En voor dat de vraag komt wat betekent 10-75, 10-60 etc, hier is de lijst:
•10-01 Call your quarters by telephone
•10-02 Return to quarters
•10-03 Call the dispatcher by telephone
•10-04 Acknowledgment
•10-05 Repeat
•10-06 Stand by
•10-07 Verify address
•10-08 Available on the air
◦CODE 1: Used by battalion chiefs when leaving a firehouse to which their fire tickets were redirected
◦CODE 2: Used by any unit when they are in service by radio, but not in their first alarm response area
•10-09 Off the air
•10-10 Current location
•10-11 Give a radio test count
•10-12 First arriving unit give preliminary
•10-14 Roster staffed engine
•10-18 Return all units except 1 engine AND 1 ladder
•10-19 Return all units except 1 engine OR 1 ladder
•10-20 Proceed to box location at reduced speed
•10-21 Brush fire
•10-22 Outside rubbish
•10-23 Abandoned derelict vehicle fire
•10-24 Auto fire
•10-25 Manhole or transformer vault fire
◦CODE 1 - Fire extended into building
◦CODE 2 - Cover blown
◦CODE 3 - Smoke issuing under pressure
◦CODE 4 - Transformer fire (manhole or pole mounted)
•10-26 Food on stove
•10-27 Compactor or incinerator fire
•10-28 Subway or railroad fire, emergency or smoke condition
◦CODE 1 - Structural fire
◦CODE 2 - Non-structural fire (e.g. train fire, rubbish on the tracks, etc.)
◦CODE 3 - Non-medical emergency
•10-31 Assist civilian - non-medical
•10-32 Defective oil burner
•10-33 Odor of smoke
◦CODE 1 - Caused by nearby working fire, BBQ's, salamanders, Etc.
◦CODE 2 - Any other type odor
•10-34 Sprinkler system emergency
◦CODE 1 - Defective equipment
◦CODE 2 - Unnecessary alarm
◦CODE 3 - Non fire activated
•10-35 Unwarranted or unnecessary alarm system activation
◦NO CODE - Unwarranted alarm. Alarm system activation caused by the defective condition of alarm device, equipment or system.
◦CODE 1 - Unnecessary alarm caused by alarm system testing or servicing.
◦CODE 2 - Unnecessary alarm caused by construction activities
◦CODE 3 - Unnecessary alarm caused by ordinary household activities
◦CODE 4 - Unnecessary alarm caused by other known causes (e.g., smoking in unauthorized areas.)
•10-36 Automobile accident or emergency
◦CODE 1 - Washdown
◦CODE 2 - Accident - no injuries or washdown
◦CODE 3 - Accident with injuries
◦CODE 4 - Accident requiring extrication
◦NO CODE - All others
•10-37 Medical assignment not associated with fire operations
◦CODE 1 - Victim deceased (non-fire related)
◦CODE 2 - Victim not breathing - requires resuscitation
◦CODE 3 - Victim is breathing with illness or injury
◦CODE 4 - Medical assignment where the unit is 10-84, has no patient contact, and EMS is on scene.
•10-38 Carbon monoxide response
◦CODE 1 - Detector activation (defective, low-battery, unwarranted)
◦CODE 2 - Detector activation - CO incident - Readings 1-9 PPM
◦CODE 3 - Detector activation - CO emergency - Readings > 9 PPM
◦CODE 4 - No detector activation during incident or emergency (No detector present or did not activate)
•10-39 FD units standing by at interagency incident, e.g., standing by at a suspicious package
•10-40 Utility emergency
◦CODE 1 - Gas
◦CODE 2 - Electric
◦CODE 3 - Water condition
◦CODE 4 - Steam leak
•10-41 Suspicious fire
◦CODE 1 - Occupied building or vehicle
◦CODE 2 - Unoccupied building
◦CODE 3 - Unoccupied vehicle
◦CODE 4 - Vacant building
•10-44 Request for public ambulance
•10-45 Fire related injury
◦CODE 1 - Black tag
◦CODE 2 - Red tag
◦CODE 3 - Yellow tag
◦CODE 4 - Green tag
•10-47 Request police
•10-48 Request police forthwith for harassment
•10-51 Cancellation of outside activities
•10-60 Major emergency (Bldg collapse, train wreck, Etc.) 8 Engines, 5 Ladders (one being the FAST Unit), 6 Battalion Chiefs (3rd due chief is Safety Officer; 6th due chief is Resource Unit Leader), 2 Deputy Chiefs, 2 Rescue Companies, 2 Collapse Units, 2 SOC Support Trucks, SOC logistics van, Squad 1 with is Technical Response Vehicle, 1 additional Squad, Rescue Battalion, Haz-Mat Battalion, Safety Battalion, Field Communications Unit, Satellite Unit with its associated Engine, RAC Unit, and a Mobile Command Center). Also, a Battalion responds and meets NYPD Aviation to provide Air Recon.
•10-66 Missing, lost, trapped, or seriously injured member requiring extrication (Increases response by transmission of the next higher alarm, 1 additional deputy chief, 2 battalion chiefs, the collapse unit from the borough of incident, a collapse rescue task force, an additional squad, a SOC Support ladder, a FAST unit, a CFR-D engine, SOC Logistics support van, SOC Compressor truck, SOC Dewatering unit, Public Information officer, EMS division captain, EMS Haz-Tac officer, a BLS ambulance, an ALS ambulance, an EMS Rescue Paramedic ambulance, OMA response physician and a medical officer.) If the cause of the 10-66 is due to a collapse, a signal 10-60 also must be transmitted.
•10-70 Water supply required - A notification that the first arriving engine has no positive water source.
•10-75 Request 4 engines, 2 ladders, 2 BC's, a Rescue and Squad, and a FAST truck
•10-76 High-rise building fire (Response of 5 engines, 5 ladders, 4 battalion chiefs, 1 deputy, 1 rescue, Mask Service Unit, Hi-Rise Unit, Field Comm Unit, a Squad, a Tactical Support unit, a RAC unit, the Special Operations battalion chief, the Safety Operating battalion chief, a safety officer, and a lobby control unit.)
•10-77 High-rise multiple dwelling fire (Response of 5 engines, 5 ladders, 3 battalion chiefs, 1 deputy, 1 rescue, 1 squad, the Special Operations battalion chief, a safety officer, Field Comm unit, and the Safety Operating battalion chief.)
•10-80 Haz-Mat incident. Incident can be controlled by units already on scene. Haz Mat and the Haz Mat battalion may be special called.
◦CODE 1 - An incident that requires additional resources not carried by regular field units to mitigate a spill or release that requires specialized training, knowledge, equipment or PPE. Transmission of a 10-80 code 1 does not involve contamination of civilians or responders. Box will be filled out to 4 engines, 2 ladders, 2 battalion chiefs, 1 deputy chief, FAST unit, Haz Mat battalion, Haz Mat unit, Haz Mat tech unit, 1 rescue, Haz Tac ambulance, Haz Tac conditions chief, 1 BLS ambulance, Conditions officer.
◦CODE 2 - An incident that involves a spill or release with 4 or less contaminated civilans or responders and requires Haz Mat resources for possible rescue, mitigation and decontamination. Units assigned on a 10-80 code 2 include the assignment of a 10-80 code 1 plus: Safety battalion, Rescue battalion, 3 additional battalion chiefs, Field Comm, 1 additional Haz Mat tech unit, Decon Support unit, Tac unit, Chemical Protective Clothing unit (CPC unit), 1 additional Haz Tac ambulance, BLS ambulance, ALS ambulance, RAC unit, PIO officer, Medical Director.
◦CODE 3 - And incident where 5 or more or responders are contaminated and additional Department resources are needed above the code 2 level. Units assigned on a 10-80 code 3 include the assignment of a 10-80 code 2 plus: Command Chief, 1 additional Deputy chief, 3 additional Haz Tac ambulances, Decon Shower unit, 1 additional Haz Tech unit, 3 additional CPC units, 1 additional RAC unit, Mask Service unit, EMS Deputy chief, BLS ambulances, ALS ambulances.
◦CODE 4 - A mass decontamination response to decontaminate a large number of victims as quickly as possible. A 10-80 code 4 will result in the dispatch of a 10-80 code 3 plus the Mass Decon Task Force. The MDTF is 1 battalion chief, 2 engines, 1 CPC tower ladder, 1 Haz Tac ambulance, 2 Soc Support ladders or HHTUs to monitor victims to determine the need for additional Techincal Decon. For every 250 victims, an additional MDTF will be called.
•10-84 Announce arrival at box
•10-86 Fluoroprotein Foam Operation
•10-91 Medical Emergency EMS - Fire Unit Not Required - To be transmitted through borough dispatcher by the responding unit when the fire Unit is canceled enroute due to EMS on scene, or EMS downgrades the job to a segment that does not require a Fire Unit response. Note: This signal shall be used only for medical emergency incidents.
•10-92 Malicious false alarm
•10-99 Units will operate over 30 minutes