Update by Winston Chang (OCHA) - 26-Feb-2011 08:39
Affected_areas: Christchurch, New Zealand
Affected_population: - 145 fatalities formally confirmed through disaster victim identification (DVI). Further fatalities expected.
- There are an estimated 228 missing, 400 injured, 60 trapped and 885 evacuated.
Disaster_details: Earthquake of 6.3 magnitude (RS)
Depth: 4 km (2.5 miles)
Time: 12:51 pm (2351 GMT Monday), with an aftershock recorded at 5.1.
Priority_Needs: The NZ Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management reiterated that no additional international USAR assistance is requested.
MCDEM are adequately resourced for their current operations and do not see any obvious gaps emerging. Support from OCHA is not required at present.
More information: The New Zealand Prime Minister has declared a 'national state of emergency' giving civil defence officials the authority to direct national resources to the ongoing operations in Christchurch.
USAR or Relief teams should mobilise and deploy only upon bilaterall approval between the respective Governments.
Currently deployed international INSARAG Classified USAR Teams (through bilateral arrangements): Australia; (New South Wales and Queensland), Japan and Singapore,
UK, Taipei and USA (LA County) and China CISAR team.
A total of 590 USAR personnel are now deployed, including 150 New Zealand USAR members and 440 international members.
Combined USAR teams have achieved 70 successful rescues since the earthquake struck. There have been no ‘live’ finds in over 36 hours.
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