Grote brand in 35-verdiepingen tellend 5 sterren hotel Grozny - Tjetjenië 03-04-2013

Auteur Topic: Grote brand in 35-verdiepingen tellend 5 sterren hotel Grozny - Tjetjenië 03-04-2013  (gelezen 4213 keer)

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Luxury skyscraper hotel completely engulfed by fire in Grozny, Chechnya

Flames have enveloped all floors of the highest building in the North Caucasus, southern Russia. All people have managed to leave the building. The Grozny-city complex in the in Chechen Republic includes luxury apartments and a 5-star hotel.

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Video: YouTube / green peace

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De brandklasse van de gevelbekleding is niet goed gekozen....
Mister Livingstone, I presume?


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Lt. Col. Me

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De brandklasse van de gevelbekleding is niet goed gekozen....
Ik hoop voor iedereen in de buurt dat de brandklasse van de constructieve kern WEL goed gekozen is.......  >:D
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -- Winston Churchill


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Oleg Martanovskiy @ GodMitUns ( 20.10 uur )
Recente foto's van Olympus branden in Grozny  # tvitdozhdyu vuur stopt niet.
(automatische vertaling russisch-NL)

De buitenplaten branden nog steeds. De brandweer kan met water vanaf de grond slechts tot de 27e / 31e verdieping komen.
de waarheid verandert soms,  ....  maar het geloof in de waarheid niet


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Kennen ze daar geen droge stijgleiding?  ???


  • Informatiemanagement Rode Kruis
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Is er misschien een live stream.
Die van rtl doet het niet.
Freelance persfotograaf, Informatiemanagement Rode Kruis


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Kennen ze daar geen droge stijgleiding?  ???
Ik las verslagen die ( gebrekkig uit russisch ) vertaald worden. Er waren de eerste 30 minuten problemen met de aanvoer en druk van het water.
Er barstten slangen of leidingen. ( dus niet duidelijk of dit over brandslangen of eventuele stijgleidingen ging.)
Daarnaast werd aangegeven dat het rond de 30e etage natuurkundig een probleem was. Wat daarvan waar is weet ik zelf niet.
de waarheid verandert soms,  ....  maar het geloof in de waarheid niet


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Skyscraper Burns in Central Grozny
03 April 2013 | Issue 5102

A 40-story skyscraper in the showcase Grozny City complex in the Chechen capital caught fire Wednesday evening after insulation in the uninhabited building ignited for unknown reasons, according to local emergency officials.
Video on Dozhd television showed smoke and flames billowing out of the Olimp tower, which at around 145 meters is the tallest residential high-rise in Russia outside of Moscow, according to Interfax.
No one had been injured in the blaze as of 8 p.m. Wednesday, and almost 300 emergency workers were on the scene working to extinguish it. A local emergency official told RIA-Novosti that around 30 people had been evacuated from the burning building.
An emergency official told Interfax that the fire had started around the fourth or fifth floor and that the reason for the blaze was unclear, other than that the insulation had apparently ignited.
The modern skyscraper complex is located in central Grozny, the formerly war-torn Chechen capital, which has undergone massive redevelopment after two wars in the North Caucasus republic in the last two decades.
Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, who has taken great pride in the redevelopment efforts, did not immediately comment on the skyscraper fire. Kadyrov was traveling in the United Arab Emirates this week, including for a horse race.
According to RIA-Novosti, the Grozny City complex consists of seven skyscrapers: the 40-story Olimp residential tower, two 30-story residential buildings, two 18-story residential buildings, one 30-story five-star hotel and one 30-story office tower. Only the 40-story skyscraper had caught fire as of Wednesday evening.