Bedrijfsbrandweer NAM Voertuigen

Auteur Topic: Bedrijfsbrandweer NAM Voertuigen  (gelezen 3208 keer)

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Gepost op: 26 oktober 2009, 08:50:08
Dear All

I wondered if anyone in the forum has any information about NAM bedrijfsbrandweer on the fire trucks they use and also the containers they use.

Also I underestand that they have some articulated trailers as well.

I hope you can help me please.

Many thanks


Bart S

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Reactie #1 Gepost op: 26 oktober 2009, 10:26:25
Only one I have, dated 2003. Don't know if it's still in service....


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Reactie #2 Gepost op: 26 oktober 2009, 13:40:13
3x Demountable Unit Carrier (DAF FAN CF85.30/LeeBur, 2003)
4x Demountanle Unit Trailers (Deaco ACS220, 2003)
2x Semi-trailer (DAF AE10-18/2, 1978) (Commandpost and Aggregate)
1x Equipmenttrailer (Hapert, 2002)
2x Deepliftpump-unit (HFS, 2003)  (Pumpcapacity 11000 l/m)
5x Hose-unit (HFS, 2003)


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Reactie #3 Gepost op: 26 oktober 2009, 13:50:31
Thanks I wondered if anyone has any photos of all these voertuigens also have NAM got any Schuimblusvoertuigens as well.




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Reactie #4 Gepost op: 26 oktober 2009, 15:52:59
The two (old) foamtrucks (Mercedes-Benz 1922F/Kronenburg, 1987) are sold (one to the Den Helder Fire Brigade).
The new vehicles are not mainly used for firefighting purposes, but more for use in case of  a so called ‘blow-out’ of an oil- or gaswel.
Therefore they are not red and have no (blue) flashlights and sirens.


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Reactie #5 Gepost op: 26 oktober 2009, 16:08:30
I think I saw a photo of the equipment trailer the tractor unit I think was a Volvo with a crane I think I saw this on the GE-Brandweer Rozenberg website foto section


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Reactie #6 Gepost op: 26 oktober 2009, 16:12:17
equipment trailer with volvo tractor unit with crane


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Reactie #7 Gepost op: 26 oktober 2009, 17:52:33
I think your wrong
the equipmenttrailer is a 'small' tandemaxletrailer


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Reactie #8 Gepost op: 26 oktober 2009, 22:46:32
Ok I must have got it wrong
