Co2 blusser & stroom krijgen

Auteur Topic: Co2 blusser & stroom krijgen  (gelezen 3703 keer)

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Reactie #10 Gepost op: 13 juni 2005, 11:24:58
Misscheinis er iets in de constructie gewijzigd?
De hoorn moet ook goed geaard zijn aan het toestel begrijp ik uit de volgende tekst.

Extinguishers must be properly maintained to
ensure that they will work when needed, and that
they are safe to use. A carbon dioxide extinguisher,
for example, can build up a high static charge if it
is used when there is a breakdown of the insulation
around the discharge horn. This can cause electric

en dit verhaal klopt dus ben ik inmiddels achter.
Veelal worden de bluskokers uit eens stuk gemaakt,maar er zijn tegenwoordig bluskokers waar je de slang en koker aan elkaar moet schroeven.Dus dat zou de verklaring moeten zijn  ;)


  • Oranje Kolom
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Reactie #11 Gepost op: 13 juni 2005, 11:27:44
8. The hose and horn assembly of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is designed to conduct the static electrical charge generated by the extinguishing agent during operation of the unit.

 a. True
 b. False
answer: When carbon dioxide (CO2) converts from its liquid state in a fire extinguisher, to its vapor state in the atmosphere, static electricity is created.  The hose and horn assembly is designed to conduct and dissipate this static charge to prevent harm to the operator and the generation of a static electrical spark. The spark will take place if the extinguisher's grounding state is altered during operation; that is, if you place the extinguisher on the ground while operating the unit or if you come into contact with another grounded object while operating the unit.  The preferred way to operate this extinguisher is to drag the extinguisher into and out of the fire area while discharging the unit; thus the extinguisher remains grounded at all time.
Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupation