Horror or terror

Auteur Topic: Horror or terror  (gelezen 1613 keer)

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  • Hoofd Rode Kruis Noodhulpteam, BLS instructeur
  • Senior gebruiker
  • ****
  • Berichten: 14,616
Gepost op: 6 december 2016, 08:18:50
Het verschil tussen 'terror' en 'horror' is in het Engels maar een paar letters. Een interessant artikel over wat paniek met een menigte doet. Hoe angst voor 'terror' zorgt voor 'horror'

...That's when I heard it. It sounded like a train was moving through the food court. I could hear momentum build around me and felt the floor begin to shake.
My thoughts were confused, trying to process what I was hearing. Then I saw people emerge from around the corner: scores of people, running through the food court, screaming, waving their hands in the air.
It was a stampede of countless people, and it was about to swallow up my nephew. I watched the wave of people as it reached him. ...
Was this an active shooter? Was it an act of terrorism? Could it be the shooter had a revolver, slipped it in their pocket, then ran out along with the rest of the mob that stampeded through the food court?
We may never know for sure, but a few things are certain: Terrorism is real and highly effective. ...