USAR Capability Team - United Kingdom

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Gepost op: 25 februari 2016, 07:10:56
Citaat van: oma link=msg=1408353 date=1456252678
A major incident has been declared following an explosion at Didcot Power Station in Oxfordshire.
South Central Ambulance Service said it has sent its hazardous areas response team to the site, as well as three ambulances and the air ambulance.
A spokesman said: "We are describing it as a major incident."

BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking
Major incident declared with several casualties after an explosion at Didcot power station

Hazmat & CBRNE News @hazmatnews
Didcot explosion: was been prepped for demolition charge, possible accidental detonation #didcot #explosion
USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
So what is a USAR Team? What is our role at major incidents like #DidcotPowerStation what specialist kit do we use? ALL answers to follow!..

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
The Urban Search & Rescue (USAR) capability was introduced in response to the terrorist attacks of September 2001 @CFOAfire @CNR_Resilience

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
Seventeen FRSs in England have been provided with USAR assets and funding to support a team of 30 USAR personnel, a search canine & handler

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
A further USAR team is hosted in Wales, with Scotland and Northern Ireland having a similar capability.

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
A typical FRS USAR response consists of 10 technicians, 1 of which would be a designated team leader, as well as a search and rescue canine.

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
The Capability has been operationally live in its entirety since March 2008 & has responded to thousands of incidents around the country.

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
Core USAR competencies include; technical search, scene & structural assessment, breaking & breaching, lifting & moving, and confined space.

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
Specialist skills include chainsaw and hot cutting operations. Technicians are also trained in line access and casualty extrication (LACE)

Good info coming from @USAR_Capability in response to the role of #USAR teams at #Didcot @CFOAfire @CNR_Resilience

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
A USAR team mobilise with 3 prime mover vehicles, each carries any of 5 demountable modules which are provided to each team

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
Multiple USAR teams, located across the country, ensure adequate provision of all modules in the event of a national scale major incident

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
USAR teams are supported by specialist @NARU_org Paramedics such as @SCAS_HART or @WMASHART whilst they carry out search & rescue operations

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
The responding teams of USAR technicians are supplemented and supported at incidents by specially trained USAR Tactical Advisers (TacAds)

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
The TacAd will liaise with the FRS Incident Commander, providing advice and guidance as to how a USAR team can be best deployed.

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
A guide to some of the equipment carried on @CFOAfire @CNR_Resilience @USAR_Capability Modules.

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
The USAR Tactical Advisor also acts as a conduit for liaising with other agencies on scene such as @oxonfire @ThamesVP

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
USAR TacAds provide a vital role within the National Co-ordination and Advisory Framework, which is in place for national level incidents.

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
NCAF supports Fire and Rescue Services in the resolution of major incidents, and supports the interface between local and central government

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
National Coordination and Advisory Framework (NCAF) structures the coordination of national FRS assets

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
The National Resilience Assurance Team (NRAT) support NCAF with the provision of expert advice on @CNR_Resilience capabilities

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
Dogs, drones, & search equipment in use at #Didcot This video shows the Delsar life detectors used by USAR teams

CobraEmergency @CobraEmergency
Give @USAR_Capability a follow to find out what they do at national disasters such as #DidcotPowerStation