28 t/m 31-03-2014 Resuscitation 2014, Las Vegas (USA)

Auteur Topic: 28 t/m 31-03-2014 Resuscitation 2014, Las Vegas (USA)  (gelezen 1839 keer)

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  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
  • Senior gebruiker
  • ****
  • Berichten: 14,616
Gepost op: 28 maart 2014, 12:28:43
Geen nieuw evenement, maar wel een site met leerzame informatie m.b.t. reanimatie.

Resuscitation 2014 is a full featured, multimedia conference that is power packed with national faculty. The conference
focuses on emergency and critical care management of the seriously ill and injured with engaging lectures presented
in a large multi-screen format involving actual patient care footage. Resuscitation 2014 understands that care of
these patients involves many specialties and many disciplines and incorporates this into the material covered


“Ask the Experts” Panel New “Ask the Experts Panel” with international guests. Interactive live session with streaming web broadcast. Join the Resuscitation conference community from around the world.
Livestreaming from Las Vegas at 12noon (PST) join us for Ask The Experts session: http://t.co/aJ9u441bXG every day for the next 3 days

zie ook youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSu2zY-LUtqfCgCdEXN-CXg
