Helicopter crash tegen kraan van een gebouw (2 doden) Wandsworth Road, Vauxhall - Londen 16-01-2013

Auteur Topic: Helicopter crash tegen kraan van een gebouw (2 doden) Wandsworth Road, Vauxhall - Londen 16-01-2013  (gelezen 9452 keer)

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London Ambulance @Ldn_Ambulance

We have 6 ambulance crews, 2 officers, HART and a motorbike paramedic on the scene at Wandsworth Road #londonhelicopter londonambulance.nhs.uk/news/news_rele…
10:28am · 16 Jan 13 ·

At 8am today (16 January 2013) we received a number of calls to reports of a helicopter crash on Wandsworth Road.

We have sent a motorcycle responder, six ambulance crews, our hazardous area response team and two officers to the scene, with the fist crew arriving in under four minutes. The air ambulance’s medical team in a car has also been dispatched.



  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Twee doden bij helikoptercrash in Londen
AMSTERDAM - In de Britse hoofdstad Londen is woensdagmorgen een helikopter neergestort bij Vauxhall Station.
Dat meldt de BBC.

De helikopter is volgens de Londense politie tegen een kraan boven op een gebouw in het centrum van de stad aan gevlogen, waarna het toestel neerstortte.
Bij het ongeluk zijn twee doden gevallen, bevestigt de politie. Of deze personen beide in de helikopter zaten is nog niet duidelijk.
Ooggetuigen laten weten dat het in aanbouw zijnde gebouw slecht zichtbaar was door mist. De kraan hangt na het ongeluk aan de zijkant van het gebouw.


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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London Ambulance @Ldn_Ambulance

We have treated 2 patients and taken them to hospital. Sadly two people have been confirmed dead londonambulance.nhs.uk/news/news_rele…
10:43am · 16 Jan 13

At 8am today (16 January 2013) we received a number of calls to reports of a helicopter crash on Wandsworth Road.
We have sent a motorcycle responder, seven ambulance crews, our hazardous area response team, the air ambulance’s medical team in a car and four officers to the scene, with the fist crew arriving in under four minutes.
Sadly two people have been confirmed dead at the scene.
We have treated two patients for minor injuries and they were taken to St Thomas’ Hospital.


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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London Ambulance @Ldn_Ambulance

Update - we've taken 5 patients to hospital and treated 4 patients for shock on scene
11:42am · 16 Jan 13 ·

Helicopter crash update - all patients have been treated for minor injuries, no confirmation of anyone critically ill
12:07pm · 16 Jan 13


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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London Ambulance @Ldn_Ambulance

Helicopter crash update - we've now taken 6 patients to hospital, 5 with minor injuries and 1 with a broken leg. 7 patients treated on scene
12:41pm · 16 Jan 13


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Ook wat getwitter van de rode tak :-)

London Fire Brigade ‏@LondonFire
09.27 We're attending reports of a helicopter crash near Wandsworth Road in South Lambeth. More when we have it.
09.57 Firefighters are also attending reports of a crane in a precarious position Saint George's Whalf, SW8.
10.37 We rescued a man from a burning car at the scene of the helicopter crash. Two people have been taken to hospital by @Ldn_Ambulance
11.47 Our fire boat is doing precautionary checks of the river Thames in relation to #helicopter crash.
12.30 Pic from the scene of the #helicopter crash in #vauxhall. We were called at 8am and we put the fire out within 20mins. pic.twitter.com/gFjDs7YM
13.48 Our specialist crews are working with contractors to make the crane at St George’s Wharf safe. Cordon is still in place
15.06 Two office buildings, 5 cars & 2 motorbikes were damaged by debris from #helicopter crash.
16.37 Our work at the crane incident is over and we have handed the scene over to the police and aviation accident investigators.


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Gepubliceerd op 16 jan 2013
Tower RNLI lifeboat crew were called to reports of a person in the water after a helicopter crash in a street behind the River Thames in Vauxhall, London.


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Is het al bekend wat voor helikopter dit was? Priveheli of een overheids heli?
Wilde de vraag hier gisteren niet stellen ivm respect voor de slachtoffers, daarvoor is het niet belangrijk wat voor helikopter het betrof.


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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London Ambulance @Ldn_Ambulance

Photos from the scene at yesterdays helicopter crash at Vauxhall


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Is het al bekend wat voor helikopter dit was? Priveheli of een overheids heli?
Wilde de vraag hier gisteren niet stellen ivm respect voor de slachtoffers, daarvoor is het niet belangrijk wat voor helikopter het betrof.

At this time, it is believed that the helicopter was on a commercial flight from Surrey to Elstree when Captain Barnes attempted to divert to a helipad in London due to the bad weather. The crane was completely obscured by clouds at the time of the crash. (BRON: airmedical.net)

Piloot in kwestie had meer dan 12000 klokuren vliegervaring, ook in de HEMS wereld. Gecrashte heli schijnt een Augusta A109C te zijn.