3 doden en 170+ gewonden bij bomexplosies tijdens marathon - Boston (V.S.) 15-04-2013

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Boston Police Dept. @Boston_Police

There is an active incident ongoing in Watertown. Residents in that area are advised to remain in their homes. More details when available.
8:16am · 19 Apr 13 ·

The Boston Globe @BostonGlobe

Watertown resident says he was awakened by a huge boom just before 1 a.m. b.globe.com/177a4tz
8:05am · 19 Apr 13

One Marathon bombing suspect has been caught, and another is on the loose in Watertown after a firefight with police, officials said.
8:21am · 19 Apr 13

Official: Marathon bombing suspect in custody, another remains on the loose b.globe.com/17K9a7D

 The Boston Globe retweeted
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Andrew Ba Tran @abtran

Dozens of police cars driving near. Big command truck setting up in nearby parking lot by Arsenal Mall. pic.twitter.com/VSoxab5v0m


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Violence haunts Boston area in wake of Marathon terror
(CNN) -- Violent incidents early Friday, including the shooting death of a college police officer, kept Bostonians on edge just days after the bombing of the iconic Boston Marathon.

Howling sirens pierced the night quiet, and flashing lights lit up the darkness, as dozens of officers from state and city police responded to the deadly shooting on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. Hardly an hour later, they were chasing suspects in a hijacked vehicle just less than five miles away.

There were reports that explosives may have been involved before police cornered the vehicle.

"Police were in a standoff with the vehicle just down the hill," said CNN photographer Gabe Ramirez saw the chase end in Watertown. They ordered the suspect out of vehicle and commanded he strip down naked before putting him in a patrol car and transporting him away from the scene, Ramirez said.
Massive police operation in Watertown

Police ran down the streets of Watertown, according to CNN affiliate WCVB, which broadcast images from the pursuit. One man could be seen lying face down on the street in a surrender pose with his hands outstretched in front of him and his legs crossed.

Dozens of police from various units arrived in Watertown, some in SWAT uniforms, others wearing helmets. Large crowds gathered around a trove of emergency vehicles that had congregated in the neighborhood, WCVB reported.

But even with all this activity it was unclear if the arrest in Watertown was related to the shooting on the MIT campus or any other incident in the Boston area.
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bron: CNN


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Klopjacht politie na dood agent universiteit bij Boston

Agenten in de Verenigde Staten zijn op zoek naar een schutter nadat een politieagent donderdagavond (lokale tijd) doodgeschoten werd op de campus van Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge. Mogelijk is er een verband met de aanslag bij de marathon in Boston maandag, volgens sommige berichten is één verdachte van die aanslag bij de politieactie gearresteerd.

De campus van de MIT is nog afgesloten. De universiteit roept op de website iedereen op binnen te blijven en laat weten dat de verdachte in elk geval niet meer op de campus aanwezig is en waarschijnlijk nog op vrije voeten. de Politie is inmiddels in Watertown, vlakbij de campus. Daar zouden volgens Amerikaanse media schoten en explosies zijn gehoord. Een helikopter cirkelt boven het gebied.

Volgens sommige berichten zou de schietpartij te maken hebben met de aanslag van afgelopen maandag bij de marathon van Boston. Cambride en MIT liggen vlakbij Boston. The Boston Globe citeert politiebronnen, die melden dat er één verdachte van de marathonaanslag is gearresteerd. De FBI meldt dat het aan het uitzoeken is of er een connectie is tussen de twee zaken.

Verslaggevers wordt ontraden naar de plek te komen. Een agent zei tegen een journalist: 'Als je zeker wilt zijn van je leven, zet je telefoon dan uit.'

Massachusetts Institute of Technology staat bekend als één van de meest prestigieuze technische universiteiten van de wereld. Onder andere Kofi Annan, voormalig secretaris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties, is een oud-student.

Bij de aanslag maandag, waarbij twee bommen ontploften bij de finishlijn van de marathon in Boston, kwamen drie mensen om het leven en raakten bijna 180 mensen gewond.

Bron: http://www.ad.nl/ad/nl/1013/Buitenland/article/detail/3428381/2013/04/19/Klopjacht-politie-na-dood-agent-universiteit-bij-Boston.dhtml


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Boston Police Dept. @Boston_Police

#CommunityAlert: Residents of Watertown asked to stay indoors. Do not answer door unless instructed by a police officer.
9:43am · 19 Apr 13

#CommunityAlert - Large police presence in Watertown. For safety of all involved, residents asked to stay indoors.
10:00am · 19 Apr 13


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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The Boston Globe @BostonGlobe

Suspect #1 in Boston Marathon bombings has been shot and killed in gunfight with Watertown/Transit police.
10:21am · 19 Apr 13

POLICE: East Watertown residents told to stay in homes. Do not come out. Police are warning residents. Drivers do not stop.
10:22am · 19 Apr 13


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Police will be going door by door, street by street, in and around Watertown. Police will be clearly identified. It is a fluid situation.
9:43am · 19 Apr 13


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Boston Police Dept. @Boston_Police

Per Commissioner Davis: One suspect deceased, 2nd suspect (white hat) at large & considered armed & dangerous. pic.twitter.com/yimpQUT0zB

Update: Police say one of two suspects "deceased", one on run, after shooting, carjacking and police chase in #Boston


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Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center spokesman: Patient brought in with police guard, resuscitated but ultimately died. We do not know details or name of suspect who died in hospital; he was a male adult. You give the best care you can to every patient who comes to you; you don't know what happened.  Patient sustained multiple injuries, potentially gunshot wounds, probably a blast injury too.



  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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jraske @jraske
We’ve been evacuated. pic.twitter.com/sKbD6B9v6C

12:20pm • 19 Apr 13

Going door-to-door pic.twitter.com/NCqcVnXWOK

Two personnel are now inspecting the car pic.twitter.com/3Lyjcd3oIl

Foto('s) geplaatst met toestemming van rechthebbende


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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