Uit de media buitenland 2013

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Reactie #221 Gepost op: 19 december 2013, 22:32:57
Dak Apollo Theatre Londen stort in  

Een deel van het dak van het bekende Londense Apollo Theatre op West End is donderdagavond ingestort tijdens een voorstelling. Volgens getuigen zijn meerdere mensen beklemd of gewond geraakt.
Dat meldt BBC. Een getuige hoorde ,,een krakend geluid'' voor de instorting, om ongeveer kwart over negen Nederlandse tijd. Het publiek ging er in eerste instantie vanuit dat dit geluid onderdeel van de voorstelling uitmaakte.

Er is sprake van zeker 30 gewonden, van wie enkele ernstig. De brandweer meldt dat er acht brandweerwagens zijn ingezet om hulp te verlenen. De paniek in het theater was groot. Mensen kwamen huilend naar buiten. Sommigen zaten onder het puin en het bloed.

Het theater aan Shaftesbury Avenue zat vol toeschouwers. Ze waren gekomen voor de voorstelling The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.


  • is BHV-er/ EHBO-er. was HBT-er
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  • Diamondback, verslaafd aan Colt en de brandweer!


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #223 Gepost op: 20 december 2013, 08:24:03
London Ambulance @Ldn_Ambulance
We have 25 ambulance crews, 12 officers, members of our hazardous area response team & @LDNairamb on scene #ApolloTheatre
11:14pm · 19 Dec 13
We have treated 88 patients - 81 had suffered minor injuries & 7 with more serious injuries have been taken to hospital #ApolloTheatre
11:29pm · 19 Dec 13 ·
Incident commander Maria Smith:“When I arrived it was dark & extremely dusty - people were lying on the floor of the theatre" (1of2) #Apollo
12:21am · 20 Dec 13
“We very quickly set up a casualty clearing area in the foyer of the theatre - the walking wounded were assessed & treated there." (2of2)
12:23am · 20 Dec 13
Some of our staff treating patients at the #ApolloTheatre incident earlier this evening pic.twitter.com/1vLiUXzxQn
1:12am · 20 Dec 13
Photo's from tonight's incident at London's #ApolloTheatre flic.kr/s/aHsjPeZipx Apollo Theatre
1:31am · 20 Dec 13 ·
#ApolloTheatre Read our final statement here: tinyurl.com/pmtywx7
1:36am · 20 Dec 13

Final statement - Apollo Theatre incident
19 December 2013

To be attributed to a London Ambulance Service spokesperson:
We were called just after 8.10pm to the Apollo Theatre in Shaftesbury Avenue.
We sent a large number of staff to the scene, including 25 ambulance crews, 12 officers, members of our hazardous area response team and a medical team from London’s Air Ambulance also attended in a car.
Our first staff arrived within three minutes and we worked closely with the other emergency services to care for the injured.
We treated 76 patients, of whom 58 were subsequently taken to one of four hospitals - St Mary’s Hospital, University College Hospital, St Thomas’ Hospital and St George’s Hospital.
Of these, 51 had suffered minor injuries and were walking wounded and seven had suffered more serious injuries.
Incident Commander Maria Smith, who was one of the first on scene, said: “When I arrived it was dark and extremely dusty and people were lying on the floor of the theatre.
“We very quickly set up a casualty clearing area in the foyer of the theatre and the walking wounded were assessed and treated there for injuries such as cuts and grazes, breathing problems and head injuries.
“All the staff involved did an excellent job to help ensure that people received medical attention and those who needed further treatment were taken to hospital.”


Notes to editors:
    For further information about the London Ambulance Service or this news release please contact the communications department on 020 7783 2286.
    Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/ldn_ambulance or visit us on facebook at www.facebook.com/londonambulanceservice
    Look at our latest photos from around the Service at www.flickr.com/londonambulance


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #224 Gepost op: 20 december 2013, 12:04:13
Ambulance Service’s response to Apollo Theatre incident
20 December 2013

To be attributed to a London Ambulance Service spokesperson:
We were called just after 8.10pm to the Apollo Theatre in Shaftesbury Avenue.
We can now confirm that we sent a total of 54 resources to the scene. These included:

    29 ambulance crews
    Seven responders in cars or on motorbikes
    18 officers and other vehicles, including members of our hazardous area response team and a medical team from London’s Air
    Ambulance who also attended in a car.

Our first staff arrived within three minutes and we worked closely with the other emergency services to care for the injured.
By the time the scene had been completely cleared, we had treated 79 patients.
Of these, 56 were subsequently taken to hospital - 47 had suffered minor injuries and were categorised as being walking wounded, and nine had suffered more serious injuries including head and back injuries.
    35 patients were taken to St Thomas’ Hospital (32 walking wounded and three more serious)
    10 patients were taken to St Mary’s Hospital (Nine walking wounded and one more serious)
    Nine patients were taken to University College Hospital (Five walking wounded and four more serious)
    Two patients were taken to St George’s Hospital (One walking wounded and one more serious)

Among the vehicles used to transport patients with minor injuries were two London buses.
Incident Commander Maria Smith, who was one of the first on scene, said: “When I arrived it was dark and extremely dusty and people were lying on the floor of the theatre.
“We very quickly set up a casualty clearing area in the foyer of the theatre and the walking wounded were assessed and treated there for injuries such as cuts and grazes, breathing problems and head injuries.
“All the staff involved did an excellent job to help ensure that people received medical attention and those who needed further treatment were taken to hospital.”

- Ends -


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Reactie #225 Gepost op: 20 december 2013, 17:44:01
Kennington bus crash: 32 injured after double decker hits tree in south London

Police, ambulance and fire crews have been at the scene of a double-decker bus crash in Kennington Road, south London, in which a number of people were injured.
Two passengers who were trapped on the top deck of the bus have now been freed, London Fire Brigade (LFB) said. Two other passengers, including a 19-year-old woman remain in a critical condition.
The tree became embedded into the front of the bus and emergency services had to use specialist equipment to access one side of the vehicle.
LFB Station Manager Clive Robinson, who was at the scene, said the collision was a "particularly nasty" crash and crews worked in "very challenging circumstances" to get the passengers off the bus.
London Ambulance Service said they treated 32 patients who were sent to three London hospitals. Twenty-five, it said, were walking wounded with cuts and bruises. Five suffered more serious injuries, such as head and leg injuries.


en http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-25465221


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Reactie #226 Gepost op: 21 december 2013, 17:47:02
Geweld bij protesten Hamburg tegen ontruiming
HAMBURG (ANP/DPA) - In het Duitse Hamburg zijn demonstranten slaags geraakt met de politie tijdens een protest tegen mogelijke ontruiming van het cultuurcentrum Rode Flora. De politie heeft schoten gelost nadat agenten door de menigte werden belaagd, meldde een woordvoerder zaterdag.
De politie is met stenen, flessen en vuurwerk bekogeld
zie verder bron: www.telegraaf.nl/binnenland/22159604/__Geweld_in__Hamburg__.html?cid=rss
Veel onrust in Hamburg, demonstratie uiteengedreven, maar lijkt zich nu toch weer te richten rond #Essohaeuser.
Al sprake van diverse gewonden.
de waarheid verandert soms,  ....  maar het geloof in de waarheid niet


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Reactie #227 Gepost op: 21 december 2013, 21:52:37
Ruim zeventig gewonden politie bij rellen Hamburg
De ongeregeldheden braken in de middag uit bij het begin van een demonstratie tegen de dreigende ontruiming van het cultuurcentrum Rode Flora.
De politie beëindigde de demonstratie met harde hand nadat agenten door de menigte werden belaagd, meldt een woordvoerder zaterdag. Daarbij werden ook schoten gelost.
zie verder bron: www.nu.nl/buitenland/3660049/ruim-zeventig-gewonden-politie-bij-rellen-hamburg.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
de waarheid verandert soms,  ....  maar het geloof in de waarheid niet


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  • Scanman Jan
Reactie #228 Gepost op: 22 december 2013, 09:27:07
In een sloppenwijk van Nairobi is een goederentrein ontspoort en heeft talloze "huizen" verwoest.

Meer volgt.

Bron: breakingnews.com
Scannerluisteraar in hart en nieren en verslaafd aan nieuws.


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  • Scanman Jan
Reactie #229 Gepost op: 22 december 2013, 09:37:30
Citaat van: skippy02 link=msg=1230578 date=1387700827
In een sloppenwijk van Nairobi is een goederentrein ontspoort en heeft talloze "huizen" verwoest.

Meer volgt.

Bron: breakingnews.com

Foto: http://twitter.com/KenyaRedCross/status/414668562691682304/photo/1
Scannerluisteraar in hart en nieren en verslaafd aan nieuws.