Weet iemand hoe deze reactie verlopen is? Volgens mij mis ik in zeewater en in aluminium de N van NH3....
Zie onderstaand document: er zit behalve aluminium heel wat meer in aluminium dross. O.a. verbindingen met N. Daarnaast kan er waterstof en acetyleen vrijkomen (zeer brandbare gassen) maar bv ook fosfine. Al met al een vies goedje als dat gaat reageren.
Aluminium Dross & Saltcake
What is aluminum dross?Aluminum dross is a waste product produced when refining aluminum. It consists of metal, salts oxides, and other non metallic substances. Dross is classified as either black or white dross. Black (or dry) dross has a lower metal content and higher amounts of oxides and salts. It tends to be in granular, like sand. White (or wet) dross has an extremely high metal content and smaller amounts of oxides and salts. It tends to form into large clumps or blocks.
What is saltcake?
Saltcake (or salt slag) is a hazardous waste produced in a rotary furnace where aluminium waste is melted under a layer of salt. It is basically salt combined with aluminum dross.
Why are dross & saltcake a concern?
Saltcake contains contaminants like oxides, carbides and sulphides as well as metallic aluminium which is entrapped in the salt and traces of pollutants polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD and PCDF).
In contact with water it emits flammable gases such as acetylene (which in turn can cause explosions), and is liable to give off toxic gases, such as ammonia, in dangerous quantities.http://www.ohiolandfills.org/faq/aluminium-dross-saltcake/