Mijn Brandweer-reis naar Nederland / My Fire Trip to Holland

Auteur Topic: Mijn Brandweer-reis naar Nederland / My Fire Trip to Holland  (gelezen 27660 keer)

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Reactie #110 Gepost op: 4 mei 2013, 20:55:37
Another showing some of the equipment

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Reactie #111 Gepost op: 4 mei 2013, 20:57:20
Inside Oranjepark was this brand new VW car, also inside was a new Volvo FE Prime Mover Hooklift but this was surrounded by boxes and cars so I didn't get no photographs.

http://www.youtube.com/user/scousefire  http://www.flickr.com/photos/scousefire/


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Reactie #112 Gepost op: 4 mei 2013, 20:58:50
The body is made by HDS Brandweertechniek (now called Dutch Rescue Vehicles) in Hoogeveen. :)
Great to see vehicles from the region I live (Regio 18) 098uo
This vehicle is out of service since the begin of this year, fire station Papendrecht has taken over this task and get's at the end of this year a new Rescue Vehicle with a heavy crane. O0

Thank you for the information, glad we visited your region. I must go back to Papendrecht if they are getting a new Rescue Vehicle!  ;)
http://www.youtube.com/user/scousefire  http://www.flickr.com/photos/scousefire/


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Reactie #113 Gepost op: 4 mei 2013, 20:59:55
Also inside was a new Volvo FE Prime Mover Hooklift but this was surrounded by boxes and cars so I didn't get no photographs.
This one? :D

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.


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Reactie #114 Gepost op: 4 mei 2013, 21:06:43

Dordrecht was the last station of my trip. We then drove back to Rotterdam and flew home to Liverpool very early the next morning. This was good timing because when we woke the next day it was grey and raining heavy!  :'(

This was my first ever visit to the Netherlands and the trip was amazing, much more successful than I ever hoped it would be! This was because everyone I met, local people, Firefighters and other fire buffs were so friendly and helpful. I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who helped me make this trip, especially to the guys on this website who gave advice and information.  O0

I will definitely return to the Netherlands very soon and I hope if any of you ever visit the UK then I can return the favour.

I leave you with one last photograph - I took this at Kinderdijk - what a beautiful place!  :)

Bedankt en warmste betreft  ;D
http://www.youtube.com/user/scousefire  http://www.flickr.com/photos/scousefire/


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Reactie #115 Gepost op: 4 mei 2013, 21:10:43
Inside Oranjepark was this brand new VW car, also inside was a new Volvo FE Prime Mover Hooklift but this was surrounded by boxes and cars so I didn't get no photographs.

That VW car is not brand new anymore. It's in service since 13-10-2010. You're pictures were very nice. Thanks for sharing them  :)
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Reactie #116 Gepost op: 4 mei 2013, 21:27:01
Andy, thank you for your contribution at this forum. Good to read that you've enjoyed you're trip and all the coörporation from all of the other fire-fighters in our country. It's a small world, sometimes.  O0


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Reactie #117 Gepost op: 4 mei 2013, 22:06:57
Andy, you can check the number plate on https://ovi.rdw.nl. Then press 'Vervaldata en historie' and then you look at 'Datum eerste toelating'. That's the year of construction.


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Reactie #118 Gepost op: 5 mei 2013, 00:11:18
Next we stopped at another Barendrecht station - Londen, to see a very nice unit. It was a Mercedes Atego 4x4/Gemco Mobile Radio Tower. We have nothing like this in the UK!

You do have a couple of vehicles for support of the Airwave communications network in the UK, operated by O2. Only those are much smaller than these trucks with a 30 metre mast.

But maybe you should be glad you don't have these vehicles, since they were bought because of the sometimes poor coverage of the C2000 Tetra netwerk in te Netherlands. It might indicate that Airwave has a better coverage ::) ;)

Some examples of the Airwave verhicles:
Groeten, Maarten  
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