Hurricane Irene op weg naar de Verenigde Staten

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  • Scanman Jan
Reactie #50 Gepost op: 28 augustus 2011, 17:51:00
De grote achtertuin van New York lijkt wel opengesteld voor bezoekers. Het tegendeel is waar, Central Park is gesloten en het is er levensgevaarlijk. De politie roept via luidsprekers mensen op om het park onmiddelijk te verlaten.
Er lopen sporters, mensen met honden, fietsers en wandelaars. Er zijn weinig bomen omgewaaid maar veel takken die loshangen. Deze kunnen alsnog loslaten bij een volgende windvlaag.

De gouveneur van New York is net naar een dam wezen kijken waar vlakbij een kleine aardbeving van 2.9 heeft plaatsgevonden. Het lijkt erop dat er geen schade aan de dam is.

Bron: CBS
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  • Scanman Jan
Reactie #51 Gepost op: 28 augustus 2011, 18:12:05
Ik moest wel ff lachen toen het supersnelle NOS-journaal van 18:00 langs flitste.
(lijkt wel of ze een wedstrijdje doen om die tijd met het RTL-nieuws wie het eerste klaar is)

Volgens het NOS-journaal was de gevreesde schade in New-York uitgebleven en de Cat 1 orkaan was slechts nog maar een tropische storm. De Hudson rivier was binnen zijn oevers gebleven en er waren bijna geen overstromingen. De schade viel dus enorm mee.

Nou, dan adviseer ik de NOS toch maar om wat meer naar de nieuwszenders in Amerika te kijken. Die bewijzen toch het tegendeel.  :D 98uiye

Niets over de doden die daar gevallen zijn.

Tjonge jonge... wat een goeie nieuwszenders hebben we toch in nederland.  >:(
Scannerluisteraar in hart en nieren en verslaafd aan nieuws.


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  • Scanman Jan
Reactie #52 Gepost op: 28 augustus 2011, 18:42:53
Brandweerman omgekomen bij reddingsaktie.  :'(

PRINCETON — A firefighter has died after attempting a water rescue in Princeton, Gov. Chris Christie announced this afternoon.

“We’ve learned that a firefighter has succumbed to his injuries from an attempted swift water rescue that took place in Princeton,” said the governor.

The firefighter was not immediately identified, nor were the circumstances that led to his death.

Scannerluisteraar in hart en nieren en verslaafd aan nieuws.


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  • Scanman Jan
Reactie #53 Gepost op: 28 augustus 2011, 18:54:35
US autoriteiten bevestigen 15 doden door Irene.

Emergency officials said at least 15 people across the United States have died as a result of Hurricane Irene -- one each in Connecticut, Maryland and Florida, six in North Carolina, four in Virginia and two in New Jersey. Here is a state-by-state breakdown of the fatalities.

Connecticut - Gov. Dan Malloy said state police were reporting one fatality that appeared to be related to the storm. "It does appear, through the initial report, that it is related to downed wires," he told reporters.

Florida - Witnesses spotted a 55-year-old surfer face-down in the water Saturday off New Smyrna Beach, Florida, said Capt. Tamara Marris, a spokeswoman for the Volusia County Beach Patrol. He was non-responsive and had a large cut on his head when emergency personnel examined him. The man was transferred to the hospital and later pronounced dead. Marris said the death was connected to the storm because "the surf that we had this morning was a remnant of Hurricane Irene."

Maryland - A woman in Queenstown, Maryland, died Saturday night after a large tree knocked a chimney through the roof of her home, crushing her, according to Kevin Aftung, the chief of emergency Services for Queen Anne's County.

New Jersey - Two people have died in New Jersey as a result of Hurricane Irene -- a woman killed when floodwaters swept away her car, and a firefighter attempting a water rescue, Gov. Chris Christie said Sunday.

North Carolina - One person was killed when a tree fell on a car driving down a highway in Sampson County, North Carolina, state emergency management spokesman Ernie Seneca said.

A child died in a car crash at an intersection in Goldsboro, North Carolina, where the hurricane had knocked out power to the traffic light, Goldsboro Police Capt. Anthony Carmon said. The crash occurred when a car carrying a family drove through the intersection and struck another vehicle, Carmon said. Several people inside the car sustained injuries.

A motorist died after he lost control of his vehicle and struck a tree in Pitt County, Seneca said.

A man feeding livestock in Nash County died after he was struck by a tree limb, Seneca said.

And a man in Onslow County died of a heart attack as he put plywood over his windows in preparation for the storm, he said.

A sixth person was killed in North Carolina, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said, citing the state's governor. CNN affiliate WITN reported that the man was found dead in Pitt County after winds from Irene toppled a tree onto his house.

Virginia - A man in Chesterfield County, Virginia, died after a tree fell on his home, emergency officials said.
A man was killed in Brunswick County, Virginia, after a tree fell on his car, said Eileen Guertler, a spokeswoman for the state's emergency operations center.

In Newport News, Virginia, an 11-year-old boy died after a tree crashed on an apartment complex, authorities said. Gov. Bob McDonnell called the boy's death "tragic." The boy and his mother were lying in bed just after noon when the tree pinned him, CNN affiliate WVEC reported. Rescuers brought in a crane to remove the tree, WVEC said, but the boy was pronounced dead at the scene.
An older man in King William County, Virginia, died after a tree fell on his house, according to the state's emergency management department.

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Reactie #54 Gepost op: 29 augustus 2011, 00:43:28
Brandweerman omgekomen bij reddingsaktie.  :'(

PRINCETON — A firefighter has died after attempting a water rescue in Princeton, Gov. Chris Christie announced this afternoon.

“We’ve learned that a firefighter has succumbed to his injuries from an attempted swift water rescue that took place in Princeton,” said the governor.

The firefighter was not immediately identified, nor were the circumstances that led to his death.


Beter nieuws wat betreft deze brandweerman. :)

PRINCETON TOWNSHIP -- A 39-year-old volunteer with the Princeton First Aid & Rescue squad is in critical condition after being pulled unconscious from an attempted water rescue early this morning.
At a press conference this afternoon, Gov. Chris Christie initially identified the man as a Princeton firefighter "who succumbed to his injuries from an attempted swift water rescue."
Greg Paulson, the deputy director of the first aid squad, said that information was incorrect and the man was a first aid squad member who was alive and in critical condition at University Medical Center at Princeton.
Members of the first aid squad were called to the area of Rosedale Road between the hours of 3 and 4 a.m. this morning on a report of a car trapped in floodwater, Paulson said.
While approaching the car, two members of the squad's swift water rescue team realized the current was too strong and attempted to turn back. The men became untethered from each other and one was carried downstream before being rescued.
Paulson would only identify the victim as a rescue squad volunteer. The car the two men tried to approach turned out to be empty.


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Reactie #55 Gepost op: 29 augustus 2011, 08:07:27
De stilte na de storm ?

Na de aandacht van hurricane Irene, met name de nadering van de kust en het doorkruisen van New York, met minder directe impact dan verwacht lijkt naast opluchting het motto " we ruimen de troep op en gaan verder " het enige wat rest.

niets is minder waar, in het achterland is al meer wateroverlast en schade dan tot nu toe aan de kust.

In vele artikelen zie je dan ook de uitspraak:  "het ergste moet nog komen "
de waarheid verandert soms,  ....  maar het geloof in de waarheid niet


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Reactie #56 Gepost op: 29 augustus 2011, 21:29:50
Fotograaf Harderwijk e.o.


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  • Scanman Jan
Reactie #57 Gepost op: 29 augustus 2011, 21:51:36
Beter nieuws wat betreft deze brandweerman. :)

PRINCETON TOWNSHIP -- A 39-year-old volunteer with the Princeton First Aid & Rescue squad is in critical condition after being pulled unconscious from an attempted water rescue early this morning.
At a press conference this afternoon, Gov. Chris Christie initially identified the man as a Princeton firefighter "who succumbed to his injuries from an attempted swift water rescue."
Greg Paulson, the deputy director of the first aid squad, said that information was incorrect and the man was a first aid squad member who was alive and in critical condition at University Medical Center at Princeton.
Members of the first aid squad were called to the area of Rosedale Road between the hours of 3 and 4 a.m. this morning on a report of a car trapped in floodwater, Paulson said.
While approaching the car, two members of the squad's swift water rescue team realized the current was too strong and attempted to turn back. The men became untethered from each other and one was carried downstream before being rescued.
Paulson would only identify the victim as a rescue squad volunteer. The car the two men tried to approach turned out to be empty.

Gelukkig, nu nog afwachten of hij goed hersteld.
Scannerluisteraar in hart en nieren en verslaafd aan nieuws.


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Reactie #58 Gepost op: 31 augustus 2011, 15:04:19
'Amerika wacht nieuwe monsterstorm'

De VS zijn nog maar nauwelijks bekomen van orkaan Irene of de volgende storm steekt de kop op.

Katia beweegt zich dinsdag met 28 kilometer per uur in de richting van de Antillen, maar groeit in rap tempo uit tot een monsterorkaan, zo waarschuwen meteorologen.
Volgens de huidige berekeningen zal Katia eind deze week over het noorden van de Antillen razen om dan koers te zetten naar de VS.

Bron: telegraaf


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Reactie #59 Gepost op: 2 september 2011, 00:52:59
Katia is afgewaardeerd tot tropische storm, maar de meteorologen houden er rekening mee dat ze de komende dagen weer aan kracht wint. Dus het blijft opletten geblazen (leuke woordspeling, DB....).

Bron: NHC