3 doden en 170+ gewonden bij bomexplosies tijdens marathon - Boston (V.S.) 15-04-2013

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Tips for parents and caregivers on limiting media coverage and talking to kids about the Boston Marathon explosion.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network http://www.nctsn.org/sites/default/files/assets/pdfs/tips_for_parents_media_bombing_final1.pdf


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  • www.dennisvenema.nl - Persfotografie -
    • Dennis Venema Fotografie
DennisVenemaFotografie www.dennisvenema.nl - 112Midden-Groningen.nl


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Vind 38 erger...

Wat gisteravond nog 44 was is nu 38. Er zijn foto's verplaatst/weggehaald.
facebook.com/Burgeraedhoorn facebook.com/ehboblokkerzwaag  A universe is trapped inside a tear


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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'Bommen zaten in snelkookpannen'
De bommen die in Boston zijn gebruikt, waren snelkookpannen gevuld met metaalscherven, spijkers en kogellagers. Dat zeggen verschillende media. Volgens persbureau AP meldt een anonieme bron bij het onderzoek dat de pannen met een inhoud van 6 liter in zwarte tassen zaten. die op de grond stonden. lees verder
bron: NOS


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Broers verliezen benen bij aanslag
Bij de aanslag tijdens de marathon van Boston is een familie dubbel getroffen. Twee broers raakten allebei een been kwijt.

De mannen van 31 en 33 stonden langs de kant van het parcours om een vriend aan te moedigen, toen een bom naast hen afging. lees verder
bron: NOS


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Boston Police Dept.
 176 people went to area hospitals #tweetfromthebeat via @CherylFiandaca

4:06pm · 16 Apr 13


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April 16, 2013
Boston Children’s Hospital received 10 patients injured in the explosion at the Boston Marathon on the afternoon of April 15, 2013. Our Trauma Activation Protocol was activated at 4 p.m. and deactivated at 9 p.m. All clinical and operational activities are occurring as scheduled today, Tuesday, April 16.

As of this morning at 9 a.m.,  seven patients have been discharged and three remain in the hospital.  Two are in critical condition in the Medical/Surgical ICU and one is on a surgical unit.

Details on the current patients:

2-year-old boy with a head injury is in good condition
10-year-old boy with multiple leg injuries is in critical condition.
9-year-old girl with a leg injury is in critical condition.

The seven patients discharged were the following:

14-year-old  boy with head injury
42-year-old father of a patient
7-year-old boy with a minor leg injury
12-year old with a femur fracture
A child in good condition
A child in good condition
A pregnant woman who was transferred to BWH


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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CNN Breaking News @cnnbrk

At least 13 of the 183 people injured in #Boston terror attack have had amputations. on.cnn.com/Zn9Fkt


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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CNN Breaking News @cnnbrk

Boston Medical Center: Of its 11 bombing patients initially in critical condition, 2 remain in critical. on.cnn.com/17FSY7w

Boston Medical Center: 1 of its 2 critical bombing patients is 5-year-old boy. on.cnn.com/17FSY7w
3:03pm · 17 Apr 13 ·


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It’s getting to the hateful point that it feels like a fill-in-the-blank: How to talk with children about 9/11. About Newtown. And now, about the Boston Marathon bombs. But still, it never hurts to be reminded of what’s normal and what helps most. Dr. Gene Beresin, a child psychiatrist and director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Mental Health and Media, offers the following helpful guide:
