Over 10 minuten: Live radio uitzending - ER doctors Boston

Auteur Topic: Over 10 minuten: Live radio uitzending - ER doctors Boston  (gelezen 1783 keer)

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Gepost op: 27 augustus 2013, 18:03:13
Radio via internet: http://www.wbur.org/listen/live (circa: 18.10 uur NLse tijd)

Almost a year ago, Dr. Ron Walls, an emergency room doctor in Boston, opened an email from Dr. Richard Zane, a colleague in Colorado.

It was about the shootings in Aurora, and it had links to 911 calls that night. In a movie theater, 12 people were shot and killed and 58 were injured by shooter, James Holmes.

In one hour, 23 patients arrived at the University of Colorado Hospital with injuries more common on battlefields than in emergency rooms.

It was horrible, but it may have provided lessons for Dr. Walls in Boston.

On April 15, his Brigham and Women’s Hospital received the same number of critically injured patients, 23, in just one hour.


Dr. Ron Walls, Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Dr. Richard Zane, Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Colorado Hospital in Denver.
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