Doden en gewonden na Tsunami en Aardbeving - Stille Oceaan 29/30-09-2009

Auteur Topic: Doden en gewonden na Tsunami en Aardbeving - Stille Oceaan 29/30-09-2009  (gelezen 8484 keer)

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Reactie #10 Gepost op: 30 september 2009, 00:45:30
Tsunami leaves dozens dead in Samoa
At least 50 people were killed in Samoa and neighbouring American Samoa after a tsunami struck following a powerful 8.3 earthquake off the coast of the islands.
By Paul Chapman in Wellington
Published: 11:20PM BST 29 Sep 2009

Several costal villages in the South Pacific states were swept out to sea by the tsunami, which was recorded at just over 5 feet above sea level in Apia, the Samoan capital.
Thousands of residents fled to higher ground.
At least a further 14 are known to have died in American Samoa.The death toll is almost certain to climb, officials said, but communications and power outages were hampering rescue efforts.

Graeme Ansell, a New Zealand tourist in Samoa, said the resort of Sau Sau Beache Fale had been wiped out by the tsunami.
He and a number of Western tourists had taken refuge on a nearby hill.
"It was very quick and it's all been flattened," he told Radio New Zealand by mobile phone. "We need help."

Rua McCarney, a Samoan resident, said at least three schoolchildren were "killed when the waves came through" and that school buildings were under water.
Daniela Brussani, and expatriate Italian, said her resort on the island of Upolu, had been flattened.

The website said that as she was speaking to it she saw a policeman carrying a baby, which she feared was dead.

A resident at the resort said: "Everything is gone. The building, the restaurant. Nothing left."
There were also an unknown number of other deaths in American Samoa after the tsunami swept into Pago Pago, the capital, sending sea water surging more than 100 yards inland and turning streets into a muddy quagmire.

Many buildings were damaged by the earthquake itself, which measured 8.3 on the Richter scale.
The quake hit at dawn (17.48GMT on Tuesday), some 120 miles from Apia, and was followed by at least one large aftershock.



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Reactie #11 Gepost op: 30 september 2009, 00:50:06
Moet ik dan toch maar aan de twitter...?

Twitter on alert for Pacific Ocean tsunami updates

September 30, 2009 08:42am
.TWITTER is being inundated with messages of support and eye-witness reports of Samoa's tsunami, as well as updates of efforts to contact family.

Joost Borsboom Arnhem, of the Netherlands, has posted that his family is safe but his mother-in-law reported seeing resorts flattened and boats resting in tree tops.

"Just had a msnchat with my mother in law on #samoa #upolu. A big metal boat was hanging in a tree on the on the south coast of Upolu,'' he twittered.
"She saw lot of sealevel resorts and fales on the south coast of Upolu destroyed.''
Meanwhile, efforts are still being made to reach tuna crews out fishing at the time of the earthquake.

Tunasupport twittered that its crews and their families are all okay, but "cell phones are up and down''.
"Constantly trying to get a hold of the skippers of the fishing and mooring vessels on their phones, trying to get info straight from #Samoa.''
1nnovate put it best with their simple tweet: "Thoughts go out to people of Samoa - many live close to the sea #samoa.''



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Reactie #12 Gepost op: 30 september 2009, 00:55:41
Attention turns to aid for Samoa
Published: 11:07AM Wednesday September 30, 2009

New Zealand stands ready to assist Samoa and the wider Pacific region following the earthquake on Wednesday morning and reports of a tsunami, Foreign Minister Murray McCully says.
"New Zealand's diplomatic missions throughout the Pacific are in contact with local authorities to gather as much information as possible on the situation and how New Zealand may be able to assist," he says.

"Information is still coming to hand, but there are early reports of casualties in Samoa, as well as significant damage to many villages.
"New Zealanders in Samoa are advised to follow any advice or instructions issued by the local authorities. People should stay tuned to local radio for advice; stay away from the sea, and move to higher ground.

"The New Zealand High Commission in Apia is working to contact New Zealanders in Samoa to check on their well-being. We are also encouraging New Zealanders in Samoa to contact friends and family at home to allay any concerns."

People concerned about family members in Samoa should try to make contact with them in the first instance. Those with ongoing concerns can call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on 04 439 8000, and provide as many contact details as possible.

Anyone worried about the safety of non-New Zealand relatives in Samoa should contact the Samoan High Commission on 04 472 0953.

Meanwhile, Air New Zealand is adding an additional 150 seats and extra cargo capacity to its scheduled service from Auckland to Samoa on Wednesday afternoon in the event aid support is required for tsunami struck communities.

General Manager Airline Operations David Morgan says the service has been up-gauged from a 152 seat A320 to a 304 seat Boeing 777-200ER.

"We are acutely aware that this is an evolving situation and government and aid agencies may require the ability to move people or supplies at short notice," Morgan says.
"We have been in touch with the New Zealand government and offered whatever support we can to emergency relief efforts and to repatriate any Kiwis who want to leave Samoa and get home."

The New Zealand Red Cross has also just launched a Samoa Tsunami Relief project at



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Reactie #13 Gepost op: 30 september 2009, 01:08:56
Death toll from Samoa tsunami could be in the “hundreds”

Dozens of people are reported to have died in Somoa and American Somoa following a earthquake triggered tsunami Wednesday morning local time, with reports suggesting the death toll could reach “hundreds.”

As we reported earlier, the 8.0 earthquake struck at 6:43am local time 195 km (125 miles) south of the Samoan capital Apia. Tsunami warnings were sounded across both countries, however reports suggest that some villages were unaware of the alert, despite their coastal locations.

The death toll so far is unconfirmed, with significant help still on its way to the Islands. An earlier report claimed 14 people had been killed in American Samoa, while officials in Somoa have so far only confirmed that there had been deaths, but declined to offer a number. An unnamed journalist on the scene quoted by The Age claims that the toll in Somoa could be “in the hundreds,” and that dozens of villages had been completely wiped out.

The tsunami made its way across the pacific, striking the north coast of New Zealand at around 9:30am local time. There are no reports of damage in New Zealand, with one report claiming a sea level rise of below 1 meter.

A Tsunami watch alert remains in place for Hawaii.



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Reactie #14 Gepost op: 30 september 2009, 01:12:41
[youtube] zunami tsunami Samoa video amatoriale by [/ youtube]

Bron: YouTube
User: positivemeetic
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Reactie #15 Gepost op: 30 september 2009, 01:13:29
AS APNewsAlert
(AP) – 12 minutes ago

LALOMANU, Samoa — Samoan reporter says tsunami victims `are everywhere' in local hospital; counts up to 20 dead.

bron Associated Press


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Reactie #16 Gepost op: 30 september 2009, 01:14:50
[youtube] zunami tsunami Samoa video amatoriale by [url=][/url] [/ youtube]

Bron: YouTube
User: positivemeetic

Je moet even opletten op joeptoep want er worden ongelofelijk veel fake filmpjes gepost... Zoals deze... Wat heeft een tsunami met een storm en regen te maken...  ::) ::) ;)


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Reactie #17 Gepost op: 30 september 2009, 01:28:23
29-09-2009, 23:48

Tsunami eist zeker negentien doden
WELLINGTON/APIA (ANP) - Zeker negentien mensen zijn dinsdag om het leven gekomen door een tsunami in Amerikaans Samoa en in de onafhankelijke staat Samoa. Dat blijkt uit mededelingen van een lokaal radiostation op Amerikaans Samoa en van een woordvoerder van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken van Nieuw-Zeeland.

De verwoestende vloedgolf ontstond na een zware aardbeving op de bodem van de Grote Oceaan

Burgerhulpverlener, AED-bediener.


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Reactie #18 Gepost op: 30 september 2009, 01:30:18
Earthquake wrought 'devastation': American Samoa congressmanSeptember 30, 2009 - 9:17AM .
A powerful earthquake and tsunami has wrought "devastation" in American Samoa, with reports that about 20 people have been killed and thousands left homeless.

"It was an earthquake, which caused a tidal wave 15 feet (4.5 metres) in height. Some of the areas there are only a few feet above sea level, so you can imagine the devastation," Eni Faleomavaega, the territory's delegate to the US Congress said.

Faleomavaega, the territory's non-voting delegate to the US Congress, said he had been in touch with local officials with the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as well as Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assessing the area's disaster relief needs.
"It caused severe damage to property, there are cars floating everywhere," said Faleomavaega, who confirmed that early reports of thousands left homeless and 20 killed were "about right".

FEMA officials were "making preparations to go down there", while officials in Hawaii were also closely watching the situation.

"We're hoping to take food and supplies and things, and they're making the necessary arrangements also to see what needs there are in Samoa, the independent state of Samoa," he said.
"This is a really sad time for the Samoan people," he said. "For those who are dead, we can only express our sympathies."

"I'm trying to catch the first flight out" to get home, but having little success, said Faleomavaega.
"So far, I'm just trying," he said.




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Reactie #19 Gepost op: 30 september 2009, 01:32:31
Je moet even opletten op joeptoep want er worden ongelofelijk veel fake filmpjes gepost... Zoals deze... Wat heeft een tsunami met een storm en regen te maken...  ::) ::) ;)

Als het een fakefilmpje is dan moet je hem maar verwijderen.
Er staat nog een filmpje op joeptoep maar die is niet te bekijken (ik denk vanwege schokkende beelden).
Scannerluisteraar in hart en nieren en verslaafd aan nieuws.