Meer dan vijfduizend doden na Typhoon Haiyan - Filipijnen 08-11-2013

Auteur Topic: Meer dan vijfduizend doden na Typhoon Haiyan - Filipijnen 08-11-2013  (gelezen 29724 keer)

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Reactie #50 Gepost op: 13 november 2013, 21:32:21
USAR (25):
Deployed (3) POMPIERS DE L'URGENCE INTERNATIONALE FRA01 (FRANCE), Secouristes Sans Frontières (France), Swiss Humanitarian Aid (Switzerland)
Standby (3) Global DIRT K-9 (Disaster Immediate Response Team), ERT SEARCH & RESCUE, SMART (Malaysia)
Monitoring (18) New Zealand USAR (New Zealand Fire Service), Swedish International Fast Response Team - USAR, EMERCOM (Russia), RAPID UK (UK), HUSZÁR (Hungary), UK ISAR (UNITED KINGDOM), Australia USAR Taskforce 1 (Queensland Australia), AKUT Turkish Search and Rescue Association (Turkey), USAR.NL (the Netherlands), Task Force Germany Deutsche Erdbebenrettung e.v (USAR TEAM Deutsche Erdbebenrettung), Belarusian Special Response Team, SARUV Austria (Austria), ERICAM (Comunidad de Madrid (Spain)), SCDF Ops Lionheart Contingent (Singapore Civil Defence Force), ARM (Armenia), GEA SAR (Turkey), USAR VIÑA (Chile), usar (colombia)


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Reactie #51 Gepost op: 13 november 2013, 21:34:54
Sila CERAN (Turkey) 2 min ago    
Turkey Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) plans to send search and rescue team and medical teams to Cebu Airport via A-330 cargo charter airplane. We need to learn that is Cebu Airport capable for landing of A-330 and is there high-loader for unloading equipments and vehicles.


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Reactie #52 Gepost op: 13 november 2013, 21:35:42
Hee-Kyong Yoo, OCHA 3 hrs ago    
Please find attached OCHA Situation Report No. 7 on Typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Yolanda), dated 13 November 2013 developed in collaboration with humanitarian partners. The report covers the period from 12 to 13 November. The next report will be issued on or around 14 November.

• An estimated 11.5 million people are affected by Typhoon Haiyan; 544,600 people remain displaced.
• Trucks and fuel are urgently needed to deliver aid. Debris and logistics continue to severely constrain the delivery of humanitarian assistance.
• The Emergency Relief Coordinator visited the most affected areas of Tacloban City to take stock of the humanitarian situation.
• Transporting and distributing food, emergency shelter material, hygiene kits, body bags and establishing a family tracing service are urgently needed in Tacloban for the next days.
• The Haiyan Action Plan, launched on 12 November, is 13 per cent funded ($38 million).


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #53 Gepost op: 13 november 2013, 22:41:58
]Qatar to Send Urgent Aid to the Philippines[/b]
Posted on November 13, 2013 by Emergency & Trauma
mofaDoha/ (QNA) / 12 November 2013/ Qatar has decided, under the directives of HH the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, to send two shipments of urgent aid to the Philippines’ regions affected by Typhoon Haiyan.

The aid will be sent Wednesday on two flights and will include 80 tons of medications, food, tents, blankets and clothes, HE Dr. Ahmed Al-Muraikhi, head of the Foreign Ministry’s Department of International Development told QNA.

He noted that sending the aid is dictated by Qatar’s duty towards its friends in the Philippines during their current plight so as to relieve their suffering and devastating conditions.

Qatar Red Crescent in Philippines aid appeal

Qatar Red Crescent has launched an emergency aid appeal, in co-operation with Philippines Red Cross, to raise $2mn in cash to support the people affected by Super Typhoon Haiyan in Philippines.

The focus is on delivering food, other items, water  and health care to 5,000 families (25,000 persons) in affected provinces of Northern Mindanao region. It is estimated that 39 cities and 229 municipalities have been affected.

There are immediate needs for the provision of food and non-food distribution. Non-food items include shelter and hygiene kits, kitchen sets, jerry cans and tarpaulin sheets.

There is an urgent need for provision of basic health care and the supply of clean water to those living in evacuation centres in addition to the provision of “transitional shelters”.

To meet the immediate clean water needs of those in evacuation centres, QRC, in co-operation with Philippines Red Cross, aims to supply the basic resource to the most affected population and provide them with the basic tools for survival, especially food and non-food items.

This is in addition to offering basic hygiene items for the benefit of 5,000 families, with a view of contributing towards reducing the risk of waterborne and water-related diseases, including dengue and malaria.

QRC will also provide shelter repair kits to 1,000 families whose houses have been partially damaged and 500 families whose houses were totally destroyed will benefit from transitional shelter.

As for the long-term needs, owing to the significant number of damaged houses reported, shelter assistance is a top priority, QRC said.

QRC and Philippines Red Cross consider provision of shelter assistance to be fully in line with helping people to restore their everyday lives and to enable them to live in decent conditions.

These efforts will target storm-affected families as a whole rather than individual members of family units. Lists of beneficiaries will be obtained from the local authorities and the respective Philippines Red Cross chapters will revalidate the lists, with volunteers undertaking surveys in affected areas.

November 12, 2013

Dear Colleague,

As we all know, the situation in the Philippines following super Typhoon Haiyan is overwhelming in its severity, the tragic and extensive loss of life, and its magnitude of destruction. Since this catastrophic storm hit the central Philippines on November 8, many of you have contacted us expressing your interest in providing assistance to the victims of this terrible tragedy. Please be assured that we are working diligently to secure information for those of you who are interested in participating in the relief efforts.

You’ve probably heard or read media reports about how hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced and remain at risk. Just late yesterday afternoon the Washington Post reported that: “The destruction across a chain of Philippine islands leaves authorities with a relief operation both urgent and complicated, and of a scale exceeding any other in the history of this disaster-prone nation.”  

For many of us far away from the scene at the moment, our best source of information remains the media reports being broadcasted, posted electronically, and reported in print. However, surgeon colleagues in the Philippines, contacted by surgeon leaders from the ACS Committee on Trauma—and several agencies contacted through our Operation Giving Back (OGB) program—indicate that the affected area is suffering from isolation and they are still gathering information about what is needed at the present time.  They have told us that there is no immediate need for international medical team support.

Instead, our contacts suggest that a critical need exists, and will for the foreseeable future, for medical supplies, food, water, and housing. If you would like to support these efforts, we encourage you to make a donation to the Red Cross or the Philippine Red Cross.

As an aid to those of you who have expressed interest in participating in possible relief efforts, we have created this page on the Committee on Trauma (COT) section of the ACS website where we are posting the most up-to-date information as soon as we receive it. The intent of this resource is to help direct you to possible ways you can participate in the humanitarian response to this crisis. Later this week, we will post a form to complete so that you can be notified if  we become aware of a call for medical support.  Please visit:

We will continue to monitor the situation and update the COT and OGB web pages to let you know about ways in which the surgical community can help provide assistance.

Clearly, our thoughts are with the victims of this devastating typhoon and the dedicated individuals involved in relief efforts.  Thank you for your interest.

With all best regards,

David B. Hoyt, MD, FACS
Executive Director
American College of Surgeons

November 13, 2013

It’s now been five days since Typhoon Haiyan devastated the central Philippines and we’re continuing to monitor the situation with information that we receive from our surgeon colleagues and various relief agencies.  As of this morning, we have received no requests for international medical support teams.   However we have now posted a form online that you can fill out so that you can be notified if we become aware of a call for medical support.

We encourage you to continue following media reports about the situation to stay up to date. And if you have any information about the disaster relief situation that you think would be valuable to us, please contact the ACS Committee on Trauma.  If you reside in the region near the disaster and have any information that you think we should be aware of please let us know. or call: 312-202-5155.

With all best regards,

David B. Hoyt, MD, FACS
Executive Director
American College of Surgeons


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #54 Gepost op: 13 november 2013, 22:45:07
Overigens brengt medische hulpverlening in rampgebieden nog de nodige specifieke kennis van het land en de locale mogelijke complicaties / ziektes (in dit geval heel specifieke antistoffen in het bloed) met zich mee. Zie hieronder het bericht uit Qatar met een oproep voor bloed voor een Filipijnse vrouw.

Hamad General Hospital Doha in urgent need of blood donation – Filipino community!
Posted on November 13, 2013 by Emergency & Trauma
Header_Logo-hmcgeneralA female Filipina patient has just been admitted to Hamad General Hospital with severe bleeding. She urgently requires blood from O+, O-, B+ and B- groups.

The patient has a rare antibody which is only found in the Filipino community so we are asking staff who may have these blood types and can give blood, to consider donating.

The Blood Donor Unit next to Hamad General Hospital is open 7am til 10pm Sunday to Thursday and 8am to 8pm Saturdays.

Call 4439 1081 for more information.

Thank you for your support


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Reactie #55 Gepost op: 14 november 2013, 14:35:25
Hulptransport vertrokken naar Filipijnen
Hulptransport vertrokken naar Filipijnen
Gepubliceerd op 14 nov 2013
Vanaf Vliegbasis Eindhoven is donderdagochtend om 8.15 uur een KDC-10 vertrokken richting Filipijnen, met 29 ton aan hulpgoederen aan boord.
Samen sterk in de hulpverlening!


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Reactie #56 Gepost op: 14 november 2013, 15:37:44
Ook Israël stuurt (zoals gebruikelijk na grote rampen) hulp:

IDF to send field hospital to Philippines for typhoon relief

The IDF will send a humanitarian mission to assist victims of the Typhoon in the Philippines, army sources said.

The mission, headed by Col. Ramtin Sabati, who commands the National Rescue Unit, will contain medical staff and a field hospital, and will head out to the storm-stricken areas on Wednesday. The decision came following an evaluation meeting held by IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz.

The mission will also include Col. Dr. Dudu Dagan, Deputy Chief Medical Corp Officer, who will act as commander of the field hospital.  

The IsraAID humanitarian organization on Saturday sent a team of seven medical professionals to Tacloban City in the storm-ravaged Philippines.

The Foreign Ministry announced that Israel would send a search and rescue team with experience in searching damaged buildings, as well as a medical team.

Philippine officials have been overwhelmed by the scale of Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest on record, which tore a path through islands in the central Philippines on Friday.

About 660,000 people have been displaced and many have no access to food, water or medicine, the United Nations said. The typhoon killed an estimated 10,000 people in one city alone, with fears the toll could rise sharply as rescuers reach more devastated towns.

Hayley Munguia and Reuters contributed to this report.



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Reactie #57 Gepost op: 14 november 2013, 22:55:40
Nederlandse hulpverleners niet naar Filipijnen

Het USAR-team (Urban Search and Rescue) van Nederlandse hulpverleners gaat vandaag nog niet naar het rampgebied in de Filipijnen. De VN vindt dat nog niet nodig.Dat zegt Jelte van Wieren, hoofd noodhulp van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Het speciale team stond de afgelopen dagen klaar om af te reizen.IdentificatieVan Wieren benadrukte dat Nederland altijd pas hulp biedt als er een verzoek van de VN ligt, om niemand in de weg te lopen in een rampgebied. Mogelijk volgt in een later stadium alsnog een verzoek om de Nederlandse reddingswerkers in te zetten.Ook het Landelijk Team Forensische Opsporing, waarin het Rampen Identificatie Team is opgenomen, heeft nog geen verzoek gekregen om te helpen in de Filipijnen.


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Reactie #58 Gepost op: 15 november 2013, 07:55:23
Dodental Haiyan alleen al in Tacloban op 4000

Alleen al in de door de tyfoon Haiyan zwaarst getroffen stad Tacloban zijn tot dusver 4000 doden geteld. Dat aantal staat te lezen op een bord bij het stadhuis van de Filipijnse stad. Het is bijna het dubbele van het officiële dodenaantal dat door de regering in Manilla is vrijgegeven.




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Reactie #59 Gepost op: 15 november 2013, 09:18:20
Citaat van: vergeten link=msg=1220113 date=1384466140
Nederlandse hulpverleners niet naar Filipijnen

Het USAR-team (Urban Search and Rescue) van Nederlandse hulpverleners gaat vandaag nog niet naar het rampgebied in de Filipijnen. De VN vindt dat nog niet nodig.Dat zegt Jelte van Wieren, hoofd noodhulp van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Het speciale team stond de afgelopen dagen klaar om af te reizen.IdentificatieVan Wieren benadrukte dat Nederland altijd pas hulp biedt als er een verzoek van de VN ligt, om niemand in de weg te lopen in een rampgebied. Mogelijk volgt in een later stadium alsnog een verzoek om de Nederlandse reddingswerkers in te zetten.Ook het Landelijk Team Forensische Opsporing, waarin het Rampen Identificatie Team is opgenomen, heeft nog geen verzoek gekregen om te helpen in de Filipijnen.
Bron RTL