OK. Laat even weten als je onderzoeken hebt die aangeven dat het 3zijdig afplakken wel werkt.
Ja we gaan de zaak omdraaien... ik beweer niets, jij beweert dat het niet werkt, dus lijkt me logisch dat jij methet bewijs komt ?
Maar ik zat net op internet even ver te zoeken en vond wat artikeltjes over de ervaring van britse leger artsen die slechte ervaringen hadden met de asherman chest seal bij patienten met schotwonden in de borst, die waren weer overgestapt op de oude "field dressing"
Zo zie je maar, niets is zaligmakend
vraag: Went and got trained by a Brit combat medic who‘s worked on real bulletwounds and he said the Ashermans seal is junk, not suitable for the dirty and messy environment of combat medicine. He prefers the old Field Dressing technique.
antwoord van de medic:
The Asherman Chest seal (ACS) in theory works well, but it does not stick well to messy (read bloody)skin. It does work exteremly well over needle decompression, and moderatly well over a wound that is not actively bleeding.
So your British taught you well, its always better to know a couple of ways to deal with any given situation. And the cool kit isn‘t always the best.
reactie canadese ambu medic:
I agree on the ACS. I have tried using it on stab and gunshot wounds in my civilian EMS job and it is really not that useful. I prefer something occlusive with plenty of 2" tape on the edges. Gun/duct tape is even better. You can never go wrong with good BLS. I try to drive that home to the infantry types I know but all they want to do is learn how to stick IV‘s into people