London Trauma Conference 2015: Air Ambulance & Pre-hospital Care Day

Auteur Topic: London Trauma Conference 2015: Air Ambulance & Pre-hospital Care Day  (gelezen 17219 keer)

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Reactie #70 Gepost op: 9 maart 2016, 17:20:51
N-bomb of NBOMe zijn legaal verkrijgbare hallucinogenen, 25I-NBOMe, 25C-NBOMe en 25B-NBOMe. De stof hecht zit aan serotonine-receptoren in het brein. Deze stoffen zijn vele malen potenter dan LSD.

Uiterst kleine hoeveelheden veroorzaken:

*epileptische insulten

Tim Horeczko @EMtogether
Tomaszewski drops the "en-bomb": NBOMe abuse #PEM16


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Citaat van: oma link=msg=1408508 date=1456313823
Barts and the London Prehospital Care Programme invite you to an exciting day of workshops and talks on mass casualties and major incidents. With sessions lead by the London Ambulance Service, London's Air Ambulance, and London's Fire Brigade, it is sure to be a valuable learning experience for anyone with an interest in prehospital care.

For more details and to book tickets please visit our website:

***Tickets on sale Saturday 27/02/16 at 5:00pm***

Early Bird: £12
Regular Price: £15
Tickets are inclusive of lunch and drinks reception.

Get rid of the orange blob: HEMS Paramedic experience on 7/7
Lee Parker, Flight Paramedic HEMS an Motorbike Paramedic London Ambulance Service

Opening the day with @lardyc7 speaking on his experience of 7/7! #PCP16

Not a single patient was transferred by air on 7/7, @LDNairamb helicopter was used to move teams and kit #PCP16

Lee Parker recalling his experiences as a HEMS paramedic during the 7/7 bombings #PCP16 @The_PCP

Lee Parker @lardyc7 giving some incredible insight into the steps taken during 7/7, including commandeering vehicles to get there! #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Paramedic Lee Parker describing stealing a van (w/ permission) on 7/7 to get to Edgware Road bombing #PCP16 @The_PCP

Incredible speed of activity at Edgware Road - 09:10 on scene, by 12:00 the casualties were cleared #Inspirational #PCP16

Some tube lines are exceptionally narrow, meaning blast energy travels throughout the carriage #PCP16

During 7/7, many people were blown out if carriages, creating even more access problems - scene management key in major incidents #PCP16

Another huge problem in the tube tunnels includes the lack of light; first on scene often working in pitch black #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Paramedic Lee Parker talking logistic practicalities inc. how to move the deceased if you need to get to survivors #PCP16 @The_PCP

1 doctor and 1 paramedic dealt with 200-300 potential casualties; luckily 20+ good samaritans to help on scene! #PCP16

Pro tip for helping at a mass casualty scene: don't offer to triage if you don't know how to triage #PCP16 @The_PCP

All three major incidents @lardyc7 has been to have had comms failures, a huge problem when trying to coordinate events #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Paramedic Lee Parker says all 3 major incidents he's attended comms has failed - do simulations include this 2 b realistic? #PCP16 @The_PCP

Luckily 7/7 coincided with a @LDNairamb governance day, allowing quicker dispatch of teams already on the helipad! #PCP16

Longest scene clearance time was 2hrs 25 - amazing work from all medical teams at 7/7 #PCP16

Key learning points from @lardyc7 - major incidents have so much going on, crews return to base instincts #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Just overcome instinct to treat pts 2 triage, report, manage scene first b4 backup arrives @The_PCP #PCP16

Most injured patients take 30 mins to get off scene and into hospitals - don't underestimate what's coming through the ED doors #PCP16

An incredibly raw talk from @lardyc7, opening #PCP16 with an amazing presentation on his experience of 7/7 as a major incident.

Promote safety, calm, connectedness, self-efficacy, and hope during a major incident #PCP16 @lardyc7

Finishing with a heartbreaking memorial to the victims of 7/7. Rest in peace. #PCP16

Jess Foulkes @_JRFoulkes_
A raw, honest and powerful talk by HEMS paramedic Lee Parker about the 7/7 bombings - excellently presented and a great start to the #PCP16

Lee Parker @lardyc7 now taking questions from the audience #PCP16


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How is the Royal London Hospital prepared, and what did we learn from 7/7
Dr. Karim Ahmad, Emergency Medicine Physician, Barts Health NHS Trust

Karim Ahmad is our next speaker, the major incident lead for the Royal London Hospital #PCP16 @NHSBartsHealth

When a major incident is declared at the Royal London there can be a feeling of anger; we all feel personally attacked #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
EM consultant Karim Ahmad says now Royal London ED is seeing up to 600 patients in 24hr period. ED pressure is real #PCP16 @The_PCP

500+ patients in 24 hours in average at the Royal London; on 7/7 over 200 arrived in 5 hours #PCP16

Major Incidents need to be able to run without a leader; if the leader leaves you've lost your plan! #PCP16

ED, theatres, ITU, and wards all have their own plans and know what to do during major incidents, so everyone prepares independently #PCP16

Peter J Hollely @PJ85RN
Karim makes a good point! We are ready function in #masscasualty situations #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Dr Ahmad describes RLH plan 4 major incidents - each dpmt has own plan, don't need to communicate to get plan underway #PCP16 @The_PCP

hareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
RLH major incident plan is cellular, so is independent of comms failing between different teams eg ED, Theatres and ITU #PCP16 @The_PCP

It's important to clear the ED of patients who don't require emergency treatment during major incidents #PCP16

Elective surgeries need to be stopped once the operations happening are finished, to free up for victims of the major incident #PCP16

HART = hazardous area response team (for anyone at #PCP16 who's not come across them yet; you will later!)

CBRN = chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear #PCP16

Peter W Walker @PeterWWalker
#PCP16 For a Major Incident there are challenges when the MTCs run at over 100% capacity routinely.

Triage in hospital is different to prehospital; need to provide definitive treatment rather than focusing on life-threatening or not #PCP16

Triage in hospital decides who goes to resus, who goes to majors, and who goes to minors for their injuries #PCP16

Peter W Walker @PeterWWalker
Finesse of Hospital Triage @The_PCP @NHSBartsHealth #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
Karim Ahmad: ED use P1/2/3 category for #triage + primary survey to put patients in Resus/Majors/Minors #varyinginjuries #PCP16 @The_PCP

There are 8 resus bays at RLH for 30-40 P1 casualties coming in; need to use experience to decide who actually needs resus #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
I.e scoring P1 doesn't automatically = resus bay. You need to have problem with ABCDE (P1+) #triage #PCP16 @The_PCP

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Dr Ahmad has own P1+ category 4 pts who urgently need resus bed - only 8beds in RLH, just being P1 does not guarantee a bed #PCP16 @The_PCP

Do you need intubating/have you been intubated? Do you need immediate circulatory support? Have you got a major neurological problem? #PCP16

Jayne Usher @UsherJayne
Great talk Dr Karim:don't let the mist of a major incident cloud/confuse your clinical choices 'do what you do everyday' #PCP16 @The_PCP

The Ginger Paramedic @GingerMedic999
C problems are 'Code Reds'
D problems are 'Code Blacks'
A problems are intubated
B problems look like they need to be

Karim @The_PCP #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
Important to use nearby hospitals for ED and bed spaces for P3 pnts- rarely utilised in #majorincident #PCP16 @The_PCP

Chris Smith @retrocoldplay
Amazing spirit that security need to control entry to resus as so many @NHSBartsHealth staff want to help in a Major Incident #PCP16

Important to establish a follow up protocol for the patients who have been injured during a major incident #PCP16

Peter W Walker @PeterWWalker
You can't walk in to ITU and ask patients to leave. ITU is full. Where does capacity come from ? Theatre Recovery? Transfer? @The_PCP #PCP16

Peter J Hollely @PJ85RN
#businesscontinuity is key following a #MajorIncident how do we get back to #business as usual, #trauma networks are key #PCP16


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Plastic Surgery and reconstruction after a mass casualty incident
Miss Hasu Patel, consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, St Bartholomew’s and The Royal London Hospitals

And we're back with Miss Hasu Patel, discussing plastics and reconstruction following major incidents; she coordinated 7/7 response #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
Looking forward to yet another inspiring talk by Miss Patel on her experiences of 7/7 #plasticsurgery #PCP16

Miss Patel has done extensive research into blast injuries, and is taking us through how bombs detonate and the blast wave occurring #PCP16

770 injured and 52 deceased following 7/7 #PCP16

Miss Patel is now talking through some if the horrific injuries found in blast attacks - they follow a pattern that can be studied #PCP16

Primary blast injury will cause major damage to multiple organs - patients do not survive primary injuries #PCP16

Primary fragments come from the bomber and bomb themselves: secondary fragments from the environment and victims #PCP16

Quarternary blast injuries are burns, either from the bomb itself, or from fireballs that occur #PCP16

Facial burns can cause swelling - always beware of the need for intubation! #PCP16

Never underestimate quinary blast injuries - PTSD. A HUGE issue in major incidents #PCP16

Miss Patel still meets with her 7/7 patients every 7th July - "an uplifting celebration of the human spirit" #PCP16

Miss Patel will also be telling us about a police officer at Aldgate who saved a number of lives @MedicCop @PoliceMedics @PolMed9586 #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Eg. of excellent burns treatment by Miss Patel's colleague mister Greg Williams. Amazing recovery and end result @The_PCP #PCP16

"Open injuries can be very deceptive; always been mindful about compartment syndrome" - Miss Hasu Patel #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
Miss Hasu Patel: Blast patients can't undergo long and intricate plastic surgery, they need quick release and damage limitation surgery #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
"Never overlook minor injuries" - could be very insidious and could easily deteriorate #PCP16 @The_PCP

"Civilian doctors have not seen blast injures, they don't know what to expect of them" - Miss Patel #PCP16

A mention of another incredible @NHSBartsHealth consultant, Miss Swee Ang, and her work on 7/7 as well #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
Salvage sometimes not an option for traumatic blast injuries, can show inexperience of civilian docs/surgeons in such situations #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Miss Patel talking through the importance of not overlooking minor injuries which can become infected - then more serious @The_PCP #PCP16

"Blast injuries are *evolving* injuries" - they require further debridement repeatedly until the wound is clean and bleeding #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Miss Patel says lessons from military on blast injuries not passed into civilian medicine yet... very interesting #PCP16 @The_PCP

Jess Foulkes @_JRFoulkes_
Highlighting the importance of passing on the lessons learnt by military surgeons to their civilian counterparts #PCP16

An upper limb injury = a likely chest and abdomen injury too #PCP16

Miss Patel's talk is going through each patient in the Aldgate bombing, showing their location in the train and injuries sustained #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Several speakers today emphasised that in suicide bombings injuries can be caused by human shrapnel.. horrifying concept #PCP16 @The_PCP

Days after 7/7 Miss Patel ended up alone in theatre due to a visit from the Queen! The little things you don't think about... #PCP16

Miss Patel's dedication to her patients is #inspirational, even being a guest of honour at s patient's wedding 😢 #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
Lesson for students: "Missing compartment syndrome in pnts who already lost a limb is absolutely not an option" @The_PCP @blsurgical #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Miss Hasu Patel speaking of her relationship with one pt from 7/7 who is now a Paralympian. Wonderful story #PCP16 @The_PCP

From the front row of #PCP16 I can see Miss Hasu Patel has tears in her eyes talking about her patients. Wow. An inspiration 😢

jordan @jordantud
Absolutely awe-inspiring talk by Miss Patel at #PCP16 about plastic surgery treatment for 7/7 victims. Amazed by the results.

Miss Patel is using fantastic technology to recreate the scenes during 7/7, taking us through the mechanisms of injury #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Miss Patel's persistence+determination in researching injuries seen on 7/7 is inspiring. She makes it sound v normal+easy #PCP16 @The_PCP

Some walking wounded can have bony projectiles - evidence of a high velocity injury, predicting future problems for patients #PCP16

Also need to be wary about blood born viruses during blast injuries - risk of cross-contamination with human tissue projectiles #PCP16

Miss Hasu Patel talking about the various mechanisms of injuries inflicted during suicide bombings #PCP16 @The_PCP

1 out of 19 traumatic upper limb amputations survived; a huge marker for massive internal injury #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Research into mechanism of blast injuries contributes 2 design of military gear for @BritishArmy. E.g. of lessons shared @The_PCP #PCP16

Blast lung was not known about in civilian practice at 7/7 - important for military and civilian collaboration #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Miss Hasu Patel singles out a particular lesson learnt from 7/7 - blast lung then classified as "inhalation injury" @The_PCP #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
"Blast injury management should be in Med school curriculum- absolutely essential for future" and maybe for paramed students too? #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Miss Patel's list- what needs to be done in the future. Also says military data is a wealth of info @The_PCP #PCP16

An inspirational, captivating, and educational talk from Miss Hasu Patel - incredible research regarding blast injuries and #PCP16

Miss Patel reiterating @lardyc7 earlier - "the limits of the human spirit are boundless" #PCP16

Lee Parker @lardyc7
@The_PCP genuinely gutted to have missed this talk as it covers

The Ginger Paramedic @GingerMedic999
All @NHSBartsHealth 7/7 survivors of traumatic amputation had improvised/prehospital tourniquets

Don't fear the BIG <C>

@The_PCP #PCP16


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Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Question posed to panel on how mass casualty incidents may be dealt with in other areas of the UK #PCP16 @The_PCP

Peter J Hollely @PJ85RN
The @The_PCP Symposium Q&A Panel have reps from @LondonFire @NHSBartsHealth @Ldn_Ambulance @metpoliceuk #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
"London can only cope with 4 out of 6 Paris-like incidents if an attack like that happened" #PCP16 @The_PCP

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Panel agrees command centre in Ldn could deal with up to 4 major incidents, but not a Paris attack in scope and scale (6) @The_PCP #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Army medics likely 2 be deployed in mass cas incidents? Met armed police says it would have 2 be in "catastrophic" circs @The_PCP #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
LFB's Alaistair Hislop says potential for fire brigade to act as medical co-responders, but needs much more work @The_PCP #PCP16

Peter J Hollely@PJ85RN
The_PCP Panel think #firstaid is the early key to managing #critical casualties initially @stjohnambulance have a really good app #PCP16


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Workshop: Spree-shootings
Dr. Marius Rehn, registrar in Anaesthetics and Intensive Care and HEMS spec. registrar at London's Air Ambulance

Now we're in a workshop with @DrRehn from @LDNairamb discussing decision making in shootings. Starting with horrific video footage #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Sobering footage of mass shootings across the world from Dr Marius Rehn @The_PCP #PCP16

@DrRehn will be giving a sobering talk on shootings, including his own experiences of the Brevik shooting #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
Marius Rehn: should be equity in critical care irrespective of geography- difficult to deliver bc major incidents are heterogeneous #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
Interesting how definition of major incidents is heterogenous. How do we define mass shootings? Terrorist attacks?  @The_PCP #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
An example of primary prevention... we are lucky to have strict gun laws in the UK @The_PCP #PCP16

icole Loi @NicoleLoi
Group brainstorming how 2 manage major incidents. More kit (tourniquets, etc), more training 4 ALL (Inc schools), intel @The_PCP #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Dr Marius Rehn giving his personal emotional account of the Anders Breivik attack, while he and his family were in Oslo @The_PCP #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Dr Marius Rehn makes the point that violent extremism is not only religious but can also be political - Breivik v rightwing @The_PCP #PCP16

@DrRehn reminding us major incidents are also natural (or man made in the case of climate change events) not just terrorism etc. #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Dr Rehn stresses need 4 major incidents reports 2be collated & investigated 4 research, produce more sophisticated protocols @The_PCP #PCP16

Peter J Hollely @PJ85RN
@DrRehn gave a good overview and introduced the THREAT concept #PCP16

Threat suppression
Haemorrhage control
Rapid Extrication

Audience in @DrRehn's workshop can list more and more shootings; horrendously common event #PCP16

The team are now getting into groups to discuss the recommendations for how to prevent shooting events #PCP16

Recommendations from the crowd - protect the EMS teams, keeping zones where it's safe or not, suppress the threat #PCP16

Important for all responders to carry basics kit such as tourniquets and dressings to treat patients as they go #PCP16

Anatomical triage is done by high-level medics. Physiological triage can be done with basics skills and knowledge #PCP16

Peter J Hollely @PJ85RN
A little review on #Triage by @The_PCP Symposium #PCP16 #prehospitalcare


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Mass casualty and Major Incidents: A military perspective
Lt. Col. Claire Park, consultant in Pre-hospital Care with London’s Air Ambulance and in Intensive Care and Anaesthesia at King's College Hospital

Our final speaker will be @ClairePark01! Due to the nature of the talk we will not be tweeting until after for the closing of #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
The talk I have been looking forward to most! @The_PCP #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Lt Col Claire Park describes a trauma team working in Camp Bastion with up to 25 observers (Mil medics)! Daunting prospect @The_PCP #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
"Trauma is a disease of exclusion- have to exclude all possible injuries" @ClairePark01 @The_PCP #PCP16

Nicole Loi @NicoleLoi
Lt Col Claire Park talks high and low velocity bullets and difference in energy transfer and trauma caused by each @The_PCP #PCP16

Shareef Mahdi @Shareef_Mahdi
High velocity GSW designed to injure and low velocity/"soft" designed to kill #PCP16

Fantastic talk on military approach to prehospital medicine and multiple casualties from @ClairePark01 - a wonderful finish to #PCP16!

@ClairePark01 finishing the conference with a thank you and well done from @LDNairamb! #PCP16