3 doden en 170+ gewonden bij bomexplosies tijdens marathon - Boston (V.S.) 15-04-2013

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With thousands of runners still on the course at the Boston Marathon, two explosions rocked Boylston Street just yards from the finish line. The blasts ripped through crowded spectator viewing stands. The death toll as we publish stands at three and is expected to rise, with over 140 others injured and transported to local hospitals. No arrests have been made. Please follow Boston.com for further updates. (WARNING: Some images are graphic.) (32 photos total)



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Eric Feins, a 32-year-old surgical resident at Massachusetts General Hospital, had been excited to spend his day off taking in the Boston Marathon from a roof party along the route where he had gathered with four fellow residents. But after the group witnessed the explosion and the smoke began to clear, they quickly came to the grim realization that their skills might soon be in short supply. They reported to their emergency room with a simple question: How can we help?



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At 5:20 a.m. on Monday, four hours before the Boston Marathon's elite runners took off, a group of 15 active-duty soldiers from the Massachusetts National Guard gathered at the starting line in Hopkinton. Each soldier was in full combat uniform and carried a "ruck," a military backpack weighing about 40 pounds. The rucks were filled with Camelbacks of water, extra uniforms, Gatorade, changes of socks—and first-aid and trauma kits. It was all just supposed to be symbolic.

Boston Marathon 2013 Hero Carlos Arredondo

In a video shot by a bystander moments later, Arredondo trembles visibly and grips one of the American flags Fiola had handed to him, now drenched in blood, and explains what he saw and did after the explosions. The right sleeve of his Tough Ruck T-shirt is crimson up to the elbow.



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EIGHT PATIENTS REMAIN in a critical condition at Massachusetts General Hospital tonight, according to the Emergency Department’s trauma surgeon.
Dr Peter Fagenholz told reporters that of the 29 marathon patients being treated at the medical centre, eight are “seriously ill”. Many will require follow-up and serial operations over the coming days, he said.



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Online klopjacht naar daders bomaanslagen marathon Boston

Een paar minuten nadat de de twee bommen bij de marathon van Boston waren geexplodeerd, werden sociale netwerken zoals Twitter, Facebook, YouTube en Vine overspoeld met foto´s en filmpjes van de gebeurtenissen. De Amerikaanse overheid gebruikt al dit beeldmateriaal om een zo goed mogelijk overzicht te krijgen van de terroristische aanslag.
Volg mij ook op twitter: @hoguhugo


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Video: Mass General Hospital Trauma Surgeon Peter Fagenholz gives an updates on victims from the Boston Marathon explosions.



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The first Boston Marathon attendees who arrived at Massachusetts General Hospital were among the worst injured, with damage to their legs severe enough in some to require amputation, surgeon Dr. Peter J. Fagenholz said outside the hospital late Monday evening



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Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the attack at the Boston Marathon.

Boston Children’s Hospital continues to aid in the recovery following the explosions and care for those who were injured in the attack.  You can support the hospital’s efforts with a donation to the Marathon Program, which supports the hospital's areas of greatest need, or our Emergency and Trauma fund, which helps kids and families get the emergency treatment they need when faced with tragedy.



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Verdachte aangehouden melden:
Rtl,nos en cnn.
(CNN) - [Breaking news update at 1:47 p.m. Wednesday ]

An arrest has been made in the Boston bombings investigation based on two videos showing images of the suspect, a federal law enforcement source told CNN's Fran Townsend.
Freelance persfotograaf, Informatiemanagement Rode Kruis


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CNN: verdachte Boston opgepakt

De politie heeft een verdachte opgepakt in verband met de aanslagen op de marathon in Boston. Dat meldt CNN.

Volgens de Amerikaanse nieuwszender is de verdachte te zien op bewakingsbeelden van een winkel langs de route van de marathon. Hij draagt een zwarte tas, die hij mogelijk heeft achtergelaten op de plek waar korte tijd later de tweede bom ontplofte.

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