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I was VERY happy to see this - a Dennis Rapier MkII Tankautospuiten.
Nice fire trip! Could you make a extra topic with Englisch fire department verhicles with information? A interresting topic i think! More people who want to see that?
Something like this? http://www.hulpverleningsforum.nl/index.php?topic=72984
For your information, this DENNIS was a demo-car of Dennis in Holland. It was used to let firebrigades in Holland test drive with it (and work with it), to promote DENNIS. After a year or so, DENNIS sold it to the Ridderkerk firebrigade. It was used in Ridderkerk for several years, first as the first pumper, later as the 2nd, and later as the 3rd. A couple of years ago it went to the regional company school of the Rotterdam-Rijnmond fire brigade. This year's the last year for this pumper in Rotterdam-Rijnmond. It will be replaced.
The white CF75 is not a fire truck. It belongs to the The Hague Publich Health Services and serves as a mobile health research utility.
Also at Stadshart was this very nice Hoogwerker - it is a DAF CF75/Wumag/Metz B32. My notes say this was formerly from Monster?