Cycloon Chapala (cat. 5) - Yemen / Arabisch schiereiland 30-10 t/m 03-11-2015

Auteur Topic: Cycloon Chapala (cat. 5) - Yemen / Arabisch schiereiland 30-10 t/m 03-11-2015  (gelezen 18799 keer)

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WHO scales up preparedness in Yemen for cyclone Chapala

Sana'a, 2 October 2015 — The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Public Health and Population in Yemen are intensifying efforts to respond to the serious consequences of Cyclone Chapala which is expected to hit parts of the country in the coming days.

According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the effects of this cyclone will be felt over large parts of Yemen. The effects are likely to be more severe in Shabwah and Hadhramaut, which have a combined population of about 1.8 million people. This includes more than 100 000 internally displaced persons and 27 000 refugees and migrants.

In preparation for the health impact of the cyclone, WHO has delivered trauma kits for 1000 patients in the Mukalla district of Hadramout governorate. The organization is also providing 20 000 litres of diesel to 8 hospitals to ensure their continued functionality, as well as 2500 litres of petrol in order for 16 ambulances to continue to provide emergency services.

A Strategic Health Operations Centre (SHOC) is being established in the WHO office in Sana’a while the Ministry of Health continues to function from its WHO-supported operations room.  In addition, WHO’s sub-office in Aden is on alert and working with partner agencies in the south to finalize their plans.

"We are in a regular contact with the health authorities in Mukalla and rapid response teams from the Ministry of Health to provide health information and carry out constant surveillance and assessment," said Dr Ahmed Shadoul, WHO Representative for Yemen. "WHO, health partners and health authorities are on high alert to ensure preparedness measures are in place and provide a timely response."


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Yemen Post Newspaper @YemenPostNews
Mukalla UNDER WATER as #Chapala drowns city with 40 inches of water, 100,000's evacuate. #Yemen #اليمن
9:06am · 3 Nov 2015


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Meest recente update Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC):


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Emergency relief aid has been dispatched by the Emirates Red Crescent Authority (ERC), the Khalifa Foundation and the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre, to the people in the Yemeni Island of Socotra which was hit by the tropical cyclone Chapala.


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Regen door Chapala in Saudi Arabie.

Bron/copyright: Directorate of the Saudi Civil Defense.

Meest recente en tevens de laatste update Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC):


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WHO has delivered 3 trauma kits, 5 emergency health kits and 2 diarrhoea kits to health facilities in Mukalla of Hadramout, Yemen.

Bron: WHO Yemen


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  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Up to 1.1 million people affected by Cyclone Chapala in Socotra Island, Hadramaut and Shabwah governorates.
More than 36,000 people are reported displaced and housed in public buildings or with host families.
Medical supplies, water and sanitation kits, NFIs and tents, and high energy biscuits have been pre-positioned or are on their way to most affected areas.
An airlift is being prepared to reach Socotra Island.

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