Hazardous Area Response Team (HART)

Auteur Topic: Hazardous Area Response Team (HART)  (gelezen 110198 keer)

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Reactie #10 Gepost op: 23 januari 2016, 13:43:46
Een al ouder filmpje van dezelfde dienst:

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Reactie #11 Gepost op: 23 januari 2016, 13:55:12
#EMASHART working with EMAS crews over the weekend to retrieve a patient in a hard to reach area #Team999 pic.twitter.com/iTyF6ydft0

Tonight @MsKateLyons is out with our Paramedic Jane on our joint Police Ambulance vehicle:http://www.theguardian.com/society/live/2016/jan/22/britain-on-the-booze-live

Kate Lyons @MsKateLyons
A privilege to ride along with these two last night in the Polamb. What a team. @EMASNHSTrust @leicspolice pic.twitter.com/Tr10k4KS1Q


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Reactie #12 Gepost op: 23 januari 2016, 14:14:33
Joint Response Units @LAS_JRU
Two units just stopped and put out a fence on fire 🔥 before @LondonFire arrived #notjustparamedics #999family pic.twitter.com/amCXvwUUzN

Joint Response Units @LAS_JRU
Responded with @MPSNewham to this RTC. Car Vs ASDA occupants had decamped before our arrival. pic.twitter.com/kAE3olzx4W

Joint Response Units @LAS_JRU
On scene last night with @MPSTowerHam. Patient with a head injury after bring assaulted #999family pic.twitter.com/CcNWDwNQDy

Joint Response Units @LAS_JRU
Attended 80 year old patient found on the floor with @MPSTowerHam, treated for a broken hip. #999family pic.twitter.com/WrYkA9eZoF

Joint Response Units @LAS_JRU
Responded with @MPSHackney to a call where Patients arm went through a glass window #Arterialbleed #Tourniquet-A&E pic.twitter.com/bwfL7U9AMh

Joint Response Units @LAS_JRU
75% of life threatening calls should be responded to in 8 mins, for the last 3 years the team have an 82% average.

Joint Response Units @LAS_JRU
11 @metpoliceuk boroughs with their own paramedic resource tonight @MPSWestminster @LambethMPS @MPSSouthwark @MPSNewham @MPSTowerHam @MPSHackney @MPSHaringey @MPSIslington @MPSBrent @MPSLewisham @MPSBarnet stay safe all #collaboration #999family

Joint Response Units @LAS_JRU
Responded with @MPSHackney after public reported a blood trail. Was from a injured dog earlier today. #999family pic.twitter.com/ot4cZyFehi


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Reactie #13 Gepost op: 23 januari 2016, 14:58:37
A difficult day on the roads yesterday with 3 serious incidents




@chrispeace91 something like this or a plane picture chris? pic.twitter.com/WYmSc2JnmL

@chrispeace91 pic.twitter.com/NW7U5FyIGO

Millie Milward @MillieMilward
Everyday's a school day @WMASHART - showing the newbie our kit and capabilities pic.twitter.com/bDZT3d0OcD

Millie Milward @MillieMilward
Setting up and familiarising with kit for specific situations. @WMASHART pic.twitter.com/XURjXOvmbb

@OFFICIALWMAS We're recruiting for trainee HART Paramedics! http://www.jobs.nhs.uk/xi/vacancy/154f64f8e01b8a3ddd96db64a3d9893e/?vac_ref=914048488 pic.twitter.com/oN1xJpG7pQ


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Reactie #14 Gepost op: 23 januari 2016, 15:05:43
#UKHART teams support #police operation as 29 people arrested in drugs raids across RCT and Merthyr Tydfil http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/local-news/29-people-arrested-drugs-raids-10770116


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Reactie #15 Gepost op: 23 januari 2016, 15:50:00
Twee voertuigen van HART North West Ambulance Service (Liverpool en Manchester)



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Reactie #16 Gepost op: 24 januari 2016, 08:11:16
Jo Bird @wmasjobird
Reports of a house fire persons reported in #Coventry @WMPolice @WestMidsFire and @WMASHART with 🚑 all on route #multiagency #teamwork 🚒🚔

Wesley Williams @wes73068710
Exercise Cold Stream, @WestMidsFire testing procedures with @WMASHART and @EnvAgency in Hall Green. pic.twitter.com/VGfFKjAGWl

Joint Response Units @LAS_JRU
Responded to a stabbing with @MPSNewham. Patient transported to A&E #999family pic.twitter.com/KCAhTwQBh0l

Joint Response Units @LAS_JRU
Assisted @MPSTowerHam at an assault. Minor injuries discharged on scene. #999family pic.twitter.com/QXKTmt0nO2


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Reactie #17 Gepost op: 24 januari 2016, 10:03:53
NSW Ambulance staff are trained to help you.

Our Special Operations Team (SOT) recently participated in 4-wheel drive training in Cronulla. Driving in this challenging terrain ensures our paramedics are ready to respond to any situation, in physical environments across NSW.

Our Special Operations Team is trained in a variety of skills including vertical access (abseil rescues), using breathing apparatus including fully encapsulated gas suits, working in confined spaces, bushcraft in remote areas, swift water, helicopter and working with multi-agency partnerships.

The Special Operations Team also provides clinical support to our colleagues in the NSW Rural Fire Service, Fire & Rescue NSW and NSW Police, including bomb disposal and the Public Order Riot Squad.

Special Operations Teams are also deployed to multi-casualty incidents and disasters, where they provide life-saving medical intervention and support for patients who are trapped, in a precarious situation, or have been located after extensive searches after being reported missing.
‪#‎NSWAmbulance‬ ‪#‎SpecialOperationsTeam‬ ‪#‎SpecialOps‬

Bron: Ambulance Service of New South Wales http://www.ambulance.nsw.gov.au/


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Reactie #18 Gepost op: 25 januari 2016, 07:23:58
Joint Response Units @LAS_JRU
RTC rollover onto pedestrian crossing witnessed by KF MEDIC. No injuries, driver spent the night with @MPSNewham pic.twitter.com/yIS3ZOY4Dx


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Reactie #19 Gepost op: 25 januari 2016, 08:44:50
Andre Jones: Major Incident Response and DECON/HAZMAT Logistics containers and their contents from my ambulance service group of Hamad Medical Corporation on display at the International Conference in Emergency Medicine and Public Health #ambulance #EMS #qatar #hmc #hamad #icepq #doha #emergencyservices #emergencymedicine #emergencymedicalservices #paramedic #disaster #disasterresponse #911 #999 #majorincident