetroffen op een smartphone. Zondag werden zeven verdachten opgepakt in Straatsburg en Marseille en een in een ander land. Twee van hen werden woensdag vrijgelaten.

lees verder: http://www.nu.nl/terreur-in-europa/4355724/terreurverdachten-frankrijk-planden-aanslagen-in-parijs.html

'Twee verdachten verijdelde terreuraanslag Frankrijk vrijgelaten

Frankrijk verijdelt terreuraanslag met arrestatie zeven verdachten
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Reactie #732 Gepost op: 25 november 2016, 21:09:24
Terreurverdachte Ramona S. op vrije voeten


Terreurverdachte Ramona S. komt op vrije voeten. De raadkamer van de rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant heeft het verzoek van het OM om haar langer vast te houden afgewezen.

De vrouw uit Maastricht zou in Nederland zijn bekeerd tot de islam en zijn geradicaliseerd. Ze zou drie keer naar IS-gebied in Syrië zijn gegaan.
S. werd in september opgepakt in Belgrado. Twee weken geleden leverde Servië haar uit aan Nederland.

De vrouw blijft verdachte, maar ze mag haar proces in vrijheid afwachten. Het OM vindt dat zij moet worden aangemerkt als lid van een terroristische organisatie.

De raadkamer oordeelt "dat er thans onvoldoende ernstige bezwaren bestaan ten aanzien van deze verdenking" en dat ze daarom wordt vrijgelaten. Meer wil de rechtbank er niet over zeggen.
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Reactie #733 Gepost op: 25 november 2016, 21:12:28
Terreurverdachten die aanslag planden in Frankrijk kregen hulp van IS

Gepubliceerd: 25 november 2016 12:32
Laatste update: 25 november 2016 15:09
De vijf terreurverdachten die een aanslag wilden plegen in Frankrijk op 1 december kregen aanwijzingen van Islamitische Staat (IS) via versleutelde berichten.
Dat heeft de Franse openbare aanklager vrijdag gezegd tijdens een persconferentie. De vijf, vier Fransen en één Marokkaan, waren volgens de autoriteiten de fase van voorbereiding al voorbij. "Ze zochten alleen nog doelwitten."

De aanwijzingen van Islamitische Staat kwamen volgens de aanklager uit de regio Syrië-Irak. Er werd "heel duidelijk trouw gezworen" aan IS op verschillende geschriften die zijn onderzocht. "Een 'commandoteam' in Straatsburg en een man die is aangehouden in Marseille kregen instructies om wapens aan te schaffen."

lees verder: http://www.nu.nl/terreur-in-europa/4356225/terreurverdachten-aanslag-planden-in-frankrijk-kregen-hulp-van.html

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'Terreurverdachten Frankrijk planden aanslagen in Parijs'

'Twee verdachten verijdelde terreuraanslag Frankrijk vrijgelaten

Frankrijk verijdelt terreuraanslag met arrestatie zeven verdachten
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Reactie #734 Gepost op: 28 november 2016, 20:44:26
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Reactie #735 Gepost op: 29 november 2016, 23:22:24
Duitse moslimbekeerling opgepakt bij veiligheidsdienst


In Duitsland is een radicaal-islamitische man ontmaskerd bij de binnenlandse veiligheidsdienst BfV. Het gaat om een man van 51 met een Duits paspoort. Hij ging dit jaar aan de slag bij de dienst, meldt Der Spiegel.

Zijn doel was om een bomaanslag te plegen op het hoofdkantoor van de BfV in Keulen, schrijft het blad. Ook probeerde hij online geheimen te verkopen en publiceerde hij radicale commentaren op internet.

De man heeft volgens Die Welt een gedeeltelijke bekentenis afgelegd. De BfV bevestigt zijn arrestatie, maar zegt niets over plannen voor een aanslag.

De man werd in april bij de BfV aangenomen om verdachte personen in de islamitische gemeenschap op te sporen, maar hij hield er een dubbelleven op na.

lees verder: http://nos.nl/artikel/2145694-duitse-moslimbekeerling-opgepakt-bij-veiligheidsdienst.html
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Reactie #736 Gepost op: 2 december 2016, 08:08:55
Multi-agency training exercise concludes

[Image taken from Day One of the training exercise]

A three-day, live-play exercise to test the response of police, military and other partners to a terrorist attack has concluded.

More than 500 staff and officers from a variety of agencies took part in Exercise Treblerope, which was five months in the planning and took place from Monday, 28 to Wednesday, 30 November.

Day One saw first responders from the emergency services put through their paces as they responded to a staged marauding terrorist firearms attack at a mall on the Canary Wharf Estate, between 23:00hrs and 05:00hrs. Their job was to detain the suspects, manage the scene, protect the public and rescue the wounded.

On Tuesday, 29 November, specialist counter terrorism officers tested their ability to track down outstanding suspects. A covert phase of the exercise which took place at The Royal Mint in Tower Hamlets and a disused site at St George's Hospital in Hornchurch between 11:00hrs to 22:00hrs.

On Day Three, officers were tested on their ability to resolve a siege scenario, which was played out at the Met’s training centre at Hendon between 12:00hrs and 00:00hrs.

Exercise Treblerope was part of the series of exercises held regularly, across the country, under the Government's rolling programme of national counter terrorism exercises. It was not in response to any specific threat or intelligence regarding the locations it took place in.

Commander Dean Haydon, of the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, said: "Exercises like this are a really important way to ensure that our multi-agency plans to respond to a terrorist attack are as good as they can be.

"During live play we test our tactical response to terrorists with firearms and how we work together in practice. The exercise was focused on the extreme end of scenarios, following attacks elsewhere in the world, but I'd like to stress it was not carried out in response to any specific intelligence.

"The public may have seen extra police and military personnel in some areas and may have heard some noise from firearms being used during the course of the exercise at the Canary Wharf Estate and Hendon but there was absolutely no risk to the public.

"Every effort was made to minimise disruption and I thank the public for their patience. I am also extremely grateful for all the support we received from our partners, those whose premises we used to carry out the exercise, and the many businesses in the surrounding areas.

"I am really happy with how the exercise went - I witnessed first-hand the professional response of our emergency services. Our next step is to carry out a debrief with our partners to ensure that we capture any learning from the exercise and incorporate this into our tactical plans."



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Reactie #737 Gepost op: 2 december 2016, 23:59:24
Europol: IS beraamt nieuwe aanslagen op Europa

Europol: tientallen potentiële terroristen in Europa

Nieuw IS-rapport noemt België en waarschuwt voor aanslagen met autobommen en kidnapping

Europol vreest dat IS ook in Europa aanslagen met autobommen gaat plegen en mensen gaat ontvoeren

Europol: “ISIS zal Europa op andere manier gaan aanvallen”
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Reactie #738 Gepost op: 3 december 2016, 00:46:49
En de bron:


02 December 2016
Press Release


As the so-called Islamic State (IS) loses ground in the Middle East, the pattern of its recent terrorist attacks in Europe suggests that it has already adopted new tactics to attack the West. These developments are highlighted in the report Changes in Modus Operandi of IS revisited published today by Europol’s European Counter Terrorism Centre (ECTC).  The report provides an up-to date assessment of the threat this group poses to the EU, on which basis EU Member States can prepare for future attacks. Currently the EU is facing a range of terrorist threats and attacks: from networked groups to lone actors; attacks directed by IS and those inspired by IS; the use of explosives and automatic rifles as well as bladed weapons and vehicles; and carefully prepared attacks alongside those that seem to be carried out spontaneously. The so-called Islamic State has proven to be very effective in inspiring people to commit terrorist acts and in setting attacks in motion themselves.
Europol’s Director Rob Wainwright: “The last two years have seen a number of jihadist attacks, several of which have caused mass casualties. The scale of this threat has been widely acknowledged in Europe, triggering an intensified cooperation between police and security services across the continent leading to an increase of arrests and plots foiled before terror attacks could be carried out. This shows that the increased cooperation and exchange of data between all relevant services across Europe is a successful means to mitigate the threat posed by IS. Nevertheless today’s report shows that the threat is still high and includes diverse components which can be only tackled by even better collaboration."
Gilles de Kerchove, EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator: “We have to be vigilant, since the threat posed by the so-called Islamic State (IS) and returning foreign fighters is likely to persist in the coming years. These people are trained to use explosives and firearms and they have been indoctrinated by the jihadist ideology. An effective response requires a comprehensive approach and long term commitment. Of course, the primary responsibility in the fight against terrorism lies with the Member States. However, the EU and its agencies such as Europol can and should play a supportive role that helps respond to the cross-border nature of the threat.”

Ten key judgements of Europol’s Changes in Modus Operandi of IS revisited:

Further attacks in the EU, both by lone actors and groups, are likely to be attempted. Estimates from some intelligence services indicate several dozen people directed by IS may be currently present in Europe with a capability to commit terrorist attacks.

In addition to France and Belgium, all other EU Member States that are part of the US-led coalition against IS may be targeted by terrorists led or inspired by IS.

The most probable scenario is the use of the same modus operandi, including the same types of weapons, used in earlier attacks.

If IS is defeated or severely weakened in  Syria/Iraq by the coalition forces, there may be an increased rate in the return of foreign fighters and their families  from the region to the EU or to other conflict areas.

Counter-terrorism experts expect that IS will start planning and dispatching attacks from Libya.

Modi operandi employed in Syria and Iraq, such as the use of car bombs, extortion and kidnappings may be employed as methods of attack in the EU.

The apparent preference for soft targets means that attacking critical infrastructure such as power grids and nuclear facilities is currently not a priority for IS.

Elements of the Syrian refugee diaspora may be vulnerable to radicalisation once in Europe and may be targeted by extremist recruiters. Given that it is in the interests of IS to inflame the migration crisis to polarise the EU population and turn sections of it against those seeking asylum, some infiltration of refugee camps and other refugee/migrant groups is likely.

Contacts between terrorists and career criminals are generally of a very pragmatic and opportunistic character, and for very specific purposes only. However, the relative incidence of such cases in which there are connections appears to have increased. Typically this is because terrorists are known for previous criminal activity and/or because they make use of organised crime networks in the preparation of attacks, e.g. to obtain false identity documents and/or firearms.

What should not be overlooked is that IS is not the only terrorist organisation with the intent and capability to carry out attacks against the West, or to inspire individuals and groups residing in EU Member States to do so. Al Qaeda and / or Al-Nusra affiliated or inspired groups and individuals continue to pose a serious threat to Member States of the EU and to Western interests in general.

Read the report [PDF]
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Reactie #739 Gepost op: 9 december 2016, 18:16:57
BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking 1h
'Terror suspect' with loaded Kalashnikov and image of IS flag in his apartment arrested by Dutch police in Rotterdam