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Deaths and injuries have been reported in central Ankara after a strong explosion struck the Turkish capital.Ambulances were taking the injured to hospitals. Witnesses said there were vehicles on fire and buses that had been heavily damaged.
At least 34 people have died after a car bomb exploded in the Turkish capital Ankara, less than a month after a suicide car bomber killed dozens of military personnel and civilians in the city.
Robert Schuddeboom @rschuddeboom11.15 #explosion #Istiklal street, Istanbul. Some casualties. Advice stay away from area. Turkish services acted professionally on the spot
24/7 BZ @247BZUpdate #reisadvies Turkije na bomaanslag Istikal: blijf alert & op hoogte van ontwikkelingen
Wouter de Winther @wouterdewinther 3 minANP Persalarm: Nederlands consulaat in Istanbul woensdagochtend gesloten om mogelijke terreurdreiging (BuZa)
24/7 BZ @247BZ 44mBent u in Istanboel? Blijf op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen via @247BZ en het #reisadvies https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/reisadviezen/inhoud/turkije?utm_campaign=sea-t-reisadviezen-a-reisadviezen_turkije @NLinIstanbul