GRIP 2 (STK634G veilig geland na rook in cockpit) Groningen Airport Machlaan - Eelde 12-04-2016

Auteur Topic: GRIP 2 (STK634G veilig geland na rook in cockpit) Groningen Airport Machlaan - Eelde 12-04-2016  (gelezen 2944 keer)

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Incident: Stobbart AT42 at Groningen on Apr 12th 2016, smoke in cabin

A Stobbart Air Avions de Transport Regional ATR-42-300 on behalf of Flybe, registration EI-EHH performing flight BE-6034 from London Southend,EN (UK) to Groningen (Netherlands) with 8 people on board, was on approach to Groningen when the crew reported smoke in the cabin. ATC offered a straight in landing to runway 05, the crew decided to continue to runway 23 for an ILS approach. The aircraft landed safely on Groningen's runway 23 about 20 minutes after reporting the smoke in the cabin. The aircraft stopped on the runway, the occupants disembarked rapidly. Emergency services did not need to jump into action.

The aerodrome was closed for about 90 minutes as result of the emergency.

The cause of the smoke is being investigated.

The return flight was cancelled, the passengers booked onto the return flight were rebooked on the later flight.

Bron: The Aviation Herald