Uit de media buitenland 2016

Auteur Topic: Uit de media buitenland 2016  (gelezen 150875 keer)

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  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #40 Gepost op: 26 januari 2016, 19:07:08
RD.nl @refdag
Schietpartij in medisch centrum in San Diego  http://www.refdag.nl/nieuws/buitenland/schietpartij_in_medisch_centrum_in_san_diego_1_968211
6:10pm · 26 Jan 2016 ·


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Reactie #41 Gepost op: 26 januari 2016, 19:47:49
Een zegsman van het medical center heeft aangegeven, dat bij een eerste controle van gebouw 26 geen indicatie is gevonden van een schotenwisseling of een gevaarlijke situatie. Er zal een tweede ronde plaatsvinden, waarbij het gebouw wordt uitgekamt en de mensen worden geevacueerd. Ook in andere gebouwen op het complex worden volgens bestaande procedures mensen naar buiten begeleid en controle uitgeoefend n.a.v. andere binnengekomen informatie.
bron: uitzending persconferentie http://www.abcactionnews.com/video/abc-action-news-now
de waarheid verandert soms,  ....  maar het geloof in de waarheid niet


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Reactie #42 Gepost op: 27 januari 2016, 08:30:19
NEW YORK - Police cleared a suspicious package on Tuesday that had led to the evacuation of a building opposite the United Nations headquarters in New York that houses the U.N. missions of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.



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Reactie #43 Gepost op: 27 januari 2016, 12:37:42
Mumbai's police force was late to Twitter, but it has made up for lost time since joining last month with a series of pun-filled tweets.

The term "Mumbai Police" was trending on the social media site in India on Wednesday after the commissioner's official account posted its latest warning, to mark anti-drugs awareness week.


Mumbai Police @MumbaiPolice
Let’s Stop Drugs. #HoshMeinAao pic.twitter.com/KEL13x1KVi

CP Mumbai Police @CPMumbaiPolice
If you roll, we will weed you out. #HoshMeinAao

CP Mumbai Police @CPMumbaiPolice
Hi! Have you ‘meth’ us? #HoshMeinAao


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Reactie #45 Gepost op: 28 januari 2016, 20:57:51
*UPDATE 16:40*
We have 25 pumps plus two aerial appliances at the scene in Lumb Lane, Manningham.
The fire has spread from the basement to some areas of the roof, causing an increase in smoke. Firefighters’ current priority it to stop the spread to nearby buildings.
Please take note of our advice to keep windows and doors closed.
*UPDATE 16:20*
We now have 25 pumps at this incident.
We advise people to keep windows and doors closed, as there is a great deal of low lying smoke drifting across the area. Some local residents in Lumb Lane, Manningham Lane and Grosvenor Road are being evacuated to Richard Dunn Sports Centre, Bradford.
*UPDATE 12:50*
We now have 15 pumps at this incident.

Firefighters from stations around the Bradford area are currently tackling a fire at Lumb Lane Mills, Manningham, Bradford.
This is a four-storey building used for storage and the fire is in the basement. Four firefighters wearing breathing apparatus are tackling the fire, as well as one hose reel and one large jet.
Appliances are from: Bradford, Fairweather Green, Odsal, Shipley, Idle, Cleckheaton, Bingley, Illingworth, Morley, Stanningley and Hunslet.
Lumb Lane, Manningham, Bradford.



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Reactie #46 Gepost op: 28 januari 2016, 21:01:17


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Reactie #47 Gepost op: 29 januari 2016, 07:48:06
Portchester Fire St @Portchester28
Latest pic of Mill fire in Bradford , Lets hope all crews stay safe on scene overnight. #999family pic.twitter.com/2GZnsHIOkg


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Reactie #48 Gepost op: 29 januari 2016, 10:14:56
09.56 uur (NL tijd):

Here's our latest video from the scene. Keep sending your pictures, videos and comments to newsdesk@telegraphandargus.co.uk and we'll keep adding them to the blog. It sounds like the incident is likely to be ongoing throughout much of today.



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Reactie #49 Gepost op: 29 januari 2016, 12:35:15
Moscow, January 29 (QNA) - Russia's Novosibirsk hydro electric power station said on Friday it had evacuated 231 workers after a phone call about an explosive device at the station.
