Explosie & brand 14 doden, 160 gewonden (kunstmestfabriek) Waco Texas (VS) 18-04-2013

Auteur Topic: Explosie & brand 14 doden, 160 gewonden (kunstmestfabriek) Waco Texas (VS) 18-04-2013  (gelezen 15804 keer)

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Dat doet me denken aan de fabriek van SE Fireworks in Enschede die in mei 2000 ontplofte. Gewoon ook midden in een woonwijk.

Inderdaad Frankieboy.... een heel goed vergelijkbare situatie denk ik.


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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CENTRAL TEXAS – (April 19, 2013) 1:45 p.m. The five patients admitted to Scott & White hospitals from the Wednesday night explosion in West, Texas, all remain in the hospitals. Three patients are at Scott & White Memorial Hospital, where two are listed in critical condition and one is listed in fair condition. McLane Children's Hospital Scott & White has two patients from the incident, one remains in critical condition and the other child is in fair condition.

A statement from Glenn A. Robinson, FACHE, chief executive officer of Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center Scott & White Healthcare in Waco:

“The focus of Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center – Scott & White Healthcare continues to be assessment and treatment of the patients who arrived at our facility. Of those we have treated, 28 patients were admitted, and nine of those have now been discharged. Five of the patients admitted were in our Intensive Care Units, and one of those has now transitioned to a general medical floor. Two pediatric trauma patients were transferred from our facility to McLane Children’s Hospital Scott & White in Temple. Additionally, 12 elderly patients, who were reportedly nursing home residents from West, were treated and discharged to alternate nursing home facilities. In addition to the patients who were admitted, transferred or discharged to another healthcare facility, more than 50 patients were treated and released from the Emergency Department and left with family and friends."

Glenn A. Robinson, FACHE, CEO
Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center

André Welten

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AZF in Toulouse/F was een vergelijkbaar geval een aantal jaren geleden..


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Incredible new video shows moment of Texas plant explosion

Incredible new video shows moment of Texas plant explosion
Gepubliceerd op 19 apr 2013
New video of fertilizer plant explosion shows billowing mushroom cloud rising high in the air
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Niet helemaal waar dat die stoffen zomaar aangeschaft kunnen worden
Wij hebben voor kunstmest een registratieplicht we mogen zelfs geen kalkammonsalpeter 27%stikstof
Meegeven aan "leken"
Over het algemeen is het niet lastig om aan kunstmest te komen, zeker niet voor een terrorist. De toevoegingen om kunstmest echt explosief te maken zijn zeer simpel aan te schaffen.
Ik ben bekend dat voor bv de agrarische sector een registratieplicht is. ;)


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AZF in Toulouse/F was een vergelijkbaar geval een aantal jaren geleden..

Dat was op 21 september 2001.
Het was een ramp van - naar West-Europese normen - enorme omvang maar kreeg weinig aandacht vanwege 9/11.
Het fabrieksterrein van AZF (AZote Fertilisants, een dochter van Total) lag een paar kilometer buiten het centrum van Toulouse. Om 10.17 uur explodeert een opslagruimte met 300 tot 400 ton ammoniumnitraat. De fabriek wordt geheel verwoest, in de nabijgelegen woonwijk storten gebouwen in of worden ontwricht.  In half Toulouse sneuvelen de ruiten. 31 mensen komen om het leven. 2500 raken behoorlijk zwaar tot zeer zwaar gewond. De opslagruimte laat een krater van 70 bij 40 meter achter. Er wordt een schokgolf van 3.4 op de Schaal van Richter  geregistreerd, een equivalent van 20 tot 40 ton TNT.
De oorzaak wordt vastgesteld als een foutieve handeling door een medewerker, die 500 kilo zwembadchloor ( Dichloroisocyanurate de sodium  - DDCNa - in het frans) in de opslagruimte met ammoniumnitraat neerzette. Het chloor had nooit in de nabijheid van het ammoniumnitraat mogen komen, maar mogelijk zou het chloor verkeerd gelabeld zijn. De reactie tussen het chloor en de ammoniumnitraat bouwde geleidelijk druk en hitte op in de loods tot de fatale explosie volgde.
De veiligheidsvoorschriften in de fabrieken bleken met de franse slag te worden nageleefd, opslagplaatsen waren in slechte staat van onderhoud en de administratie klopte op tal van punten niet.
Al gauw ging het gerucht dat het om een aanslag zou gaan. Een moslim-uitzendkracht met fundamentalistische ideeën zou de lading bewust in de loods hebben neergelegd. Er is nooit enige bewijs voor gevonden en het is ook onwaarschijnlijk dat Al Qaida naast New York ook Toulouse zou hebben aangewezen als doel - de suffige provincieplaats in de Midi stond vast niet met grote letters op de wereldkaart van Osama Bin Laden.


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Media Update Regarding Explosion In West, Texas

April 20, 2013, 1 p.m.

The focus of Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center – Scott & White Healthcare continues to be assessment and treatment of the patients who arrived at our facility.  Of those we have treated, 28 patients were admitted, and eighteen of those have now been discharged.  Five of the patients admitted were in our Intensive Care Units, and three of those have now transitioned to a general medical floor.  Two pediatric trauma patients were transferred from our facility to McLane Children’s Hospital Scott & White in Temple.  Additionally, 12 elderly patients, who were reportedly nursing home residents from West, were treated and discharged to alternate nursing home facilities.  In addition to the patients who were admitted, transferred or discharged to another healthcare facility, more than 50 patients were treated and released from the Emergency Department and left with family and friends.

We are very proud of the work of our physicians, nurses and other staff who responded to this emergency.  They train and prepare for events like this and mobilized very quickly to respond professionally, efficiently and with all of the needed resources.  We had 285 physicians and staff respond to our hospital’s campus to provide medical care to those injured in the explosion.  The regional coordination and response from our Regional Trauma System, law enforcement, emergency responders and the community at large have been heroic.  The people of our community and Central Texas have once again demonstrated our ability to face unexpected challenges and to respond with resilience and strength.    We are proud to serve in such a community, and our thoughts and prayers remain with the people of West.

Glenn A. Robinson, FACHE, CEO

Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center    
bron: Hillcrest hospital


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West Fertilizer Co. Failed To Disclose It Had Unsafe Stores Of Explosive Substance

By Joshua Schneyer, Ryan McNeill and Janet Roberts

NEW YORK, April 20 (Reuters) - The fertilizer plant that exploded on Wednesday, obliterating part of a small Texas town and killing at least 14 people, had last year been storing 1,350 times the amount of ammonium nitrate that would normally trigger safety oversight by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Yet a person familiar with DHS operations said the company that owns the plant, West Fertilizer, did not tell the agency about the potentially explosive fertilizer as it is required to do, leaving one of the principal regulators of ammonium nitrate - which can also be used in bomb making - unaware of any danger there.

Fertilizer plants and depots must report to the DHS when they hold 400 lb (180 kg) or more of the substance. Filings this year with the Texas Department of State Health Services, which weren't shared with DHS, show the plant had 270 tons of it on hand last year.



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En - zo zal men zich nu afvragen in het misschien wel ietwat overgereguleerde Nederland -hoe is dat nu toch mogelijk na zoiets als een klein incident als bijv 9/11 in Amerika?

Winslow would not comment specifically on the West incident, citing the need for more information, but did say, “It is a very real and documented problem in Texas that workplace standards are lax. Accountability standards are woefully inadequate.”

Since 2006, only six fertilizer plants in Texas were inspected; West Fertilizer Company was not among them. The explosion is a spotlight to lax inspection standards in Texas. Under the leadership of Governor Rick Perry, who has been visiting states like Illinois and California to woo businesses to Texas, the state has advertised its low taxes and “predictable regulations” as part of its allure, begging the question whether the state’s “business friendly climate” has taken a step too far away from safety.
“Loose regulations” in Texas may be a nice pitch for out-of-state business, however, in 2010 the state accounted for 10% of all workplace-related fatalities in the country. In 2011, Texas had the second-highest number of fatality investigations from OSHA (California was first), in 2010, Texas led the nation in Latino worker fatalities.

At times the plant had up to 54,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonia available at the facility. This particular compound, according to the report, is at risk for explosion when it is inside a container.




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West, TX Fertilizer Plant Explosion 4/17/2013 (Pt. 1)

West, TX Fertilizer Plant Explosion 4/17/2013 (Pt. 2)
West, TX Fertilizer Plant Explosion 4/17/2013 (Pt. 2)
 Paul Lannuier·    
Gepubliceerd op 18 apr 2013

Raw: Aftermath of Massive West, Texas Blast
Raw: Aftermath of Massive West, Texas Blast
Gepubliceerd op 18 apr 2013
Federal investigators will be looking into the cause of the explosion at a Texas fertilizer plant that killed as many as 15 people and injured more than 160 others. (April 18)

Aerial Video Shows the Extent of the Destruction
Aerial Video Shows the Extent of the Destruction
Gepubliceerd op 18 apr 2013
Aerial video shows the extent of the destruction in West, Texas after a massive explosion yesterday at a fertilizer plant. (April 18)
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