Thank you that are very usefull information...
Do you know what the tasks of the Waterschap are ?
Do they things like coastal/environmental protection ?
Like controling dikes and dunes and coastal maintenance ?
I ask because I want to study Engeneering or ecological
study paths with focus on coastal and environmental protection
concentrating on the dutch area and northsea.
Is the Rijkswaterstaat the right adress for this ?
Are engineers and ecologists work for them especially in the area of coast protection ?
What does the Rijkswaterstaat ? Controling and maintenance of dikes and dunes ?
Its difficult for me to find more Informations at the internet because my dutch isn't that well yet and
the germans seem to know not much about the Rijkswaterstaat and their part in coastal protection

P.S. can you translate Handhaving and Toezicht for me ? I saw pictures of Cars with this on it. Don't know what they were for and what they do ?