Several questions concerning Water Management / Informatie over Water Management in Nederland

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Citaat van: robbey91 link=msg=1185895 date=1374706827
P.S. can you translate Handhaving and Toezicht for me ? I saw pictures of Cars with this on it. Don't know what they were for and what they do ?

I think the best translation is '(Law) Enforcement and Surveillance'. But there are also other titles in use. These officers have limited police powers and can issue citations /tickets for some designated violations. The officers are mostly found working for municipalities, public transport authorities, environmental agencies etcetera. Police officers on the other hand, are employed by the state and have full police powers.
Senior GGP / Oost-Brabant


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Citaat van: Nick link=msg=1185897 date=1374707719
I think the best translation is '(Law) Enforcement and Surveillance'. But there are also other titles in use. These officers have limited police powers and can issue citations /tickets for some designated violations. The officers are mostly found working for municipalities, public transport authorities, environmental agencies etcetera. Police officers on the other hand, are employed by the state and have full police powers.
Thats the correct answer. You can recognize them on the badge.
This the badge.
Hoofdagent Eenheid Rotterdam. mag ik je pasfoto? ik spaar natuurrampen.


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Can you name some environmental agencies in the netherlands they work for ?


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Hahaha you have homework?
Most of the environmental officers work for the municipality. The law Enforcement and Surveillance are also charge with Environmental law.
Its possible that municipality hire this officers from a private security company like securitas, G4S and Trigion (most of the little municipality does this). Then you have the environmental agencies like DCMR (Rotterdam) they are charge with environmental violation on bigger scale. They also investigate sitiuations like fire in the Harbor in Rotterdam.

Further there are the foresters they are working voor ''staatsbosbeheer''.
Hoofdagent Eenheid Rotterdam. mag ik je pasfoto? ik spaar natuurrampen.

Lt. Col. Me

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Citaat van: robbey91 link=msg=1185895 date=1374706827
Thank you that are very usefull information...

Do you know what the tasks of the Waterschap are ?
Do they things like coastal/environmental protection ?
Like controling dikes and dunes and coastal maintenance ?
The "Waterschap" bodies are the official (semi-)governmental bodies for Water Management and engineering on a regional scale. They are entitled to manage all water infrastructure (including ground water), as well as some related other infrastructure (a road over a dyke, for example). Mostly, they are not in charge of the main coastal and main rivers protection, this part is exclusively assigned on a national scale to Rijkswaterstaat, the state agency for all national infrastructure. The "Waterschap" bodies are however assigned to protect the regional areas from flooding and other water-related problems. This includes for example dykes along canals, small rivers and other water infrastructure. Also, they are in charge of controlling water levels in periods of heat, to avoid extensive use of water by farmers, and they have environmental duties to inspect water quality to avoid water pollution. One of their main tasks nowadays is to de-canalize the waterinfrastructure. In small to regional scale projects, water bodies and waterways are reconstructed to follow a natural path through the landscape. This provides for a better buffering of water in times of high water levels as well as periods of drought. It's absolutely an interesting field of expertise, considering the fact that there are mostly a lot of stakeholders, from local and regional governments to farmers to neighboring "Waterschappen".

Citaat van: robbey91 link=msg=1185895 date=1374706827
I ask because I want to study Engeneering or ecological
study paths with focus on coastal and environmental protection
concentrating on the dutch area and northsea.

Is the Rijkswaterstaat the right adress for this ?
Are engineers and ecologists work for them especially in the area of coast protection ?
What does the Rijkswaterstaat ? Controling and maintenance of dikes and dunes ?
Rijkswaterstaat is the state agency for all national infrastructure, and roughly, they have a "dry part" in charge of the highways network, and a "wet part" in charge of the national waterways (for instance the Rhein), the North Sea, IJsselmeer and Waddenzee. If you are interested in coastal protection and coastal engineering, Rijkswaterstaat could be the organization you end up with after studies. Water engineers and ecologists may work directly for Rijkswaterstaat, or be hired via one of many consultancy firms, such as Arcadis or RoyalHaskoningDHV. The tasks of Rijkswaterstaat are varied; anything that has to do with management of the (coastal waters) - and beyond - is in their list of tasks. That ranges from traffic management to ecology and environment, and from emergency management to spatial planning. Especially in die Niederlände, of which a large and important part is below sea level, it is a continuous process to identify the risks associated with water and to implement fitting measures accordingly.
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -- Winston Churchill


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First of all thank you for this great and usefull information.
And then also translated in english. Seems to be a very
friendly community :)

:D No Homework. I want to inform about Coastal Management and
engeneering in the netherland because I  would like
to work in this field. But first I have to learn better dutch language :S

Lt. Col. Me
Thank you ! You helped me very much. Seems like the Netherland are a very
structured and well organiced Country in the field of Water and Coastal Managemend.
But like you say I think they have to be :)
Also it seems like an very interesting working field and I would like to walk this way...


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Hoofdagent Eenheid Rotterdam. mag ik je pasfoto? ik spaar natuurrampen.

Lt. Col. Me

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If you are still looking for studies in this area, I can recommend the Civil Engineering studies ("Civiele Techniek"). I don't know where you are based in Germany and the level of education you are looking for, but for example the University of Twente in Enschede has a broad and well-formed group on Water Management and Water Engineering. They regularly deliver students to Rijkswaterstaat, Waterschappen, consultancies and other partners in the industry. I think the same applies to several higher education colleges ("hogeschool", bachelor level) and other universities (both bachelor and master level). The University of Twente has also extensive knowledge in dealing with German students, as already many German students crossed the border to follow studies there. So far mainly in societal studies (Psychology, Educational sciences), but I'm pretty sure there are possibilities in the technical areas as well. If you need details about the studies at University of Twente, you may contact me in PM. For other institutions I can't provide any details (as I haven't been working there before :) ).

As for the friendly community over here: yes, you are most definitely right. However, please keep in mind that we are mainly an emergency services community. The largest number of our members are either working in one of the emergency services (police, ambulance, firefighting), related businesses (military, security, medical, government, etc.) or have a strong interest in emergency services and management. We might not be able to answer all of your questions. :)
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -- Winston Churchill


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Yes this are also useful informations :) Thank you...

I remember to sea these yellow Pick ups with the stripes driving on the Beach in Zeeland when I was a child.
What is the function of these cars ? Do they control the Beach and Dunes ?


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Lt. Col. Me
Yes I have informed about the studies in the Netherland. I think the Delta Academy in Vlissingen is interessting.
I know Vlissingen from many Holidays as a child :)

I live in Münster in Nordrhein Westfalen. Its not far from the Netherlands :)
Many dutch tourists here ;)

But I think first I will study in Germany. At this time it is more comfortable for me.
I want to study a Bachelor of Environmental Engeneering it has a focus on Water Infrastructur
and I can go on studying ecological in Germany so I have two categories in Which I could work.

Maybe I can study my Master in the Netherlands.