Several questions concerning Water Management / Informatie over Water Management in Nederland

Auteur Topic: Several questions concerning Water Management / Informatie over Water Management in Nederland  (gelezen 26144 keer)

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Hello !

Sorry I can't speak dutch but I have a question.
Which Agency does this vehicle belong to ?

You could also answer in German

Thank you for Informations



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Thats hard to say. If is see the area where he is driving it could be the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority.
But again its hard to say.
Hoofdagent Eenheid Rotterdam. mag ik je pasfoto? ik spaar natuurrampen.


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Tank you for your answer...

Doesn't it belong to something with water ?
The blue stripes look like waves. Or is it only the design ?
Something like technical Watermanagement ?

It was seen in a Movie about the Delta University in Zeeland.
Hogeschool Zeeland Delta Academy
-> Minute 3:55

Another Question:
Is there an Agency or Company who secures the coast from Water. Coastal protection. Controling the dikes and dunes ? or the beach ?
Does they have any special Vehicles ?


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Yes, it looks like waves. Probably a car of the Dutch water boards or something like that.


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Now i look good and saw the movie yes that are waves.....
Hoofdagent Eenheid Rotterdam. mag ik je pasfoto? ik spaar natuurrampen.


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I have a question to these dutch Agencys I found on the forum.
What are the tasks of these Agencys ? Are there similar Agencys in Germany to compare ?

milieupolitie ?
Handhaving ?
Toezicht ?
Rijkswaterstaat ?

What are these Agencys for ?

Thank you !


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Is there an Agency which is special for Coast Protection ?
Patroling to controle the dikes and dunes ?
If yes what is the name of this agency and what are their tasks ?


  • Eigenaar HarmInfraTransport
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It seems to me to be one of these verhicles:
Citaat van: Bernt link=msg=793356 date=1281562437

Dienst: Rijkswaterstaat
Standplaats: ?
Soort voertuig: OVD wagen
Merk & type: Nissan X-Trail
Kenteken: 23-BR-RX
A few of them got the new house collors and relocated to different agency's of Rijkswaterstaat much like the road en water safty agency's.
Professionele afzetter, ik irriteer weggebruikers.


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For the Dutch vehicle-enthousiasts: Is it possible that the shown vehicle is a Nissan Terrano II from "Waterschap Zeeuwse Eilanden"? I recall the striping being seen in Zeeland a few years back.

For the topicstarter: If my memory is right, the vehicle belonged to the Water Board in the province Zeeland. The name of the board at the time of the video was "Waterschap Zeeuwse Stromen", nowadays the water board in that area is called "Waterschap Scheldestromen".

In German: Wasserverband auf Wikipedia.


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Thank you that are very usefull information...

Do you know what the tasks of the Waterschap are ?
Do they things like coastal/environmental protection ?
Like controling dikes and dunes and coastal maintenance ?

I ask because I want to study Engeneering or ecological
study paths with focus on coastal and environmental protection
concentrating on the dutch area and northsea.

Is the Rijkswaterstaat the right adress for this ?
Are engineers and ecologists work for them especially in the area of coast protection ?
What does the Rijkswaterstaat ? Controling and maintenance of dikes and dunes ?

Its difficult for me to find more Informations at the internet because my dutch isn't that well yet and
the germans seem to know not much about the Rijkswaterstaat and their part in coastal protection :)

P.S. can you translate Handhaving and Toezicht for me ? I saw pictures of Cars with this on it. Don't know what they were for and what they do ?
