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Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSGreat to see so many public safety and healthcare professionals here at our When Terror Strikes seminar #maxsurvival pic.twitter.com/utCOIKJCO4
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSThe Boston EMS #HonorGuard presents the colors to kick-off #MaxSurvival pic.twitter.com/nEk2UNs6bc
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMS"By coming together we’re making our city, the region & Commonwealth better prepared." -Rene Fielding, @ReadyBoston #MaxSurvival
Ari Winograd @ari_winogradLessons learned from Boston Marathon and other tragedies helped prepare France for November attack #maxsurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMS"Info that MDs in France received after Boston bombings was invaluable in preparing emergency response plans" @FranceinBoston #MaxSurvival
Dawn Lewis @lewisdawnmWhy share lessons? "Info MD's in France had after Boston bombing invaluable in preparing for response" #MaxSurvival pic.twitter.com/YEQ1S5Pm5j
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMS.@FBIBoston on the types of injuries seen with firearm attacks from various ballistics #MaxSurvival pic.twitter.com/LnDKT5IkBr
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSMARCH acronym for Tactical Casualty Combat Care: Massive hemorrhage, Airway, Respiration, Circulation, Hypothermia #MaxSurvival
Youri Yordanov @YordaYouPr Carli the french prehospital response to #ParisAttacks #maxsurvival @BOSTON_EMS pic.twitter.com/63RwO3XBlt
Boston Public Health @HealthyBostonProfessor Pierre Carli, Commander in the Order of the Legion of Honor: We have to prepare. We have to plan for the future. #maxsurvival
Ari Winograd @ari_winogradPhysician at SAMU (French EMS) determines response of a 911 call to dispatch appropriate resources #maxsurvival
Ari Winograd @ari_winogradSAMU always in touch with a physician throughout calls. Short time from scene to definitive care #maxsurvival pic.twitter.com/jUpoKzy94W
Ari Winograd @ari_winogradSurgery in the Louvre...beyond incredible! Paris EMS #maxsurvival
Youri Yordanov @YordaYou@BOSTON_EMS #maxsurvival main specificity of SAMU pic.twitter.com/1CPxXfDnzZ
Dawn Lewis @lewisdawnmOne success model -Samu de Paris a physician led med ctrl dispatch and staff critical care EMS. Even performed ECMO in louvre. #maxsurvival
Youri Yordanov @YordaYou@BOSTON_EMS #ParisAttacks #maxsurvival send the minimum necessary number of medical units to each scene pic.twitter.com/eaPiqqWL8t
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSDr. Carli @SamusocialParis on the EMS system, scope of practice, importance of training, #ParisAttacks. #MaxSurvival pic.twitter.com/3fmOIHZAPp
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSTimeline of #ParisAttacks as told by @SamusocialParis - 3 explosions within 33 minutes, 5 total sites. #MaxSurvival pic.twitter.com/tU1fghBreO
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSProblem encountered at #ParisAttacks: many patients were hiding and difficult to access by #firstresponders #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMS"There's a need to have a good plan, but be able to adapt your plan to the situation at hand" - Dr. Carli #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSSaw a 421% increase of incoming calls to the Paris emergency phone lines from 9PM-4AM during #ParisAttacks. #MaxSurvival
Ari Winograd @ari_winogradFlexibility & scalability of Paris EMS, Fire, and Police est. thru existing plans prior to 11/13/15 led to successful response #maxsurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSVictims walked into hospitals before "White Plan" initiated. Must be prepared for initial self-transports prior to activation #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSAlthough large-scale incident, hospitals weren't overwhelmed and pt care didn't suffer #MaxSurvival pic.twitter.com/GufBZNEy51
Dawn Lewis @lewisdawnmPlanning beyond medical surge is important -After Paris Attacks there were 5000 Behavioral Health consults in first two weeks! #MaxSurvival
Youri Yordanov @YordaYou@BOSTON_EMS #ParisAttacks #maxsurvival pic.twitter.com/HMkzEsfrqf
Youri Yordanov @YordaYou@BOSTON_EMS #maxsurvival #ParisAttacks conclusion remarks of Pr Carli pic.twitter.com/95TFr449AP
ep4chcs @ep4chcs"Part of the safety of the healthcare system is to not have backup of care at the hospitals" Dr. Carli #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMS#MaxSurvival press conference with Chief Hooley, Director Fielding and Dr Pierre Carli about #ParisAttacks lessons pic.twitter.com/RtSbtfdikM
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSDr Alain Rozenberg with an in-depth look at the EMS/police integration #ParisAttacks #MaxSurvival pic.twitter.com/9zbOS2bDIY
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSDr Rozenberg responded to the #ParisAttacks at the Bataclan as the on-scene medical dispatcher. #MaxSurvival
Boston Public Health @HealthyBostonDistinguished speakers talk abt the strength Boston and Paris have gained in learning from one another #MaxSurvival pic.twitter.com/RVJRobKD1B
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSMoving footage of the #ParisAttacks shows chaos when attacks initiated and subsequent police response #MaxSurvival pic.twitter.com/xdwa31hgDF
Frederic Thys @fredthysSWat team took 1 hour to locate terrorists after it arrived at the Bataclan, French EMS official tells Boston conference #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSHow to improve response: protection of onsite medical teams, info-sharing with SWAT, more training. #MaxSurvival
Youri Yordanov @YordaYou#MaxSurvival Dr Abriat tells us about the @PompiersParis response to the #ParisAttacks @BOSTON_EMS pic.twitter.com/Zp2Vn41NfO
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMS125 units responded to #ParisAttacks, 104 BLS/21 ALS. #MaxSurvival
Frederic Thys @fredthysAmandine Abriat, Paris Fire Brigade, at #MaxSurvival : some ambulances riddled with bullets at the Bataclan
Frederic Thys @fredthysGripping video being shown by Paris Fire of an EMT telling a man his sister has no chance of surviving. #MaxSurvival
ERC @911RC1Medical Director on-scene shown to be very successful practice in Paris. #Maxsurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMS"Time is life" states Dr Abriat, while discussing rapid responses to #ParisAttacks #MaxSurvival
Frederic Thys @fredthysOne woman with a chest bullet wound to told Paris emergency medical responder she was okay and others should be helped first. #MaxSurvival
Frederic Thys @fredthysShooting caused a delay in deployment of EMTs at the Bataclan, Paris FD reports at #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSLesson: Prehospital providers entered warm/hot zones without police cover, requiring better coordination #MaxSurvival
Frederic Thys @fredthysSince attacks, Paris can now locate all ambulances with cellular technology: Paris Fd #MaxSurvival
Frederic Thys @fredthysParis police now taught hemorrhage control after Falll attacks. #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMS"We must balance medical issues with tactical considerations" - Dr Abriat #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSDistinguished speakers and members of the host committee #MaxSurvival pic.twitter.com/DDM9LUYg4s
James Chadbourne @mack505“Avoid transporting the catastrophe from the scene to the hospital.” #maxsurvival
Kim Tunnicliffe @KimWBZ#French emergency officials talk to #Boston 1st responders re: lessons learned from terror attacks in #Paris. #wbz pic.twitter.com/Zy85snKfNO
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSDr Youri Yordaniv, MD in charge of Saint-Antoine Hospital ED during #ParisAttacks, speaking about the "White Plan" #MaxSurvival
Boston Public Health @HealthyBostonGun shots in Paris EDs extremely rare. Medical personnel had to learn how to triage and respond to multiple GSWs in real time #MaxSurvival
City of Boston OEM @ReadyBostonDirector Fielding speaks with the media at The When Terror Strikes Conference @BOSTON_EMS #MaxSurvival #ReadyBoston pic.twitter.com/3ClWzwcS1b
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSAlthough necessary for surge capacity, discharging hospital patients was difficult due to travel restrictions and safety #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSA retired ENT surgeon who lived near the hospital ended up in the OR to assist an Orthopedic surgeon #MaxSurvival
Dawn Lewis @lewisdawnmUntil Paris was secured by police. Hospitals needed to shelter discharged patients or people who did not need care at all. #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSBy midnight, 3hrs post-attack, no more patients arrived but they prepared for a 2nd wave which began an hour later. #MaxSurvival
ep4chcs @ep4chcsFirst wave of patients arrived spontaneously, by taxi or über, before hospital knew what was happening. #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSHospitals remained in close contact with intelligence agencies over the course of the attacks, assisting with staff release #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSPatients remained silent, calm. Those with severe injuries asked staff to save pain killers for higher acuity patients #MaxSurvival
Boston Public Health @HealthyBostonWhat worked in Paris? Enough personnel, and extra people who came in as part of emergency plan and spontaneous volunteers #MaxSurvival
Boston Public Health @HealthyBoston.@YordaYou: The first people I thought about the next day was you in Boston. You could just replace Paris with Boston. #MaxSurvival
Boston Public Health @HealthyBostonWhat worked well in Paris? "Like Boston, we fight like we train." Each team performed like it was routine #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMS"We never did 'war medicine', never downgraded quality of care. We did what we do everyday, emergency medicine." #MaxSurvival
Boston Public Health @HealthyBostonImprovements: reinforcements ready & staffing in aftermath, food/water for personnel, managing false alerts in following days #MaxSurvival
Boston Public Health @HealthyBoston.@YordaYou: If you have to keep only one thing in mind, it's that it can happen at your doorstep. #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMS"Adapt and expect the unpredictable. Always be ready for long-term responses." #MaxSurvival
James Chadbourne @mack505Amazing that Paris had a mass-shooter MCI drill 12 hours before the attacks. #MaxSurvival Train how you fight.
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSDr Emmanuelle Dolla now speaking about Pitié Salpêtrière University's intake of 28 critical and 25 lower acuity patients #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSMultiple Paris hospitals received patients with life-threatening injuries via Uber. Must adapt and prepare security #MaxSurvival
Boston Public Health @HealthyBostonResponse teams at Pitie Salpetriere University Hospital wore color-coordinated vests to communicate their roles in the hospital #MaxSurvival
Dawn Lewis @lewisdawnmParis Attacks - Hospital plan for clear communication and organization was key to a smooth response. #MaxSurvival pic.twitter.com/pY1cianx3m
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSFinal speaker before panel is Dr Philippe Nuss, psychiatrist at Saint-Antoine University Hospital #MaxSurvival
Youri Yordanov @YordaYou#MaxSurvival #ParisAttacks role of psychiatrist after unexpected and I expectable events pic.twitter.com/AnFEjrOxFH
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSInteresting breakdown of psychological responses. A greater concern for others than for oneself #MaxSurvival
ep4chcs @ep4chcsThe psychological care of the healthcare workers is different than the care of the victims of terrorism. #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSLesson learned: propagation of psychological trauma in healthcare providers, from one shift to the next #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSImportant to deal with conflicting versions of an event, media version vs live experience, amongst patients #MaxSurvival
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMSA reminder to honor and support the EMS professionals who gave their lives in the line of duty. #MaxSurvival pic.twitter.com/JNgPOX0w9N