Helicopter crash tegen kraan van een gebouw (2 doden) Wandsworth Road, Vauxhall - Londen 16-01-2013

Auteur Topic: Helicopter crash tegen kraan van een gebouw (2 doden) Wandsworth Road, Vauxhall - Londen 16-01-2013  (gelezen 9453 keer)

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  • Foto- en videograaf Den Haag, PPK-houder.
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  • Foto- en videograaf Den Haag, PPK-houder.
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09.28 Seen fire engine and ambulance heading over vauxhall bridge
09.30 Sirens blaring looks like vauxhall bridge being shut off
09.37 Crane hanging off new tower block after apparent #helicopter crash at #vauxhall
09.41 Very foggy in #vauxhall
09.44 Building is by St James wharf pier
09.54 Announcements that #vauxhall bus station closed
09.56 Vauxhall underground shut tube running I am told
10.04 Eyewitness says crashat 8am "helicopter hit the tower and the parts fell down and after 20 seconds the helicopter crashed on to the road


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Frank Gardner Frank Gardner ‏@FrankRGardner

Met Police tell BBC no suggestion at this stage that Vauxhall helicopter crash and explosion was act of terrorism.


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Reports of helicopter crash in South Lambeth 16 January 2013
Eight fire engines and four fire rescue units and around 60 firefighters plus officers are attending reports of a helicopter crash near Wandsworth Road in South Lambeth.

Firefighters are also attending reports of a crane in a precarious position Saint Georges Whalf, SW8. Four fire engines and two fire rescue units are in attendance.

The Brigade was called at 0800.

VRU - Post Den Dolder / Post Zeist Grote interesse brandweerkunde en natuurbrandbestrijding


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Helikopter crasht in Londen

In Londen is een helikopter neergestort die tegen een bouwkraan was gevlogen. Volgens Britse media zijn reddingsdiensten ter plaatse.

Volgens ooggetuigen heeft de helikopter behalve de bouwkraan ook een gebouw geraakt, vermoedelijk de nieuwe Amerikaanse ambassade, die in aanbouw is.

Het toestel is daarna loodrecht omlaag gevallen en raakte op de grond twee auto's. Die zijn in brand gevlogen.

Over slachtoffers is nog niets bekend. Het ongeluk gebeurde in de ochtendspits in de wijk Vauxhall, in de buurt van de Theems.

Nieuwszender Sky News meldt dat er waarschijnlijk één piloot in het toestel zat, een Agusta 109. Niet ver van de ongeluksplaats is Battersea Heliport, een vliegveld voor helikopters.


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  • Foto- en videograaf Den Haag, PPK-houder.
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10.16 Six ambulance crews and specialist ambulance "hazardous response" team sent to scene at Wandsworth
10.26 Police say 2 killed and two injured in Wandsworth helicopter crash


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  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Helicopter crashes into crane in Vauxhall, London

A helicopter has crashed into a crane at a building site in central London.
Police said it appeared the helicopter had hit the crane on top of a building at about 08:00 GMT. They said it was too early to confirm any casualties.
London Fire Brigade said the crash happened near Wandsworth Road in South Lambeth. They said more than 60 firefighters were at the scene.
Burning wreckage lay in the road, with all approaches to the Vauxhall Cross one way system closed.
The fire brigade was also attending a second scene involving a crane in a precarious position on St George's Wharf.

Police said they first received calls at 08:00 GMT and the London Ambulance Service said it was also at the scene.
'Enormous bang'

Ex-BBC producer Paul Ferguson said the helicopter "plummeted straight into the ground".
He said: "The building the helicopter hit is shrouded in mist."
He said the crane at the top of the building was now hanging down the side of the building.

Eyewitness Chris Matthison: "There was an unusual buzzing sound and a dull thud"

Nicky Morgan, MP for Loughborough, witnessed the crash.
"I was walking towards Vauxhall tube station from Lambeth Palace area where I have a flat," she said.
"There was suddenly an enormous bang - I thought something exploded.
"It was coming from beyond Vauxhall tube station.
"Then clouds and clouds of black smoke.
"I presumed what it was I heard was the crane collapsing or the helicopter crashing into it.
'Huge smoke cloud'
"I heard the bang then saw the clouds of smoke but there was too much in the way to see much at that point."

Some witnesses reported the wreckage hitting two cars.
Witnesses reported seeing debris on the ground.

Quinn Murray was cycling when he saw the crash.
He said: "I saw the helicopter hit the top of the crane and come down just to the left of the station.
"There was quite a large amount of fire and a huge smoke cloud. It wasn't on the road, but into a building site where they are building the new Nine Elms area.
"There's a huge number of emergency services."

Commuter Sherna Noah described seeing a "large plume of dark grey smoke" as she crossed Battersea Bridge at about 08:00 GMT.
She said: "I was coming across the bridge and basically I could see a few cyclists on the bridge looking towards the water.
"I looked over to see what they were looking at and could see a pall of grey smoke coming from the south side.
"You could see a large plume of dark grey smoke."

The BBC's Ross Hawkins said Wandsworth Road near Vauxhall station is closed.

Are you in Vauxhall? Did you see the crash? Please send through your experiences, and any pictures and videos you may have captured
Send your pictures and videos to yourpics@bbc.co.uk or text them to 61124 (UK) or +44 7624 800 100 (International). If you have a large file you can upload here.


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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London Ambulance @Ldn_Ambulance

We have 6 ambulance crews, 2 officers, HART and a motorbike paramedic on the scene at Wandsworth Road #londonhelicopter londonambulance.nhs.uk/news/news_rele…
10:28am · 16 Jan 13 ·