Het zou mij persoonlijk niet verbazen als we vandaag nog naar code oranje (voorwaarschuwing extreem weer) gaan. De situatie is uiterst precair door (de restanten van) ex-orkaan Bertha. Door een mix van vochtige lucht, hoge windsnelheden verschillende richtingen op, op verschillende hoogtes en de passage van het koufront in de loop van de middag / avond, ontstaan er waarschijnlijk zware onweersbuien. Voor het koufront uit kunnen zware buien ontstaan, die in de bijzondere luchtsoort eventueel kunnen doorgroeien naar het soort 'supercel'. Er dient dan rekening te worden gehouden met kans op zware windstoten, eventueel valwinden (downbursts) en een (flinke) tornado is ook niet uit te sluiten. Ik hoorde op het weerforum een meteoroloog al zeggen dat de situatie erg doet denken aan de 'tornado outbreak' van augustus 2008, zie daarvoor
deze Wiki.
In de loop van de middag / begin van de avond zou dan het koufront vanuit het zuiden over Nederland moeten trekken. Dit zal gezien de windomstandigheden waarschijnlijk gaan 'oplijnen' in een squall-line of multicel buiencluster. Gevolg is dat er op de buienlijn kans is op zware windstoten en zeker op plekken waar de lijn een 'bow echo' toont (
zie Wiki) kunnen die windstoten extra zwaar zijn (valwinden/downburst). Ook in het koufront is een tornado niet uitgesloten.
Hier de tekst van Estofex, inclusief de Level 2 boven een groot deel van NW-Europa.
Storm Forecast
Valid: Sun 10 Aug 2014 06:00 to Mon 11 Aug 2014 06:00 UTC
Issued: Sun 10 Aug 2014 04:36
Forecaster: VAN DER VELDE
Levels 1 and 2 were issued for southern UK, parts of France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, western Germany and southern Scandinavia
mainly for severe convective wind gusts and tornadoes, but also large hail.
Remnants of ex-tropical cyclone Bertha reach the southwestern UK this morning. It is undergoing cyclogenesis in a baroclinic environment and will assume classic extratropical cyclone features with well defined fronts. The occlusion point is predicted to move from Wales to Yorkshire and then northward, while the surface cold front will push eastward into France, reaching Germany by 21Z (GFS 18Z run), approaching Poland, Sweden and Norway by 03-06Z the next day. The warm front is advected northward from Belgium at the start of the period and should have reached central Denmark by 18Z. The cold front is much better defined at mid levels, running ahead of the surface cold front, enabling a narrow zone with dry/cold mid levels over moist low levels harbouring potential instability. Indeed, the GFS model shows this zone to have a CAPE similar to the warm sector. The magnitude of MLCAPE is not so large, however: 300 to 700 J/kg. This is caused by mid level lapse rates hardly better than neutral in range of the cold front. Deeper into eastern France and Germany steeper lapse rates are found. The cold front is supported by the advection of a PV anomaly which should cause strong lifting over southern UK, NW France, Benelux, NW Germany and southern Scandinavia.
The situation allows for highly organized convective storms thanks to the strong linear forcing and the presence of strong vertical wind shear.
...northern France, Belgium, Netherlands into Germany and Denmark...
A large area with predicted 0-1 km shear vector magnitudes of 15-18 m/s, 0-6 km shear of 20-25 m/s and very humid, neutral lapse rate airmass with BL mixing ratio 10-12 g/kg and MLCAPE locally over 500 J/kg is found along and east of the cold front. The mean wind speed at 1-4 km altitude is just short of 25 m/s. The lifting action of the PV intrusion in synergy with CAPE and favorable shear environment
should lead to a fast-moving squall line with bow echo structures, with widespread damaging wind gusts (generally 20-30 m/s). Locally very severe gusts may be observed in some bow echoes or in supercell downdrafts given also the high precipitation load in this environment and also the mixing in of mid level dry air behind the upper cold front creates a strong downdraft potential(delta-theta-e 15-20K).
A moderate tornado potential is present with such strong low-level shear.
Tornados may be produced from embedded mesocyclones in a linear system or from discrete supercells ahead of the line. An isolated strong tornado may occur. Isolated large hail may be observed, the low cloud bases and limited upper level buoyancy are counteracting the otherwise supportive environment with mesocyclonic updrafts.
The best forcing passes over Netherlands and northwesternmost Germany. Towards central Germany, weaker forcing is present, but similar shear conditions, with less strong flow. Higher LCLs and steeper lapse rates contribute to better chances for large hail, while severe gusts and tornadoes are also quite likely.
Meanwhile (18Z), the warm front over S/E Denmark seems to be associated with low level convergence and can trigger high precipitation storm clusters and discrete supercells, given 300 m²/s² of 0-3 km SREH predicted (GFS 18Z run). Later the cold front squall line will come in from the southwest with mainly severe gust chances. These threats continue during the night into Norway and Sweden, but as CAPE dwindles and parcels become elevated the threats subside gradually.
Bron: Estofex -