Ook de hemostatische verbanden en tourniquets staan beschreven in richtlijnen voor de eerste hulpverleners, evenals het gebruik van bronchodilatstors (puffjes bij astma/copd) adrenaline bij allergische reacties en aspirtine bij pijn op de borst.
Haemostatic dressings
Use a haemostatic dressing when direct pressure cannot control
severe external bleeding or the wound is in a position where direct
pressure is not possible. Training is required to ensure the safe and
effective application of these dressings.
Use of a tourniquet
Use a tourniquet when direct wound pressure cannot control
severe external bleeding in a limb. Training is required to ensure
the safe and effective application of a tourniquet.
Bronchodilator administration
Assist individuals with asthma who are experiencing difficulty
in breathing with their bronchodilator administration. First aid
providers must be trained in the various methods of administering
a bronchodilator.
Stroke recognition
Use a stroke assessment system to decrease the time to recognition
and definitive treatment for individuals with suspected acute
stroke. First Aid providers must be trained in the use of FAST (Face,
Arm, Speech Tool) or CPSS (Cincinnati Pre-hospital Stroke Scale) to
assist in the early recognition of stroke.
Aspirin administration for chest pain
In the pre-hospital environment, administer 150–300 mg chewable
aspirin early to adults with chest pain due to suspected
myocardial infarction (ACS/AMI). There is a relatively low risk of
complications particularly anaphylaxis and serious bleeding. Do
not administer aspirinto adults withchestpainofunclear aetiology.
Second dose of adrenaline for anaphylaxis
Administer a second intramuscular dose of adrenaline to individuals
in the pre-hospital environment with anaphylaxis that has
not been relieved within 5 to 15 min by an initial intramuscular
auto-injector dose of adrenaline. A second intramuscular dose of
adrenaline may also be required if symptoms re-occur.