Digitale wereldkaart verkeersslachtoffers per land

Auteur Topic: Digitale wereldkaart verkeersslachtoffers per land  (gelezen 2375 keer)

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  • Senior gebruiker
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  • Berichten: 10,711
Gepost op: 19 augustus 2013, 13:27:49
Een digitale wereldkaart waarop men per land meer informatie kan vinden over het aantal verkeersslachtoffers.

Global status report on road safety 2013

The Global status report on road safety 2013 presents information on road safety from 182 countries, accounting for almost 99% of the world’s population. The report indicates that worldwide the total number of road traffic deaths remains unacceptably high at 1.24 million per year. Only 28 countries, covering 7% of the world’s population, have comprehensive road safety laws on five key risk factors: drinking and driving, speeding, and failing to use motorcycle helmets, seat-belts, and child restraints.

This report serves as a baseline for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, declared by the UN General Assembly. Made possible through funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies, this is the second in a series of Global status reports.