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Crash: Egypt A320 over Mediterranean on May 19th 2016, aircraft found crashed, ACARS messages indicate fire on board(...)On May 20th 2016 The Aviation Herald received information from three independent channels, that ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) messages with following content were received from the aircraft:00:26Z 3044 ANTI ICE R WINDOW00:26Z 561200 R SLIDING WINDOW SENSOR00:26Z 2600 SMOKE LAVATORY SMOKE00:27Z 2600 AVIONICS SMOKE00:28Z 561100 R FIXED WINDOW SENSOR00:29Z 2200 AUTO FLT FCU 2 FAULT00:29Z 2700 F/CTL SEC 3 FAULTno further ACARS messages were received
'Smoke on board' EgyptAir plane before crashEgyptAir flight MS804 sent automated messages signalling smoke onboard before plunging into the Mediterranean, the French aviation safety agency said on Saturday, as search teams hunted for more wreckage.
Egypt deployed a submarine on Sunday to hunt for the EgyptAir plane that crashed in deep Mediterranean waters, President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi said, warning investigations into the disaster would take time.
AJE News@AJENews 40mBREAKING: Egypt forensic official says human remains from #EgyptAir crash point to explosion on board, AP reports
The human remains so far retrieved from the wreckage of the crashed EgyptAir plane suggest that there was an explosion aboard, an Egyptian forensics official and investigation sources said on Tuesday.
Gulf-Times@GulfTimes_QATAR#Egypt says signal likely from #EgyptAir black boxes detected #EgyptAirMS804
Data from one of the black boxes recovered from EgyptAir plane showed smoke alarms sounded on board, investigators say.
VANDAAG, 16:59 BUITENLANDVlak voor vlucht MS804 van EgyptAir in mei in de Middellandse Zee stortte, was er brand aan boord. Dat blijkt uit gesprekken tussen bemanningsleden die door de cockpitvoicerecorder zijn vastgelegd, meldt Reuters. Het persbureau baseert zich op bronnen binnen de onderzoekscommissie naar de crash. Vorige week werd al bekend dat er sporen zijn gevonden van roet, rook en oververhitting. Het is niet bekend wat de brand heeft veroorzaakt. lees verder: http://nos.nl/artikel/2115570-brand-aan-boord-egyptair-voor-toestel-neerstortte-in-zee.html