WHO classificeert uitbraak Zika virus als wereldwijde noodsituatie

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Reactie #20 Gepost op: 27 januari 2016, 22:50:15
Mogelijk over tien jaar pas vaccin tegen zika-virus


Amerikaanse wetenschappers die het zika-virus bestuderen, zeggen dat het mogelijk nog tien jaar duurt voordat er een vaccin op de markt komt. Tegen de BBC zeggen ze dat er over twee jaar een product kan liggen waarmee kan worden getest. Daarna duurt het waarschijnlijk nog jaren voordat de toezichthouders een medicijn goedkeuren.

De Amerikaanse wetenschappers hebben in Brazilië monsters van het virus verzameld. Ze voeren nu experimenten uit in laboratoria in Galveston, Texas.

lees verder: http://nos.nl/artikel/2083235-mogelijk-over-tien-jaar-pas-vaccin-tegen-zika-virus.html
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Reactie #21 Gepost op: 28 januari 2016, 06:11:43
Surveillance of #Zika as well as neurological complications, incl microcephaly & Guillain-Barré syndrome, should be strengthened #ZikaVirus

WHO recommends controlling mosquito populations to reduce the spread of #Zika, dengue, chikungunya which are transmitted by the same mosq.


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Reactie #23 Gepost op: 28 januari 2016, 07:16:50
What should you do as an emergency physician? http://stemlynsblog.org/breaking-news-zika-virus-update-st-emlyns/


  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #24 Gepost op: 28 januari 2016, 12:50:10
Wie komende zomer naar Zuid-Frankrijk, Spanje, Italië of Griekenland afreist, moet er rekening mee houden dat het zikavirus daar rondwaart. Een uitbraak ligt op de loer, zeggen experts tegen RTL Nieuws.
"We praten hier niet over een scenario. Het zikavirus zal waarschijnlijk vanaf april opduiken in Zuid-Europa. Daar zijn al heel veel tijgermuggen. Als één persoon met het virus onder de leden in Zuid-Europa wordt gebeten door zo'n mug, dan kun je ook daar een epidemie gaan verwachten", zegt muggenexpert Bart Knols tegen RTL Nieuws.


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Reactie #25 Gepost op: 28 januari 2016, 13:27:40
AFP news agency @AFP
#BREAKING Zika is 'spreading explosively', emergency meeting in February: WHO chief
1:16pm · 28 Jan 2016 ·

zie ook tweets @WHO


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Reactie #26 Gepost op: 28 januari 2016, 14:50:22
Dr Chan is addressing the 138th Executive Board meeting on #ZikaVirus #Zika #EB138
Dr Chan: For decades, #ZikaVirus, transmitted by the Aedes genus of mosquito, slumbered, affecting mainly monkeys #Zika #EB138
Dr Chan: In humans, #Zika occasionally caused a mild disease of low concern #ZikaVirus #EB138
Dr Chan: Last year, [#ZikaVirus] was detected in the Americas, where it is now spreading explosively #Zika #EB138
Dr Chan: As of today, [#Zika] cases have been reported in 23 countries and territories in the region #ZikaVirus #EB138
Dr Chan: The level of alarm [of #Zika spread] is extremely high #ZikaVirus #EB138
Dr Chan: Arrival of [#ZikaVirus] in some countries has been assoc w/ a steep increase in the birth of babies w/ abnormally small heads #Zika
Dr Chan: [Arrival of #ZikaVirus in some countries has also been assoc w/] cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome #Zika
Dr Chan: WHO is deeply concerned about this rapidly evolving [#Zika] situation for four main reasons #EB138 #ZikaVirus
Dr Chan: I have decided to convene an Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations [on #ZikaVirus] #Zika #EB138
Dr Chan: The International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on #ZikaVirus to meet on Mon., 1 Feb 2016 in Geneva #Zika
Dr Carissa Etienne of @pahowho is addressing the information briefing on #ZikaVirus at #EB138
Dr Etienne of @pahowho: I welcome [WHO] Director-General's announcement that she is calling an Emergency Committee meeting on #ZikaVirus
Dr Etienne of @pahowho: PAHO is a region w/ long experience in tackling mosquito-borne diseases - notably dengue and chikungunya #EB138
Dr Etienne of @pahowho: Since May 2015, we hv issued monthly [epidemiological] alerts advising countries what to do if they have #Zika cases
Dr Etienne of @pahowho: We have worked w/ Member States to mobilize community engagement - particularly around vector control #ZikaVirus
Dr Etienne @pahowho: Brazil first reported an upsurge in microcephaly in October we promptly convened an expert group #ZikaVirus #Zika
Dr Etienne @pahowho: Throughout the past 8 months we have liaised closely w/ [WHO] HQ [on #Zika resp] & look fwd to continuing our collab
Dr Marcos Espinal @pahowho: [#Zika] is not Ebola, this disease needs a vehicle. Controlling the vector is important to control the disease
Dr Marcos Espinal @pahowho: #ZikaVirus will go everywhere the mosquito is. We should assume that. We should not wait for it to spread
Dr Marcos Espinal @pahowho: There is no immunity [against #ZikaVirus] in the community in the Americas #Zika #EB138
Dr Marcos Espinal @pahowho: We need to strengthen health system, we need to fill in the knowledge gap on #ZikaVirus #Zika #EB138
Dr Marcos Espinal @pahowho: Risk of dengue transmission = risk of #ZikaVirus transmission #Zika #EB138 pic.twitter.com/geK5UtJzDz

Dr Marcos Espinal @pahowho: Recommendations for WHO Member States on #ZikaVirus #Zika #EB138 pic.twitter.com/iG4LFQ0kuI

NOW: Dr Claudio Maierovitch, Director of Communicable Diseases Surv., Min of Health, #Brazil addresses #EB138 info session on #ZikaVirus
Dr Maierovitch of Min of Health #Brazil: Working on #Zika vaccine initiatives in the country #ZikaVirus #EB138
Dr Lyle Peterson of the U.S. CDC is now addressing the #EB138 information session on #ZikaVirus #Zika
Dr Lyle Peterson of @CDCGlobal: Epidemiology team working in Brazil on two control studies on #ZikaVirus and Guillain-Barré, microcephaly
WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan & Regional-Director for @pahowho Dr Carissa Etienne brief #EB138 on #ZikaVirus pic.twitter.com/PJGjCVg194

Dr Sylvain Aldighieri of @pahowho: #ZikaVirus circulating at the moment in the Americas is v close to the one circ. in the Pacific Islands
Dr Chan: WHO to bring together the best experts in the world to look whether #ZikaVirus causes microcephaly or Guillain-Barrè syndr. #EB138
Dr Chan: We want to overcome the scientific gap on [#ZikaVirus], hence sharing of information will be crucial #EB138
The #EB138 information session on #ZikaVirus has ended.
Thank you for following the live web cast and our tweets from the event


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Reactie #27 Gepost op: 28 januari 2016, 18:59:43
Dr. Tom Frieden @DrFriedenCDC
Pregnant women urged to avoid areas w. ongoing #Zika transmission or strictly follow steps to avoid mosquito bites.


Dr. Tom Frieden @DrFriedenCDC
In partnership w/ @AmerAcadPeds, CDC releases new recommendations for evaluation of infants for #Zika.



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Reactie #28 Gepost op: 28 januari 2016, 19:01:14
(CNN)The Zika virus is "is now spreading explosively" in the Americas, the head of the World Health Organization said Thursday, with another official estimating between 3 million to 4 million infections in the region over a 12-month period.



  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
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Reactie #29 Gepost op: 28 januari 2016, 19:06:29
WHO to convene an International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on Zika virus and observed increase in neurological disorders and neonatal malformations

WHO statement 28 January 2016

WHO Director-General, Margaret Chan, will convene an International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on Zika virus and observed increase in neurological disorders and neonatal malformations.

The Committee will meet on Monday 1 February in Geneva to ascertain whether the outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

Decisions concerning the Committee’s membership and advice will be made public on WHO’s website.

Outbreak in the Americas

In May 2015, Brazil reported its first case of Zika virus disease. Since then, the disease has spread within Brazil and to 22 other countries and territories in the region.

Arrival of the virus in some countries of the Americas, notably Brazil, has been associated with a steep increase in the birth of babies with abnormally small heads and in cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, a poorly understood condition in which the immune system attacks the nervous system, sometimes resulting in paralysis.

A causal relationship between Zika virus infection and birth defects and neurological syndromes has not been established, but is strongly suspected.

WHO action

WHO’s Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO) has been working closely with affected countries since May 2015. PAHO has mobilized staff and members of the Global Outbreak and Response Network (GOARN) to assist ministries of health in strengthening their abilities to detect the arrival and circulation of Zika virus through laboratory testing and rapid reporting. The aim has been to ensure accurate clinical diagnosis and treatment for patients, to track the spread of the virus and the mosquito that carries it, and to promote prevention, especially through mosquito control.

The Organization is supporting the scaling up and strengthening of surveillance systems in countries that have reported cases of Zika and of microcephaly and other neurological conditions that may be associated with the virus. Surveillance is also being heightened in countries to which the virus may spread. In the coming weeks, the Organization will convene experts to address critical gaps in scientific knowledge about the virus and its potential effects on fetuses, children and adults.

WHO will also prioritize the development of vaccines and new tools to control mosquito populations, as well as improving diagnostic tests.