Hoe te handelen bij een opiaten overdosis?

Auteur Topic: Hoe te handelen bij een opiaten overdosis?  (gelezen 2875 keer)

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  • Senior gebruiker
  • ****
  • Berichten: 10,711
Gepost op: 28 augustus 2013, 17:15:05
Een prachtige toolkit boordevol informatie voor EHBO-ers en diverse medische professionals.

Price: FREE

Equips communities and local governments with material to develop policies and practices to help prevent opioid-related overdoses and deaths. Addresses issues for first responders, treatment providers, and those recovering from opioid overdose. (A 508-compliant version of this document will be available soon)
Pub id: SMA13-4742
Publication Date: 8/2013
Popularity: Not ranked
Format: Kit
Audience: Community Coalitions, People in Recovery as Audience, Family & Advocates, Professional Care Providers, Prevention Professionals, Law Enforcement
