Vijf agenten gedood bij demonstratie tegen politiegeweld - Dallas (VS) 08-07-2016

Auteur Topic: Vijf agenten gedood bij demonstratie tegen politiegeweld - Dallas (VS) 08-07-2016  (gelezen 3677 keer)

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Dallas Police Chief: 4 Officers Killed, 7 Injured at Protest

    By terry wallace, associated press

At least two snipers opened fire on police officers in Dallas on Thursday night, killing four officers and injuring seven others during protests over two recent fatal police shootings of black men, police said.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown told reporters the snipers fired "ambush style" upon the officers. Mayor Mike Rawlings said one member of the public was wounded in the gunfire.

Police later said in a statement that a suspect was is in custody and a "person of interest" had surrendered. They said a suspicious package was being secured by a bomb squad.

The gunfire broke out around 8:45 p.m. Thursday while hundreds of people were gathered to protest fatal police shootings this week in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and suburban St. Paul, Minnesota.

The protests in Dallas were among several across the country that were held after a Minnesota officer on Wednesday fatally shot Philando Castile while he was in a car with a woman and a child in a St. Paul suburb. The aftermath of the shooting was livestreamed in a widely shared Facebook video. A day earlier, Alton Sterling was shot in Louisiana after being pinned to the pavement by two white officers. That, too, was captured on a cellphone video.

Video footage from the scene showed that protesters were marching along a street in downtown, about half a mile from City Hall, when the shots erupted and the crowd scattered, seeking cover.

Brown said that it appeared the shooters "planned to injure and kill as many officers as they could."

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Verschrikkelijk nieuws. Dallas is over het algemeen een vrij rustige stad, beetje onwerkelijk om dan te horen dat dit juist daar gebeurt.


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Edit: 1 verdachte overleden bij/na een 'standoff' in een parkeergarage.
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Schutter Dallas omgebracht met 'bomrobot'

Gepubliceerd: 08 juli 2016 14:48
Laatste update: 08 juli 2016 16:48
De verdachte die tijdens een demonstratie tegen politiegeweld in Dallas is omgekomen, werd om het leven gebracht met een bomrobot. De berichten dat hij zichzelf heeft omgebracht kloppen niet.
Dat laat de politiechef van Dallas, David Brown, vrijdagmiddag (Nederlandse tijd) weten tijdens een persconferentie.

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