Ik weet het is een gigantische klus, maar zou het een idee zijn om de afko's in categoriën zoals brandweer, ggd, rode kruis, maritiem e.d. in te delen

Ik mis in ieder geval nogal wat maritime inbreng dus hier de meest voorkomende (zover nog niet in de lijst of verkeerd gespeld):
AMVER = Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue
ATC = air traffic control
ATS = air traffic services
CASEVAC = casualty evacuation
CES = coast earth station
CW = Continuous Wave
LES = land earth station
(R)DF = (radio) direction finding
DSC = digital selective calling
ELT = emergency locator transmitter
EPIRB = emergency position-indicating radio beacon
ETA = estimated time of arrival
ETD = estimated time of departure
GMDSS = global maritime distress and safety system
IAMSAR =International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual
ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organisation
IMO = International Maritime Organisation
Inmarsat = International Maritime Satellite Organisation
INTERCO = International Code of Signals
LKP = last known position
LUT = local user terminal
MAYDAY = m'aidez
MCC = Mission Control Centre
MEDEVAC = medical evacuation
MEDICO = medical advice
NAVAREA = navigational area
NAVTEX = navigational telex
OSC = on-scene co-ordinator
PIW = person in water
PLB = personal locator beacon
POB = persons on board
RSC = rescue sub-centre
SAR = search and rescue
SART = search and rescue transponder
SITREP = situation report
SOLAS = Safety of Life at Sea
F/V = fishing vessel
M/V = merchant vessel
S/V = sailing vessel