11 Doden en 24 vermisten na ongeluk cruiseschip Costa Concordia - Giglio (Italië) 13-01-2012

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Can You Place This Picture?

By Mike Schuler On June 30, 2013

Can you place this picture?


These are the first four sponsons, P9 through P12, which have been attached to the port side of the Costa Concordia shipwreck at the Island of Giglio. The first two sponsons, also known as caissons, were attached to the ship in April, and this week two more were added.

The sponsons, built by Fincantieri, are large watertight boxes made of steel that will provide leverage during the parbuckling, and then emptied to provide for flotation. Another 7 sponsons still need be positioned prior to uprighting the ship in early September and, in total, 15 sponsons will be installed to each side of the ship before refloating.



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Costa Concordia delayed, now won't move until the Spring of 2014

The raising and towing to a port of the Costa Concordia is something inhabitants of the island of Giglio in the Tuscan Bay want to see done as soon as possible. However, it's islanders who have put another delay on when the job will be completed by. That's because they would like to have their summer tourist season unaffected, the Telegraph in the U.K. reports. It's expected that raising the Costa Concordia is going to cause dirty water and debris to pour from the ship for a lengthy period of time, an unpleasant and even smelly undertaking. The ship is only 300 metres off the shore and officials and citizens on Giglio feel this phase of the work could harm tourism. So while work underwater continues, they don't want the ship raised until September when the tourist seasons is over, which leaves them behind. "The forecast is to see it rolled upright at the end of this summer and to remove it in the Spring of 2014,” the government of Tuscany, of which Giglio is a part, said in a statement on Tuesday.
Titan Salvage and Micoperi: raising Costa Concordia
Initially the 114,500 ton ship, of which 65 percent is underwater, was to be raised and towed away by January of 2013, one year after the Jan. 13, 2012 tragedy. The date was moved to the Spring of 2013 when it was realized the work was too difficult to complete so quickly, especially with weather setbacks. Then even that date was revised to this coming September. If it does take until the Spring of 2014 the Costa Concordia will have sat there for close to 2-and-a-half years. The ship is being raised by the U.S. company, Titan Salvage, and Micoperi of Italy. Once up and ready to be removed, it will be towed to the port of Piombino for scrapping. There were over 4,200 passengers and crew onboard that night when Captain Francesco Schettino, who awaits a trial on multiple charges, took the ship too close to shore and hit a reef. Thirty-two died, with two of the bodies yet to be recovered.

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De Costa Condordia wordt vandaag recht getrokken. Beelden te zien oa via deze livestream:
Success is born out of arrogance, but greatness comes from humility.


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Het gaat best gestaag. Als je af en toe kijkt kun je de verschillen in schuinstand goed zien.


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'Nog honderden aan boord toen kapitein Concordia vertrok'

Er waren nog honderden mensen aan boord van de Costa Concordia toen kapitein Francesco Schettino het op de rotsen gelopen cruiseschip verliet in een reddingsboot.  

Dat heeft kapitein Gregorio De Falco van de Italiaanse kustwacht maandag op het proces van Schettino verklaard. De Falco is degene die Schettino de huid vol schold en beval terug te keren naar zijn schip.

Voor de rechtbank in Grosseto werden maandag geluidsopnames afgespeeld van telefoongesprekken waarin Schettino aan De Falco verklaarde dat er misschien nog tien mensen aan boord waren. In werkelijkheid waren dat er honderden, zei De Falco.

De Falco en Schettino belden op de noodlottige avond meerdere keren met elkaar. Uiteindelijk verloor De Falco het geduld: ''Ga weer aan boord!'' Toen het bandje met het telefoongesprek werd afgespeeld, sloeg Schettino de ogen neer in de rechtszaal, aldus persbureau ANSA. Schettino ging niet meer terug aan boord.


De Falco verklaarde tevens dat de bemanning van de Costa Concordia op de avond van 13 januari 2012 de kustwacht herhaaldelijk gerustgesteld heeft.

Dat er sprake was van een lek, kwam pas naar buiten door telefoontjes van passagiers naar familieleden. Anders waren mogelijk eerder reddingsboten en helikopters gestuurd.

Dood door schuld

Schettino staat terecht op verdenking van dood door schuld en het voortijdig verlaten van zijn schip. Hij wordt ook beschuldigd van het veroorzaken van de schipbreuk door te dicht langs de rotsen bij het Toscaanse eiland Griglio te varen. Het scheepsongeluk in 2012 kostte aan 32 mensen het leven.

 Door: Novum



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Costa Concordia Trial: Court Hears Schettino’s Now Famous Call with Coast Guard


By Mike Schuler On December 9, 2013
The Italian Coast Guard officer who famously ordered disgraced Costa Concordia captain Francesco Scehettino to “get back to the ship” in a phone conversation recorded almost an hour after the vessel hit rocks, took the stand Monday, testifying that hundreds of people were still aboard the heavily listing cruise ship as Schettino fled in a lifeboat.

In a phone call released in the days following the January 2012 disaster and now famous through its wide distribution on social media, Italian Coast Guard Commander Gregorio De Falco can be heard furiously screaming at Schettino to get back on board the capsized ship to coordinate a rescue as the bumbling captain refuses.

“Get on board. This is an order,” De Falco tells Schettino in Italian. “You need to continue the rescue.”

“But you are aware it is dark and we can’t see anything?,” Schettino replies.

“And what do you want? To go back home, Schettino?”, De Falco says.

De Falco testified before a court in Grosseto, Tuscany on Monday that the Coast Guard had word that hundreds were still aboard the ship when the captain fled in a lifeboat, the AP reports. The court heard the recorded phone conversations between De Falco and Schettino, including another in which Schettino told De Falco about 10 people were left aboard, the report says.

Francesco Schettino is on trial for charges of manslaughter, causing a shipwreck and abandoning ship after the 114,000 ton vessel, carrying more than 4,000 passengers and crew, struck a rock off the island of Giglio and keeled over with the loss of 32 lives on January 13, 2012.

If found guilty, Schettino could face up to 20 years in jail.


Costa Concordia coast guard tape: Get back on board Captain Schettino!


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Carnival to Triple Crew Training Capacity with New Facility

Simulator training at the CSMART maritime training facility in Almere, Netherlands, where much of the training for Carnival Cruise Lines' officers takes place. Image courtesy CSMART
Simulator training at the CSMART maritime training facility in Almere, Netherlands, where much of the training for Carnival Cruise Lines’ officers takes place. Image courtesy CSMART

(Bloomberg) — Carnival Corp., moving to improve safety following accidents that cost the world’s largest cruise operator tens of millions of dollars, will triple its crew- training capacity with a new facility in the Netherlands.

The company agreed to buy land in Almere for the $50 million project, scheduled to open in 2016, according to Captain Hans Hederstrom, managing director of the company’s Center for Simulator Maritime Training. The complex will have four bridge and engine room simulations, enough to accommodate all of Carnival’s 4,000 deck officers and engineers annually.

“We can increase training, spend more time on simulators and do research and development,” Hederstrom, who is based in Almere, said in a telephone interview.

Carnival has increased its focus on safety following incidents that included the shipwreck of the Costa Concordia off the Italian coast in January 2012 that killed 32 people. The company is spending $700 million to boost fire prevention measures and backup generator capacity on its ships.

Arnold Donald was named chief executive officer in June, and the company created a safety review board to monitor companywide practices and performance. Last week, Carnival named U.S. Navy Vice Admiral William Burke to be its chief maritime officer, with duties including oversight of maritime quality assurance and policy.

Training Demand

The company signed the letter of intent with Amvest Property Group for the purchase of seven acres (2.8-hectare) along the coast of the Netherlands. The new facility will add to a training center it already has in Almere.

The original facility opened in July 2009, Hederstrom said. Demand for its use by the company’s 10cruise lines has increased in the past two years, he said.

Carnival, based in Miami, fell 1.6 percent to $34.99 at the close in New York. The shares have declined 4.8 percent this year.

Following the Concordia shipwreck, the company has endured more incidents, including a fire aboard the Carnival Triumph in February that tarnished the brand’s image with cable-news video of passengers stranded at sea. Separate mishaps have forced at least two other Carnival ships to cancel voyages and refund fares.

In addition to the direct cost of about $50 million for the Triumph incident, the Carnival line has been forced to discount prices to fill its ships. The average cost of a Carnival brand cruise is down 15 percent this quarter from a year earlier, and 9 percent for voyages scheduled for the first quarter, according to Barclays Plc.

No Show

The company lowered its 2013 earnings forecast three times, warning in September that it may lose as much as $17 million this quarter, and said its advance bookings were down through the first half of 2014.

Francesco Schettino, the Concordia’s captain, is on trial in Italy after being indicted on charges including manslaughter and abandoning the ship while many passengers were still on board. He has denied any wrongdoing, saying his actions saved lives.

Schettino didn’t receive training at the facility, Hederstrom said.

“We never saw him here,” he said.
